Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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They, were in the ‘shaker’, when Cxao came in with Tan and Fehlise. “It Is all quiet below. I’ve increased the guards. I’ve promoted Lizet to one of ‘ weapons and armanents artificer /officer though none of the regulars are anything but pleased re that!’

She has issued them. with some new ‘stazers’, they’re only in beta stage, but she tells me thay are extremely effective at short range. “ Nathan brought him up to date with the news.

“I’ll contact, some of our agents and see, what they come up with !” Cistera sipped her drink
“We should have realised, they’re targets ! “

The rest of the evening, was quieter, until ! “Yo Nathan ! “ “Liana !” “Token array has initialised, we’re moving to battle stations full alert ! “ Nathan stood up as did Cxao.

“I need you on gallery.“ Nathan and Cxao left with the others following “Incoming vessels hundreds of them ! “ “Not those dammed Crimoks coming back for more ! “ “Yo Nathan, these are bigger, MUCH bigger almost the size of Raptor ! “

They, looked, at the screens, huge numbers of them none of them small by any stretch of the imagination !
 “Any link up ?” “No galactic ident. no known ident at all! Totally ‘alien’ to this galaxy ! “

It was then, a face appeared on screen and Nathan and Cxao looked at each other, than back at the screen.
A female ! a Human(a) female ? She smiled. “I apologise to the Haphketsut Cisera and her Ka Absolute.
We did not, make it in time to the ascension !

My greetings, on behalf of my people. We ask safe passage, through the alliance systems; we are bound for worlds beyond and, come in peace ! “ Tan was talking to Fehlise as Cistera looked at Nathan then gripped his hand turning back to the screen.

“We, are going to come aboard, your vessel and scan you, if you are sincere, we will allow you, the safe passage you ask for but I should warn you ! any deception will  be met with severe penalties !”

The female waited, as Cistera and Nathan appeared looked around scanned them. “Your dna codecx, are Human(a), very sophisticated; Human(a) We have never, seen, such elaborate DNA strands!“
The female bowed “Your compliments, are noted !” Jess Corbin The Cflen

Nathan, was, looking at her and, the other females.
He could not take his eyes of them. He was, seriously trying NOT, to stare.

They were, as Cistera had said, to such a level of  perfection, with not a blemish, not a mark; out of place.

Their eyes? Their eyes were hypnotic! It was then, he sensed she was trying to read his thoughts!

He glared at her, as Cistera felt him squeeze her hand. Something, not quite right? She turned looked at the female.  “ You have extra sensory powers and mind control ?”

The female nodded. “I apologise it was not, meant to be hostile ? I had to try and make sure, your words were truth “ Nathan was still staring at her, she too, seemed locked onto him.

Cistera, squeezed his hand again and they were back on Raptor. “You may pass freely, but do not loiter in my galaxy nor the others, I am giving you the benefit of the doubts, I sense there is something, you are not being honest about NOW GO ”

There was, Cistera had not only sensed, but felt; agitation from within Nathan. “I don’t know “ he whispered to her, as she held him. “But there’s something terrible, they’re hiding.” She nodded.

“I, couldn’t get past, the barriers they have.” She turned to Cxao “Make sure, they’re out of the system, every single one of them! Cxao nodded, bowed and left.

Tan followed him, Fehlise moved over to them “Who are they “ Nathan said nothing, as he sat down, he was still shaking. They really freaked me out. Definitely hostile and I felt hatred.”

No markings on their vessels. That is not only irregular but defnitely enough to cause valid concerns. We should advise the others in the system. Rat interupted them. “ They’re Cflen, they are waging war with only one species.

You say you felt hatred? You should. They hate the Human(a) with a vengeance I am trying to understand how they let you live. You to them are known as the BEAST.

Notice, a strange smell, aboard their vessel? It’s from the cargo they carry. A beast called the Fodawke.
Known to them, as the b’stard spawn of the BEAST. They are its masters, the ‘GLADIATOR CFLEN’.
“How come you known so much.”  “I know so much more, than you could ever imagine.
For now, you have who they are. “

Nathan looked at Fehlise. “Find out, all you can, from wherever, on them! Check with Tovinak, see if the Jogarth, have ever, come across them ?” She nodded.

Lizet, came into the gallery. “Bloody hell, what I’d give, to have a body like that ! “ Nathan stared at her
“Believe me Lizet, you wouldn’t!  I sensed, great pain; terrible terrible pain and, such rage.“  He looked at Cistera.

“I sensed it as well, that rage! When she looked at you, her it  intensified. She, wanted you dead. I think, she realised, that our combined powers, exceeded theirs. She definitely, tried to block me, that’s why I want them out of the systems

“You were sure ?” The female looked at her. “No doubts whatsoever, my RAGE, was triggered, the moment he appeared ! “

“So HER Ka Absolute, is Human(a) !” “Do not worry, we will be back sisters, make no mistake on that; we will be back for him !

We must, learn all we can, about the Haphketsut from Fendiq. Be careful using our normal devices to enter, hack their systems, their databanks.

