Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The Assasin.

We are indeed; elsewhere ... Our story ? Well it, takes place ..

It was the Fendiq,  palace grounds.
The early hours. when a figure, slipped past the guards, it was not that Cxao’s guards, well those that were on duty, were asleep ! Quite the contrary, they were in loud raucous conversation some of it bordering on lewd !

“Koemini. now there” said one of them.  “Is a female, to contend with ! She’s got, more male genes, than all you lot put together !“ There was a roar of laughter, as one of them replied. “You mean, handled more males genes, than any of us ! “

A figure, stepped into the room. They, fell about laughing again. Koemini, was not the least bit amused. “If that’s about me again Ferdren, perhaps I should tell your female. you been seen bonding with, who is it?  Feilen from the outer quadrant !” Fedren stopped laughing.

“I, had a feeling, that might, take the smirk off your face !”
“Where’s Cxao ?” “On Raptor why ?” She pulled out a piece, of what looked like fabric? They stared at it. “Sector 3 found it inside the quadrangle. Not, seen this before; have you Besrek ?”

Besrek stepped up, took it off her. His face turned pale.  “Shite “ he moved over to the control panel and triggered the alarm pulse ! “What the “ “Its a piece of uniform from “ he looked at them “a Decha cun vare”

Koemini’s  face, now changed the realisation now hitting home. “A bloody assassin ! “ “How long do you reckon since “ “Can’t be long, it was still warm, when I picked it up “

All, bar Koemini, grabbed weapons. She was talking to Lianne. They had  scattered through the hatch, to their pre arranged areas. Enroute they met up with the patrol. on patrol?  Girot scowled.“Not a chance, whoever, would not, have got past our detectors.”  Besrek grabbed him shoved his huge fat body like some toy against the wall.

“Just one, just ONE of those, killed a squad, of over thirty, trained troopers. Took em on, took em out ! They have no, conception of life, no conception of fear, or fear of dying! Do you understand me you. “ Jess Corbin The Cflen

Truth was, Besrek never liked Girok. He had already advised Cxao he would NOT work with the guy. Lazy, self indulgent and a bad attitude re work.

He shoved him, against the wall, let him drop. Backed away “One of those troopers, was my brother. “ His face contorted, a building rage? “This one is mine.“ Girok’s voice changed, He now could empathise with Besrek. He too had lost a close friend in an ambush; recently. “How do we find it ? “

There was a noise, the appearance of a female guard, called Camxio.
She was, one of the most, well trained, in the squad.  “Cxao says, they will scan the citadel, from Raptor. Should give us exact positioning on this “

She passed the ‘tracker’ device, to him. There was nothing, on the screen for a few moments then it bleeped. Outline of the figure forming into an image? “So that’s our assassin”. He nodded. A female, not unusual, there are males but the females often are far more deadly.

He suddenly, became aware, of the location? The Kets domiciles!  He let out a howl. “Who ever it is, is after the Kets ! “ “Well they’re not there are they ?” “Mairan find out from Cxao! NOW! Please tell me the Kets are NOT in the palace domicile ?”

There was, some heated coms conversation. She turned back.  “Ameryst, Kelowi - Lady Kempsey’s Ket, is with her. They’re supposed to be going back to Raptor within the hour.  Came down to pick up some items “ “Dammit  if it gets to them we’ll be too late “Jess Corbin The Cflen

“Ameryst our baby !! Cistera will kill us all, if anything happens to her! “
Luckily IT had NOT got to the domiciles IT had got lost ! Scouting the huge corridors, within the palace, finding entrance after entrance leading to nothing, but empty, domiciles!

NOTHING! She cursed, at the informant, who, had given her little, or no information of any use, or relevance ! It was then Ameryst and Kelowi came round the corner. 

The figure, shrouded masked and Ameryst, knew straight away, what it was ! The stuff of nightmares. She pushed Kelowi behind her, as the figure moved towards them, then stopped.

A voice behind her, shouted at her. “Cu tra no ve Sotri ai !” She spun around to see, Besrek. Blade in hand staring at her “cu tra no ve Sotri ai !” A direct challenge to combat and ONE he knew, she could NOT refuse. To do so  would be an act of cowardice; dishonor.

The female smiled, as she pulled back her shroud, to remove her blade “Sche chi ai tr Sotri ai yi, yunas ei bei deicu su !”  “What did he say asked Kelowi. “He asked her, did you kill my brother on Sotri ?  she told him  she did, deriving a great deal of pleasure from doing so.”

Other guards, came running up behind him,  one of them carrying a spacial inverter. It would seal her making it impossible for her to move! Besrek still staring at the assassin screamed at them.

“You will do nothing! This bitch, is mine. Using that, in here, in such a confined space; will kill us all ! “
The female raised her blade, ran it along the palm of her hand, for her hand to drip blood; muttering at him.
 “I will kill you and then, kill them slowly. The Kets, especially Cistera’s baby;  I will tear limb from limb. “

Besrek, had been, a good opponent. Fought well. At one point scoring a cut with the blade on the female across the top of her arm. Short lived as she slammed her blade down.Jess Corbin The Cflen

His hand, still, tightly gripping the blade, raised it to strike at her again. Her blade sliced into arm, almost severing it from the wrist. His blade now fell with to the floor, blood spurting everywhere.

He stumbled, fell forward and now, she plunged the blade into him. Stabbing at his neck as though attempting to remove his head?

The sound of his rasping voice, his throat filling up, with blood and the final choking sound of death as he fell falling to the floor; dead.

They went to attack her the rage, the fury and one by one they fell under her blade, until at last;  they were of no consequence.
She turned, towards Ameryst, wiping the blade across her front. She was still shielding Kelowi

“It is time, for Cistera’s little runt, to die. I am going to cut you piece by piece slowly savouring your death as she watches! I am going to cut her so that she cannot move her legs and then take my time killing you both! ” .

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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