Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Ah, an ‘Origins’ tale.

When Human(a), finally made it out into space, exploration was of course, going to be a key aspect. Colonies on Mars had gone well. If there had been suspicions that we were NOT alone, then some might have thrown the  various UAP sightings into the mix.

NOT that it would appear, they were interested in us. A simplistic, VERY primitive carbon based lifeform? obelisk450a
NOT worth their time. Well, time, being an operative word here.

Earth, or Solus 3 to them, in the Qiverse; was not, the first time for some races, to have visited. Establishing massive structures and civilisations across the planet.

A rich lush planet. Some marking from entering the atmosphere to indicate that there were certain aspects they had to take care of.  Poisonous, toxic, DANGEROUS.

Ah yes, the ‘Nazca lines’, would be a good example. It would also be the centre of one of the biggest and, most advanced races in the Qiverse.

The Haphketsut. A VERY ancient race. Earliest, would be about 5th Generation. Astronomy, technical know how and, establishing civilisations, was, within their mandate.

The first of them left behind those pioneers as we would know them; whilst they continued in space to explore that part of the Qiverse. we know as the ‘Milky way’ and Orions belt.

For CENTURIES, Solus 3 became one of the most loved of planets.. The populations grew, prospered. Once there, no one wanted to leave thus space craft and such to take them back into space were ignored.

Centuries would come and go.. The civilisations grew, expanded; prospered. TIme had seen them lose communication, with their orignal race, the Haphketsut. All was quiet.

The silence suddenly broken, as a strange orb, came out of the ‘heavens’ to land. Some, did not know, what it was, BUT, one of their most sacred DID. He had seen the message, noted its contents and KNEW what to do.

NOT that his ancestors, since arriving on Solus 3 forgotten that evil, will always exist, in one form or another. Knowledge had been passed from generation to generation amongst the ‘Ancients’.
Whilst he now summoned the ‘Clerics, the priests’?

Destruction and chaos, across the Qiverse with a growing evil. One that sought conquest, domination and, death in its wake. NOW they, were approaching Solus 3 sending in scout orbs of light, to determine, WHO the race were, their strengths, their weaknesses; how primitive?

Primitives, a planet of PRIMITIVES. A carbon based life form that could be mastered, enslaved.
The Masputa could only see stone strutures, PRIMITIVE STONE structures. NO weapons, NO space craft. Light transport craft but other than that; PRIMITIVES.

Vishyanini -  Apjea - Nyxiani their so called Gods.  In their fleets above Solus 3, sending their messengers down to the Haphketsut; Ominio. It was to surrender, to them and fall to their knees before their Gods.

The three headed God, of deception, Apjea. OR Nyaxiani the slithering snake, that was the god of slavers. It was only interested in putting those on Solus 3, in chains, as their slaves.

Vishyanini, in his so called ‘Chariot’. Descended down to look over the lands, the various structures and those it sought to dominate. Spreading lies, falsehoods and trickery. He promised them they came in peace. BUT!

All the time, reminding them, of the fleets in space. Such technology, that some felt, just to make sure their takeover of the planet would go ahead, with little or no resistance from the primitives?
A demonstration?

One of the main civilisations was targeted. Their leaders executed by two so called ‘peace’ emissaries Led by Vishyanini who watched from his ‘chariot’ the beheading of them.

You WILL, bow down, before your Gods, worship, with the sacrifice of your worthless lives. They wiped out an entire civilisation. The Ulura, a peaceful, kind and generous race.

Now the 3, waited for those on Solus 3, to drop to their knees and plead for mercy. TO surrender to their Gods. To be their slaves. OR face their wrath.

Eliha  was known on Solus 3 for being one of the most revered and Ancient of ancients. Over time and he had plenty of that as he did NOT age the same as those on Solus 3. Ominiocf450

Haphketsut Ominio, had now given him a sacred object, one she had that she knew had been passed down to her, over the centuries.

