Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Colony 53e Sestrom Dynastic worlds? The locals had been furious to see such a place being built.

Suspicions, on its true purpose for being built,  were being heavily refuted by the USFU sciestes. BUT, the locals knew the USFU, were all of them  out and out liars.

Contamination. of one of their main water supplies, had been due to carelessness, by the workers ejecting waste products, produced from some of the experimental subjects. It had been dumped into the ground allowing body fluids;  to seep into the soil. 

The USFU would deny everything. Make up some bull crap excuses whilst secretly removing the waste. 
Purge the area and pretend, nothing had happened. Leave no trace. Some, attempts, to sabotage the place, had been blamed, on some extremist locals.

The appearance of two, absolutely massive, A class vessels above the planet?
Below the locals had gone to emergency alert. However in their part of their world a small  transport craft landed near their capital?

Isoki and Viran, had been met by high officials, to talk with them and, reassure them, their race, would NOT be harmed IF they did NOT interfere with their forces now about to land. NONE of their forces, would land near them. Any of their race, close to the target areas must be recalled!

Isoki brought out, a terrifying beast from their craft. Toidi almost wet himself as it approached him, sniffed him and then moved away from him? “It will NOT attack, they will NOT attack your people!” Jess Corbin The Cflen

The USFU base commander was a Ruddi Fall and was known for being an abnoxious piece of vermin, as some who had worked with him, would tell you. HE gave Raits a bad name.

Manners, maketh man, and even she, did NOT like being around him. He stank, was a self centered egotist, bullying on a scale, that even the Richter could not match, for making some ‘quake’ with fear.

A family with ancient imperialist traits, that still, had not died out, centuries later. Just the thought of him, made her want to vomit.

As a secretary, working for a  large investment consortium, one that funded his off world base, they had asked her to stay with him.

“NOT a chance in hell” was her reply. I would sooner become a celibate cleric, which they had to admit, for such a beauty as her, would be, a terrible miscarriage of justice on their part.

“You will cancel any instruction for me to go with him.” Lukar had shaken his head... “You’re on a bond with us.” That mean’t she had to do as they saw fit... She had done that to provide for her family.

She had stepped, close to him. “Lukar look at me.” He turned to look in her direction as she released her cloak, for it to fall to the ground. Now completely naked in front of him.

He realized how beautiful she was. “Please Lukar.” He moved close to her to pick up her gown. Tucked it around her. “Manners, I will help you on TWO conditions.”

She finished reattaching her garments. “1. For my own sanity and morality, YOU NEVER, do that again, in front of me. I will not be so constrained, on my part.” He grinned “PARTS” !

2. There is a way, you can avoid, being sent elsewhere and honour the bonds. You, have to, become my personal secretary. You won’t, get paid anymore than you currently are! “ She squealed with delight and moved to hug him.. He shook his head! She backed away.. “Do I really know Manners, what I am letting myself in for! “

As for Ruddi Fall? Not that he, missed her. He was too wrapped up, in his own shadow; to miss anyone.
Two, of the local females, had been recruited by him and, they had had to suffer his groping, his coarse, inuendos; which luckily, they did not fully understand?

The appearance, of a small, zimp like craft, landing near the facility had triggered a security alert. The armed team of males sent out to investigate approached the craft carefully their weapons in their hands ready for use.

The hiss of the hatch, as it opened and out stepped this? Stunning female.
Alien ? It was NOT armed, or to their observations, not carrying a weapon? They felt they could, trust their senses, albeit somewhat compromised, by the mere sight, of this well proportioned apparition; with a smile? Moreso when it spoke.

The language, was Human(a) to perfection. Every intonation perfect to match their own.
It had them now, of the opinion, that she was NOT alien! “I have to speak to your base commander.” Again no aggression, no reason to be at anything but ease?

Ruddi Fall, was NOT in a good mood. The two locals had been contacted by their own people and told to leave! Return home immediately, a family emergency?
He had to refasten his garments. Not satisfied, not at all. Luckily for them he had received the call from security.

The arrival of this stranger, had eased his temper a little. A beauty and make no mistake, he was more than aware she if she were a she, had body proportions stacked in all the right places. It had him licking his lips.

We have to remember that he was used to seeing other races. True he had had an uncomfortable experience, with a supposed female, who turned out to be anything but, well more a case of BUTTS, HE had two huge ones!

This one was NOT too big, a little on the small side and blonde well, fair hair. Her language skills were impressive.
She stood to the front of him as he sat himself down on a seating area with her watching him.