I sensed, an ancient power. It was talking to me, warning me NOT to do anything or ! HER power alone is ancient technology.

The gems, are energy carriers. She could easily have killed me, all of us! Search the data banks and, scan their vessels data sources !”

“Scanning is failing, we are being blocked ! “ 
“Try the other vesses!  We must, have, access, to their data sources !”

“Success, we are loading data into our systems, it seems the other vessels systems, are not so sophisticated as the Raptor ?” We have finished !“Let us move on, we do not want them to realise, before we are gone,  we have hacked their systems data “

“WE are being scanned ! “ Their screen flashed. “Warning, alien presence, we are detecting, an alien presence “ “Human(a) ? Fendiq ?” Jess Corbin The Cflen

“This is totally different;  unknown origin ! it is... “
They watched, as a strange object appeared, moved amongst them, then partially solidified!

“Tell me.. “ The female screamed. “What is this !”
“Alien lifeform, unknown origin, very, VERY;  powerful and hostile ! warning HOSTILE ENTITY!

Two females, pulled weapons and fired at it. It glowed, before light poured from it. Massive strings of energy liken to them being whipped.. encircling them.

It seemed, to take great pleasure, in watching them writhing in pain?

It moved on, to examine the rest of their vessel, until it finally vanished ! They realized, they, had been,  totally defenceless against it  WHATEVER it was!!

“It came from Raptor, no doubt about that “ the female commander, moved towards the screen they were moving rapidly away from Raptor “how much ?”

“It whatever it was, scanned every part of this vessel and our data banks ! It knows, our mission.

““When we, are clear of the system, tell Se Phri, to send two vessels, to DESTROY them!
Do you understand ?  it must, be destroyed, our mission, will be compromised !” 
One of the females moved close to her. “I can’t understand it. 

IT, does not match, the profiles of any of the other living organisms including the bio morphics ! its also extremely powerful. Terrifyingly POWERFUL beyond, any known technology, or organic we know !”

“What, about the Fendiq Cistera, the gems ?” “ Strong, with a lot of power,  but you cannot compare the two.
Whatever this was, its power war infinite. It could have wiped us out AND I mean, the entire fleet.

We were nothing to it. Also It whatever it is I think, is the source of the alien power she has. with those gems.
It did NOT, like us sending that Assassin, to kill the spawn of the BEAST; its Kets.

It provided the one, who killed it with a weapon of great destruction. Gave her, yes HER, the knowledge to use it and kill our Assassin with ease.

IT,  played out the encounter in my mind. To show me, it beaten down, ripped apart; torn limb from limb.
A clear message for us we should NOT ignore. Jess Corbin The Cflen

We, should put as much distance between us and them, as fast as we can. We do not know what it will do when it reads our mission data.

I sensed it, was VERY protective, of those Human(a). I also sensed another presence HERE with it,  watching us, almost mocking us.

IT is recorded by Tolgani (Tolgani the book of legends) as being a being serving its ‘Gods’ known as  IaSuii, the eye of time and,,

it also, gave us a warning,  to leave here. We were lucky, the Ket Ameryst, was NOT attacked.

IT, would have killed the Assassin and then, destroyed us.
IT is unstable, again an ancient entity. I think however her / its presence was a deliberate distraction.

All, of our systems. across the entire fleet, have been scanned and, there are markers, on all our systems, to show they, have been read. Even our data archives have been copied and sent elsewhere. !”

“We must not, let this, distract us, from our purpose. It, will take us long enough as it is,  the data we acquired, has not been wiped from our systems that,  should help us, achieve our targets sooner “

Into the chamber, rushed a male and female “ We have it !” she looked at them
“The exact position, of where the Human(a) came from! Solus3 - Earth !”

She smiled. “Good news at last! Now we truly, can keep to our mission! Program all vessels, navigation systems with the data and activate, all hibernation capsules, arm defence systems into auto mode 

Pass the data to Se Phri and his pure bloods. Its time, we got some rest, before the big event “

“Yo Nathan.” He sat up. “Liana ?” “I’ve detected a massive energy surge but its now vanished ! “
Nathan looked at Cistera “ Explain “ “ Well there was, this massive energy surge, then nothing !”

“Check your sensors, for any errors ! where are the Cflen vessels ? “ “Most of them gone! They peeled off rapidly after the energy surge ! “

“At least, thats good news.“ “Incoming from the Girathon ! Message reads, systems scanned, data offloaded by the Cflen from our data systems on the Fendiq and others “

Cistera pulled him to lie back. “Stop fretting -now they know, we’re not to be toyed with. A history lesson plus a summary warning, on the other races, won’t do any harm. “

Aboard Raptor it too, was settling back to rest, its eyes were fixed, almost in a trance, as she read screen after screen of data.  Ah fear in them, they did not like the fact that they had no control over her.

Not unusual. but here, was a race, with such rage, such hatred such anger; such pain ! If only they could see their future’ For what they, are about to receive.. was on their minds..

Be careful what you wish for... sometimes we truly are, the masters of,

 our own destiny, our FATE.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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