Placed on a huge lump of crystallite. Beneath it, ran a river of energy, we call them, ‘ley lines’?

 The ANKA buzzed with a distinct tone almost audible to the ear but, its power was not just in harmonics. Eliha knew all too well what he had to do.

Over 8 foot tall,  a big muscular male. His ancestors had had buildings, strange buildings built all over the planet.

Did they, know something,? Future prophecy?

Within, those structures, additional channels and tunnels that led to a huge massive opening at the tops of them? Clerics or priests guarded some ancient secrets. Technologies.

They had already been told, THEY would be the first ones, to be sacrificed, on the altars of their Gods. NOW Vishyanini -  Apjea - Nyxiani waited their ‘chariots lighting up the heavens’.

From below, within the various structures, Pyramids, Temples, Stone circles,  the Clerics / priests turned on the technology built within the structures.

From above  Vishyanini -  Apjea - Nyxiani. The Masputa, saw lights. Intense single lights like dots below them aroung the planet growing brighter and brighter.

Then from the top of the pyramids, the temples structures, the middle of the stone circles, flaring upwards, with ever growing intensity? Above it all, they now realized too late.

A plasma weapon array, beyond their wildest nightmares. These primitives could NOT have such weapons! One by one the entire fleet or FLEETS were incinerated. As those watched from below it was liken to the heavens being on fire.

To traverse, from their darkest corner, of the Qiverse, it had taken them immeasurable time. NOW NOTHING remained of them bar two vessels limping away into space beyond. They would NOT be returning.

Solus 3,celebrated their freedom. Eliha had reminded them of the story of creation. The words they should NOT forget. “Our creator tells us, we shall NOT, bow down to idolatory or false Gods. I am the messenger, my Haphketsut Ominio, is honoured amongst us all, for being the mother of our salvation.

The Haphketsut,  gave us the power to punish our aggressors. If any have survived, they will long remember, NOT to return here again.” 

In space, the two craft would now encounter a fleet of  space craft. The ones who had sent the Orb ?
They learned, of the destruction of the Maspjuta fleets. These were the only survivors. They took them and placed them all on an ice world, then destroyed, their ships.

Evil never dies. It would fester over the centuries. A hatred, for all that the Haphketsut stood for. Their thirst for revenge never quenched but revenge? could wait. Generation after generations until their technology was allowing them to build space ships..

No longer in the cold air, of a frozen world ? Now a lush and fertile planet. 

Their race grew, their archives were maintained and the PAST would NOT be forgotten. Memories of so many of their race murdered.

The pain, the loss, the suffering and this accursed world they had been left on. An ICE planet. They had changed, mutated, become different, BUT, some things would NEVER change.

Their hatred, their rage. Their Gods would answer their prayers. Vishyanini -  Apjea - Nyxiani as the first of the space ships took shape, tried, tested to perfection.

The Haphketsut, would be the ones, to feel that rage, as they sent an asteroid into the middle of the planet. Almost wiping out the entire population. A test?

They retreated, as help arrived from other ‘Ancients’ to help the planet recover, whilst they, searched for the ‘Matsupa’. BUT they were long gone and, finishing off their gift, to the Haphketsut ah yes, another;  ‘Asteroid.’

This massive lump of rock had its own propulsion / guidance system. A massive fusion inverter, that on impact would release a fusion combustion beyond all reasoning.

Impact, would seal off the atmosphere, turn the lush green paradise beneath it to ash. NOT totally sure how long that hell would last for, but enough to seal the fate of ALL .. the Haphketsut.

The lump of rock where they drilled out most of the centre and took a huge ceramic container to fill it, with  a huge Irodium. radioactive; ion mass; now taking up half of that space.

Adding to that, a second, ceramic sealed vessel, that held reactive atomic fusion primer device.Matsupacf300a

On hitting, the planets surface the outer would shatter and in doing so, the ceramic vessels would shatter, causing a ‘chain reaction’ to take place. A cascading explosion, to rip the planet apart.

