Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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It was good, to finally have some freedom from the terror; the nightmare that we had endured for so long. A series of meetings, sessions, to establish who was who, who was taking charge of this and who would be responsible for projects such as ship building, tools and die manufacturing so that we could effectively produce the necessary parts to make up as one might put it’ the whole. 

Robotic and automated systems that would eventually pay off as we had the b’stard of the BEAST now working to bring the necessary materials from mining, ground and mountain areas that we knew we would need. Precious metals, chemical compounds and so much more that as time progressed we found we were building up, if not stock piling quite happily.

The research vessel had a massive archive of space beyond ours but where we were little or nothing. Thus we sent up the first of our purpose built drone, no pilots needed units to map our own system. A separate group of both SE Phri’s ‘pure bloods’ AND other Cflen were put in charge of navigational training, cartography. Scentific knowledge and understanding of what could be considered good, bad and indifferent re wormholes, dark matter, black holes and so much more.

We also wanted to know if other planets had inhabited civilisations. How advanced they were and if we could be of help to them OR even trade resources. Our main food and other essentials we now had in abundance. Way beyond the needs to feed and keep our own people fed, clothed and happy.

Some of our Cflen had certain diets, needs, that too, were carefully addressed.
SE Phri’s ‘pure bloods’ had a special diet that contained certain minerals and elements that most of the other Cflen did not need nor would have wanted given that those who had attempted to mimic them diet wise, had found the whole experience; with some nasty side effects.

Gradually as time progressed and our ‘ship building’ was now giving us a sizeable space fleet ?! The smaller Zimps as they were known also had to be built, tried and tested.

The probe units we sent into OUR space were sending back some astonishing data. We also discovered one planet in particular had some satellites in orbit above their planet.

Some of the vessels, that we built, were for space ‘astering’ of certain ‘asteroids’ . The planet ‘Xe2or’ had an asteroid belt around it. Navigation could  be achieved at certain times, through the ring ‘gap’. We managed to widen that gap, by removing some sizeable ‘rocks’.

Rich in Xeronium 5, which  is much harder than ‘platinum’. We used it in the hull reinforcement and it was astonishing, re its durability but most of all, temperature resistance. The people of Xe2or, had some mountain mining of the ore, but were aware that it could be found, amongst the ‘astoids’ as they called them, along with some other rare compounds.

They had processing facilities for that, but struggled as they lacked the space facilities to collect the rocks. It would be another trade agreement; in return for now supplying them, with more than enough ‘astoids’ of quality; they kept an amount of the so called ‘compounds’ but gave us processed Xeronium5.

ONE of our probes had been intercepted and destroyed.
SE Phri regarded that, as an act of hostility, as the probes do NOT have weapons or defense systems. The data signals from the probes, are automatically transmitted back to us; so we could see those who had attacked it and destroyed it.

Gianne had overuled, any act, of retaliation on our part, suggesting instead, that we send a diplomatic team, to introduce ourselves first? Jess Corbin The Cflen
The Elite Gladiator Cflen, would act as their escorts. For protection only.

A class ‘A’ SE Phri commanded warship would orbit in space and would only react IF th diplomatic team were attacked or killed?

It would go surprisingly well. The race was called the ‘Agaron .’ They had attempted trading with us before but we were deemed ‘primitives’ as we did not have space travel and other technology.

They had, developed, sophisticated energy systems, with special converters that could keep their satellite systems, fully functional and extremely durable; WITHOUT losing power. The entire planet had over 50 million inhabitants.  All of them, highly skilled, not only in technology but other arts.

Music, painting, drawing,.They also, had some amazing engineers, technicians AND architects. Their agricultural systems were good, BUT problems with food supplies, because  the planet suffered, from severe storms that could suddenly wreck their agriculture. They had storage facilites underground BUT that also created problems. OK for short term storage but long term? Not good.

Thus, we managed to strike up, a very agreeable, trade deal; where we would ensure their food supplies were constantly topped up and available especially in an emergency.
We would allocate two transport vessels to establish the trading route.

In return, they gave us the means to adopt their energy saving systems. Also a more indepth map of our solar system and advice on who to trust but also who to avoid OR accept that they were hostiles?

The satellites in orbit? Were to detect a race known as the Uqua; from the planet Septra. They were a threat to the peaceful co existence of not only their planet, but others within the system. A warning that Cflenia, could be raided by them; once they discovered how much could be ?

They were difficult to stop, because attacks, were random AND could be anywhere, on the planet? By the time their raids had been detected? Response forces would arrive to find they had gone.

One of the diplomatic team;  Liode, had remembered the tale about that race, attempting to do likewise on Cflenia, only to be slaughtered by the b’stard of the BEAST. the ‘Fodawke’ who no doubt, enjoyed feasting on them. Hence they never, tried that again?

Aboard the Hodow SE Phri’s commander Minog, had advised of an approaching vessel? Unknown. He put the entire vessel on alert.

The Agaron satellites too, had picked up the arrival of the ? The Uqua, on another one of their raids? A lightweight fast moving craft. scanning revealed that It did have weapons capabilities, but chose it seems, rather wisely; NOT to use them. 

Instead, they were fast, trying to avoid, the Hodow, by ( well they believed)  cunningly moving, away from them, to drop out of sight on the other side of the planet;  out of range of the Hodow; no doubt thinking, they had NOT been detected?

They did not recognise the vessel. To them unless it attacked them BUT they would be in communication with others re this strange vessel in what they deemed trespassing in their space? Somewhat relieved on their first encounter that it had not, left them to their usual rogue activities.

Liode, on hearing of their arrival, had given some thought, more than aware, of what  was clearly, causing concerns, to their new found friends. He spoke to Gianne, who now acquainted with the facts made a decision.

Their treaty with the Agaron, using much less defended, trading vessels, could be picked on by the Uqua for the spoils ? That at all costs, had to be protected.

Minog had received his instructions. They were to warn the Uqua off. NOT to return again EVER, in Agaron space,  or face the destruction of their craft. The warning, duly delivered by the arrival, close to the Uqua vessel.

The raiders left. Given the size of the Cflen vessel and the fact, that it was an unknown quantity to them?
They were a speck in its shadow. Apparently size does matter.

Trading agreements reached, signed as one might say and delivered. Much celebration would continue for several days AND nights. As they boarded to head back to Cflenia?

The diplomatic craft was attacked, destroyed with all onboard. Below the Agaron people were hurriedly sending up their military to counter the attack on them by?

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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