Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The attackers, knew little or nothing about the Cflen. NOR had they accepted that the ‘primitives’ had the technology or craft, to be the ones who had warned off the raiders?

Unlike the Cflen, who thanks to the Agaron; knew so much about them? Their planet was where? Who they were? Their capabilities? Ah the ones who were known as the Urowq..

Ones with a thieving, bullying reputation across the many worlds in this system. Those who had managed to contain their activities to limited amounts but did NOT have the means to stop their raids altogether?

A full out attack by them, as a reckoning by them for those who dared to  stand up to them, well attempt to? Retaliation?  is NOT what most worlds wanted. The devastation, as one colony had discovered, almost wiped them out.

The Urowq had started to target, the Agaron areas, they ‘ramdomly’ attacked, knowing the odds could always giaramtee easy pickings. Less defended AND now with the military in the skies occupied? by a substantial force of their own?

Seeking answers, as to who, was responsible, for the raiders beating  a hasty retreat, were NOT answered. Whoever it was, had left at speed and the only vessel, they could attack and destroy; was a simple transport craft. IT had no markings or indication, of where it was from?

Of course, it did not have markings, as it was freshly off the production line and those details, had not yet been added.Nor as it, was on a peaceful diplomatic mission, did it have weapons; sufficient to protect itself. Against the attackers, numbering some thirty in total. Of those, some twenty, were heavy duty warships. urowq350

The Urowq had two warships, left on their home planet. They reasoned, there were no other races, in this system capable of being a threat, to warrant them, leaving more than that on their home planet.

Some hours passed, before they decided they had spent enough time, teaching the Agaron, a lesson and with the destruction of two of their military fighter craft?. It was giving the Urowq something to smile about.

The Agaron, had not wanted, to lose anymore of them and thus, had backed off. Another reason, for the Urowq, to  land several ground craft, their occupants, now carrying out their raiding, pillaging and taking of slaves; with ease.

In space, the remaining warships, after leaving would not be going back to their home planet. They were, planning on raiding several other planets; within the system.

It had been a while, since they had done that, re some of the other planets. Seasonal attacks for crop harvests, taking of slaves and other resources. Nothing, but time to celebrate?

On Septra 4 their home planet? Those left behind, with the other two warships, that were undergoing maintenance and other necessary repairs, from earlier skirmishes; minor but still needing attention. The crews in the whore houses or gambling away their ill gotten gains from looting and pillaging?

SE Phri’s commander Minog, had been returning to Cflenia, when he had received the shock news, that the diplomatic vessel; had been attacked and destroyed?

Biij a communications officer, whose work involved, being in charge of those monitoring  communication systems. THUS he, had been aware of, the problems, the diplomatic craft had experienced, encountering the Urowq..

HE, had warned the Urowq, NOT to attack, one of their diplomatic UNARMED craft. Parsecs and the craft was destroyed.

The protection of the Cflen, fell to SE Phri, no one else. IF others, chose to ignore, their warnings and in the failure to do so, killed innocent Cflen? The sacred book of Gianne stated they would NOT kill any other races NOT Human(a) UNLESS they attacked them OR did something where the Cflen had no choice but to!

Fury, is an understatement; it did not exist. SE Phri, as did the ‘pure bloods’? They have NO emotions, no empathy, just terrifying logic and a power, that those who chose to upset her, would long live (uhh maybe NOT),  live to regret. 

She was also, more than aware, of the Agaron, who had been subjected to the attacks from the Urowq. What must the people been thinking, when it came to making and celebrating a treaty between them and then seeing what followed?

It was time, to show their new found friends, that the Cflen would teach their enemies a lesson, they would never forget. From Cflenia, rising into the atmosphere over 50, of their newest, though untested,  warships.

15 of them, contained detachment of SE Phri’s ‘pure bloods’ OVER 250,000 of them AND 10 of them with detachments of the Cflen Elite Gladiators; over 200,000..

TWO, of those detachments, were to give support to the ground forces on Agrath the home world of the Agaron.
They had been told by Biij to expect them AND NOT, to panic at the sight they were about to see unfold.

The vessels, that contained the b’stard spawn of the BEAST? plus 200,000 ‘pure bloods’ Now about to land on the planet.;

They, were now over Septra 4.  

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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