Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Jess Corbin - Jess Corbin Associates - Qiverse - Cistera

Lelanora had suffered abuse from Princess Isabellani, threatening that if she couldn’t keep the people subjugated, she would invade and do it for her! Luckily she had no intentions of doing such, her resources were already getting stretched too thin, reinforcements from the home worlds, were tediously delayed time after time with excuse after excuse.

Daddy” she had implored him “How can you expect me to keep order with such poor quality troops I have under my command, I need the best daddy “ He sent her some more of his best troops, but not many, his eyes were feasting elsewhere and looking on, he licked his lips, soon they would feel the wrath of the Jogarth empire.

The remaining main troopers were confined to the main palace areas, smaller sections were posted to small citadels, built specifically to hold outlying troops and to keep control of the provinces, with their own governors. One such governor was Jerek, he had been nobody, before being made to governor.

Tall handsome, even some would say, arrogant and egotistical b’stard.He had wreaked revenge on a few Aristocrats who had belittled him, seizing their lands their property and wealth. Now he also seized some of the women, who he likewise saw fit to abuse and pleasure when ever he desired, with a savagery not seen amongst them.

He ruled the province using violence and extortion, to extract more from the people.
They never complained or dared speak out, if they did, they were beaten and kicked senseless. He allowed the troops at his command, complete rights to the citadel’s outlying villages as we would call them. Small communes, raiding, raping and pillaging.

Though they seldom killed. It was made clear to them, he didn’t like drawing too much attention and Lelanora would object to killing them. “By all means” She would say as she finished making use of his body. “ Do what you wish with them, but don’t kill them !, we have to have them work the next day, killing them is so permanent don’t you think ?“

Jerrek had often fancied his chances at court, but he was not her favourite just her ‘Bit of rough ‘ one might say, that she liked now and again to savour, she liked his well built and developed muscles wrapped around her.

When can we expect them “ “Shortly, I had the transmission and relayed back the co-ordinates “ “ Standard disguise as freighters ?” “Pretty innocuous, won’t get the interest of the administrators or control and they’ll use primary signatures to identify them as from Urowq, our lot hate searching their ships”

How many can we expect to seize in one hit ?” He was shown a list, “Excellent, and with some of them disguised as Kequesenta, (Galactic traders) no one will blame us, but we will of course show up too late ! “ Jerek has heard of a race called the Xacsa whose delicacy for eating, was young Kets, some 4 earth years to 5 maximum, they were, as we would call them, cannibals eating and indulging in flesh.

Recently thanks to Jerek, they had savoured a Fendiq Ket and liked the taste so Jerek had been told. They were prepared to pay handsomely, if he could procure several for a banquet due in their leaders honour. He had done some research, nearby there was a medium size commune.

Some three hundred families. He had spoilt the parents, allowing them to feed their Kets a little better, fattening them for the oncoming raid! Carefully biding his time, his emissary had been in touch, all very secretive he had said, but Jerek was not surprised!

The more secretive the better, it meant, that those around him, or his superiors, wouldn’t find out! He dared not think what might happen, if they did! Everything went to plan. Most of the usual garrisoned troops, loyal to Lelanora had had their drinks rations increased and drugged.

The raid would be in daylight, well almost daylight, early morning. Something Jerek was not happy about but had no control over! The ships landed shortly before dawn, Jerek and Sobio went to meet their guests with a few armed men just in case.

Jerek noted that the vessels were fairly common types. Nothing unusual in that, he had sold off some of the vessels similar to these for other uses. To once again bolster his coffers!
Without the knowledge of those on Fendiq telling them the craft concerned had left, with escapees on board.

Moving aboard the main vessel they were left waiting. Not for long! They were greeted by a female, who sat them down and poured some ale. Jerek was looking at her running his eyes over her full firm body, then she left them, telling them to drink up as another figure stepped into the room, he was fairly tall but slim build and told them he was the Emissary from his people.

They talked and laughed, their host excused himself, saying he had to go and check, the Draxetnium was packed, ready for shipping to them. It would be, delivered to them, within minutes of receiving confirmation, of the raid on the commune being successful!

Another male appeared and took his place. The one who was going to lead the raid?
He needed to see the plans, for the layout, of the adjoining buildings. Lelanora’s palace was close by!
Jerek assured him that the main contingent of guards had been drugged and were, therefore of no consequence, they would not respond, even if the alarm was raised!

As for Lelanora herself and her entourage, including her guards? Jerek was no fool!
hey too had been sedated! Seizing the Kets would be carried out without complications.
At the edge of the commune, several figures moved towards the main Palace gates, scouted around the area and then made contact with others. It was quiet! Nothing moved apart from the odd citizen in the commune itself!

Moments later Jerek and his men were dead, the bodies taken away as another female figure stepped into the room, “ Are we ready ?” “ Yes your Highness, but I beg you let me lead the assault! I really am concerned “ she leaned forward.

Dofen stop ! You know I can easily beat you at Scorb (a physical sport similar to Judo but much more advanced) He grinned. “ Yes I’ve still got the bruises to show for it Highness!” “Perhaps” She paused “You let me win, afraid of how I might punish you ? If I lost ? “ “I NEVER lose !

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