Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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IT, had taken, the Human(a) five years to take over the control of one of the richest colonies on the planet.
Most of the other places were too dense with forest, mountains and a huge volcano.

Volcanic activity, had died back, BUT there could still be found hot springs and other benefits such as the pumice for building and structural work.

The original inhabitants, were poorly equipped and welcomed their efforts to help them restore the harvest that had been really good that ‘yea’ BUT they had problems with harvesting it.

Gradually the Human(a) took over a lot of the government tasks. Rules, reguations became more and more AND tougher. Discontent was crushed as they played one group against the other AND brought in loads and loads of immigrants from the other places.

Ones, who were different, from the original colonists. Did not speak the language, understand their culture or, respect their customs. The Human(a) would have nothing said against them.

For them, they were cheap labour. Used to sleeping wherever and that included some really dirty filthy places. They stank and treated the local women regarding them as inferior to them.

To be taken, by force, if they could do it and get away with it? They knew the females would not say anything as to do so would see them excommunicated. Thrown out of their own home.

Kelthek was with Osmi. They met up with the others who had joined their resistance knowing that as more and more, immigrants arrived; they would be the ones suffering and NOT the Human(a).

The so called ‘Politik’. (politicians to us) were corrupt, greedy and lazed around doing little or nothing. They controlled the illegals AND knew the Xetnets (locals) were afraid of them.

That pleased them and, they allowed the illegals, their acts of rape, pillaging, plunder with no respite from them. The illegals realising this formed a gang with machete carrying thugs, to protect the leaders or do the dirty work of the Human(a).

The Human(a) got rich, from taking over businesses. Taking and selling back to the Xetnets their own produced foods at highly inflated prices.

They controlled, certain resources. Ebb and flow, tighten it up and up go the prices. Making some dumb excuses for the reason why there were shortage.

Kelthek knew when the Human(a) took over it was bad news, when they let the illegals in? They had sealed theJess Corbin The Cflen fate of the original colonists.

Pushed, towards the rougher, less hospitable terrain, whilst the Human(a), took the richer more lush areas, for themselves.

Taxes and taxing, those with residences, property they wanted to take over; to the extreme. Waiting for them to ‘owe the taxes’ so they could seize their assets. All the time the continuing influx of illegals.

Briy was an off world trader. He had traded with the Xetnets for decades. Now this Human(a) take over, was getting more and more clear to him, as being anything more; than deliberate.

True, they bought. sold and seldom spoke to him other than the usual courtesies. The illegals, had been warned, to stay away, BUT he knew, they were coarse, rude, arrogant and stank.

Osmi was being subjected, to coarse, offensive remarks, from one of the illegals. Theu scattered  when Briy approached her. “You need help!” Osmi stopped to take a seat. “We’re forming a resistance group, we already have over fifty.”

Shaking his head, Briy moved in closer to her. “I might have a more practical solution that won’t involve you fighting at all AND, will, get rid of these Human(a) AND the illegal scum, for once and for all.

She was intrigued. “You know the back of the Yew forest?” She nodded. “The cave area there that the illegals won’t go near because they say its haunted.” “I will send you a transcom message with the words, Lightning tonight’. When you get it go and wait by the cave.

Do NOT be afraid, when their craft land, it has a kind of shield that won’t be detected by the Human(a). They’re female though I think there are males but mostly females.”

He was, a true and trusted; established friend. Would never betray them. He had gone and was gone for some time before finally the message came through?

Xixi, had been on Cl4a3, a Tegara homeworld picking up some essentials with others when she had been approached by Briy. He noted how beautiful she was, perfect skin but totally lacking any real emotion?

“I hear, that your race, trashed Sigmus 5.” “You mean Se Gam 6?” He nodded. “I won’t admit that, BUT why would that be of interest to you?” He shifted back a little.

Nervous? She detected some definite unease but also a strong desire to talk to her? She shouted to one of those with her that she would be taking a walk but it would be a short one.”

Moving, away from everyone, she stopped to turn to Briy. “I smell a distinct, nasty odour on you. You are lucky that I KNOW you are NOT Human(a). “

“So it is true. You did wipe out that colony. SO, am I to be right in believing you hate them like the rumours ?”  She leaned in close to him, an icy chill across his face?

 “We will kill, every, Human(a) we come across, that, is how much, we love them.”

He fidgeted for a moment. “Where are they?. I promise you, we do not, touch other races UNLESS they attack us first. Only the Human(a). Jess Corbin The Cflen

Even if, you were in league, with the BEAST, as long as you do not attack us, we would NOT harm you. It is against our sacred code.”

It, would be, a little while later, that Xixi, returned to the craft in space. She headed to talk with Ahuza and Tsio. Ojiani joined them along with Txii, Eioni and Sejai.

She told them all she knew. “I am inclined to send someone in to reassure them, undercover?” Eioni has just rejoined us.

Can transform, a rare gift these days.” She smiled, as now she took a look at the locals and, transformed into one of them!

It would be a while later that Eioni returned. She had met up with Kelthek and Osmi. Mentioning the word Human(a) she could not only sense but see the fear in their eyes.

The whole story, was nothing new to them. It seemed to be trait that never left the BEAST. Greed, envy, jealously, bullying and corruption. Like a disease, across the Qiverse.

“We will, have them, bring their people to the caves. I have told them to secure them inside for a short while, all necessary items will be provided and one of our transporters will be nearby for anything else.

I have told them, once we start, it will be swift, without mercy and the BEAST, will cease to exist. I have the trader on standby and he will with some others known to the locals be joining those at the caves.

“Excellent!” Ojiani was well pleased. “We do have one problem. The illegals are NOT Human(a). Xixi smiled. “That has already been talked about. Txiian will lead the B’stard spawn of the Beast along with you Eioni.There are only two main routes OUT of the main area. You two will ensure both of them are covered.

Sejii, will protect the people, from the illegals.  When we have dealt with the Human(a) infestation we will deal with the illegals. We will show them the B’stard spawn of the BEAST in action, enough to make it clear, they have everything to fear from them.

They will of course NOT be harmed BUT they do not know this. We, will then, put them in the empty cages, of the B’stard spawn of the BEAST. Before, dropping them off, the other side of the planet. They will long NOT forget the stench from those cages!

Xixi, make sure, they do not cleanse those cages, before we do this!! “ Xixi nodded. a good point! Usually the cages were cleaned whilst the B’stard spawn of the BEAST was having its lunch OR walk OR !

“I am informed, that the illegals, will feel right at home! “ Txiian was talking to Eoni. She pointed the various points on the colony layout. “We will try NOT to damage too much re structures and more. The Xetnets do not want their homes AND what is left as rubble!”

“They can be a destructive in their stride.” Eioni leaned in close to Txiian. “What if we, create a means, for the Human(a) to end up here? Open area and easy pickings? The odd stragglers the Gladiators can have some sport with?”

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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