Solus 3 ‘Earth’ ?  They knew, it was coming, a brightly lit COMET with a massive up the heavens.. and iin its tail a satellite device to record the event and, send the data back to its masters; the Masupa.

Almost a century passed and, the Matsupa grew, evolved and their insatiable lust for power, domination and subjugation of other races continued except?

They would be at war with other warmongers. From the Kalheiron, the Jogarth, the Vendarens and ! the list would keep growing. BUT their hatred for the Haphketsut remained as bright as the first day the flame was lit; of hatred, of rage of fury.

Then came the moment when their gift to them finally hit the planet. Nothing could stop it , could stop the inevitable, as the ceramic vessels split open unleashing the burning fires of hell. The oxygen, the carbon dioxines, the nitrogen fusing, combusting; boosted by the added gases from the methane.

The results, would take a few ‘light years’  to reach them BUT, those alive to witness the day of judgement? A major celebration, as the end results would be even better than they had ever anticipated.

A lush and fertile world ? Now turned into ICE. A barren world, devoid of life?

Solus 3? ‘Earth’;  the end of the ‘Haphketsut’; THERE! but, not, EVERYWHERE.

In deep dark space, the Haphketsut worlds KNEW, what had happened.
They took, one of the Matsupa colonies, a temple outreach, where they savagely sacrificed others to their Gods;  Vishyanini -  Apjea - Nyxiani ?

A sacred place to them with thousands on it and, in the parsec of time, they vapourised it. Wiped it as though it, had never existed.

Emiya of the Haphketsut, sending a clear message to all across the  Qiverse,  that the the Matsupa were an accursed race.  NO race would stand in their punishment of them.

They. had been the ones. to start the war. with the Haphketsut Ominio;  when they, had tried to dominate, subjugate, enslave the Haphetsut on Solus 3 ‘Earth’.  Now this?

The races in the Qiverse, many of them even the worst of the worst aggressors;  knew NOT to offend the ‘Ancient ones’.

Giving aid to, helping or assisting, the Matsupa in any way shape or form? They were now, to be targeted, slaughtered and, at the whim of al. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

To kill, maim pillage and plunder their worlds, colonies;, to enslave and the ‘Ancients’  would NOT stop them.

Emiya, a Haphketsut Princess of the  Immortals’, was put in charge of a fleet of over 5 Anka class vessels.

She was to hunt down, destroy the temples,. the hideouts and the vessels of the Matsupa.

At her diposal the capablity, of folding space, using worm holes and black holes to take them ‘one step beyond’.  Emiya knew that she did NOT fear the deepest darkest of space.

She had NO fear, NO emotions, NOTHING except the deisre to complete the task assigned to her. She had seen some of the sacrificial sites. The horrors of those using religion to murder, maim and kill at will ?

The beings, who had been abused, maimed and left, with so many of their own, dying or dead. Unable for decades, to beat the overwhelming stench of evil. Finally to see her smash down their citadels, destroy their sacrifical sites, their POWER gone.

They rose up and slaughtered them. The priests, the heretics. the slave masters trampled under their feet. On the walls of some of the temples the glyphs that told the story of how Emiya had come from the stars, from beyond the heavens to save them. A huge Obelisk raised in her honour, in the honour of the Haphketsut.

Evil? Over the centuries, nothing new to the Haphketsut. As they destroy one evil another rises in its place.

But don’t feel sorry for the Matsupa. They had vanished, into the deepest, darkest parts, beyond the Qiverse. Where the darkness never ends. Where they would not be known, had no one to sell them out.. where they could destroy or take over whole worlds.

Maim, kill, pillage, plunder and force their Gods, on the unbelievers, with plenty of sacrifices. The blood would flow, until it seemed, even the heavens above them, ran red with blood.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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