Eyes that were deep black. Hardly moving at all and fixed on him.  “You are the base commander? The one who all here answer to?”  He nodded. She looked around at the four males stood looking on.

“Might we speak alone?” He dismissed the others, they were somewhat disappointed, but left them.  “NOW”! Her voice had changed in tone. Harsher? “I have taken to speaking to you alone because you will listen and listen carefully. I will NOT repeat myself.

You will release, the local inhabitants, you have seized for experimenting on, imprisoned against their will;  back to their people. You will have every one from the dissection and experimental buildings you have, scieste and others form up in the main area you know as the ‘parade’ area.

EVERY single one of them. ALL from the so called ‘family’ buildings / domiciles will join them. NOT one is to be excused.
I will then return. You will tell me when you have done this.” She walked over to him as he now felt a collar form around his neck?

 “You can talk into this. IT will automatically telll me you are ready for my return. YOU have 12 of your Human(a) hours. Fail to do my bidding and I will give you all a demonstration of what I do, to those who disobey my orders.” CflenGlad40

“What makes you, think, you can give orders to me ! “ He bellowed at her, as he stood to rise from sitting. Towering above her? “I think we will keep you and I, will pass you over to the sciestes for dissection.
After I have pleasured myself.”

Suddenly the collar glowed.. the pain now pulsing through him had him gasping for air, his hands up to his throat to tear it off, only to realise it was NOT physical. Nothing to get hold of. Just that crippling pain.

She turned left him, pausing to ease the pain from him. “You have 12, of your Human(a) hours! “ With that she left. The security guards had rushed into the room to see him still with his hands to his neck, shaking with fear?

Out in space, above the planet Commander Ojiani had been watching the sensors. The return of Tsio had allowed him to breathe easy again. “He missed you Tsio! “

Laughter from Xixi watching her enter.
“Thankfully he is in love with a Gladiator Cflen and not one of Se Phri’s ‘pure bloods’! “  More laughter.

Ojiani shook his head. Just the mere mention of them gave him the jitters. “12 of their Human(a) hours then we play target practice IF they fail to obey.” In front of them on a screen that now appeared? Commander Ruddi Fall, with that collar visible to them, but NOT to him or any of those with him.

“Nice, very nice, to fit him with one of our slave collars. We can listen and see what he is up to.” Which is precisely what they were now doing. Taking in the rage, he was now expressing with due vehemence?

“Summon the main fleet from CoJawas 1!  We have 12 Humana(a) hours, how long will it take for them to reach us? “ “They have already been contacted and two vessels are now on their way. Less than 9 hours.”

“Excellent. Our A class venture class will smash theirs into pieces of space debris.” “Venture class?” Ojiani was grinning. “NO! We are not waiting on them to arrive so you can play with your new toys! “ She turned to look at Xixi.

“Contact Se Phri’s commander Rijou, aboard the Argonaut, give him the details of both those vessels. Send him the coms links to relay the slow destruction of those vessels. He can interface, using the slave band interlink / coms relay to play that for our entertainment AND for the BEAST and his spawn.“

We’re now enroute.” Commander Cuss Bert, was pleased to be getting out of that shite hole they called Human(a) colony S9g. An attack by some ‘Karens’ hell bent, on preaching the acceptance of their usual feminist woke garbage. Supposedly supported, by some political simps, that allowed them, to have grown males, using little girls changing rooms, to shower, dress and undress. Jess Corbin The Cflen

“Equality, diversity and ! “ He swore some obscenities of his own. At least there was some good news. The Tirkwan invasion, had been met, with little or no resistance, from the males.

“Just a short time, before we can sort those dammed ‘Karens’ out. Enforce the new Tirkwan laws. “ Looby grinned. She knew exactly what he was talking about. It did not matter to her. She liked the more feminine, less masculine debauched tatooed Karens.

They, were diverted away from their planned course. To go to the aid of a nearby planet? That meant NOW there would only be ONE Venture class going to meet up with Ruddi Fall. NOT that he was upset, that guy was an a hole of the finest !

Tams was not the least bit phased by being the only vessel on course, to destroy those, who had dared, to threaten the Human(a) base?

The crop and new seed generation facility. How dare they! She needed to get this over with quickly so she could get back to her Karen celebrations.

The Tirkwan?  Earth / Solus,  was light years away.
Just let them try and enforce their laws out here.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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