Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Raffety was, reguar visitor, to Zendu vai. Urik , was his brother. He, was Cojoined with  Sin Zer, a magnificent specimen of a female. The Human(a), feared him and his family. HER family were avoided.
NO way ,were they, going to take them on. Jess Corbin the Cflen

Luckily they, lived in the ‘sticks’, as we might call it. WAY deep in the forests. IF, you did not, know your way and were stupid enough to still enter the woods?

YOU, could end up lost and, DEAD. ALL too often, a solemn truth in that, as they found the rotting skeletons or simply the SKELETONS.

Bones, rather than complete ones. Many, of the bones, were only ever joined by muscle, skin and sinew. Once that rotted? OR got torn apart from some of the wild animals and there were plenty of those.

Ulrik had seen him arrive. Somewhat pleased after all this time ?!
“Why you snot hopper. .Sin Zer has been looking for you.
She won’t tell me anything but ! You done something to upset her?
Hell,  she’s been driving me crazy, mad you were not around.”

“No, we parted on good terms. As you know her and her SIX sisters; we all get along.”  “ Well,  judging by how mad she was, whoa bro.
You must, have done something.” 

No matter how much, he gave that thought, he could not find anything, that would have made her, mad. Yes, they had their differences’ from time to time’  BUT he was good to his brother and her.

When they had first got Cojoined, her old man, b’stard as he was insisted, the rules applied, re the customs and traditions.  ANY one, wanting to Co join with ANY of his daughters?

Thus he, had made it almost impossible, for them. In every way, he could conjure up reasons, for stopping them.  In the end, she had threatened to rip his ucking head off, if he did not allow them to ! She was getting older and, wanted Ketlevlings

She reminded him, that he, had been a randy b’stard, hence the 6 of them. Deprive her, would he, of pleasures with her chosen one? He finally, had given in and, the others too, were not sparing, in their fury with him.
Their eldest, precious one, was, much loved by all of them and, Ulrik was a really decent guy.

Once they were Cojoined, he had become, much more amenable, to their being together, “I know what it is, her youngest had told her. “He has gotten used to you, running, the household, always looking after him like Mama did.   Losing any of us, is NOT the same, as losing you. Which in truth, bar one to go, all of them,  were with Cojoined partners.

He, would threaten to kill, any male, who suggested co habitation, OR being ‘Couplets’. Vows or no vows.
He heard some noise? Slamming open the door, into the room. Standing in the doorway? You could not miss her.

“Come here you b’stard.” She moved over to him, grabbed him and pulled him in close to him to kiss him?
Well take your breath away is on the menu today, with the added bonus of the taste of some ‘garlic’ and, a life saver on standby. Damm could she ! “Ulrik!”

He appeared, to stop, seeing them together and, his brother NOT dead? l “Give him the pouch I  gave you.”
Ulrik move to lift a hatch and, retrieve a small, but distinctive ‘pouch’. She took it from him and, grabbed Raffety’s hand, as she now placed it into it.

“You, will be taking this, to that b’stard of a Papa, with the note attached. Placing it into his greedy grubby hands.
You will then, take hold of Sin Ner, mutter  the words, “I ‘____’ take you as my Cojoined”  CLEARLY in front of him.
With her, doing like wise.  Jess Corbin the Cflen

Then you will take my beloved youngest, Sin Ner, into her room, where you will, shag her stupid,  ALL night, as is demanded, by the customs, of our people; making enough noise, to keep that b’stard, from getting a good night’s sleep.”

She paused to grab a drink. “He, has threatened, to sell her, to that b’stard Dowli, the ugly b’stard who thinks being rich, can buy him anything.
The one, I threatened to cut his balls off, if he ever touched my sis.

Ulrik is worried, that if that happens, I will do just that. You only now, getting back!! I only discovered, almost by chance, what that b’stard has planned.

HE, is away at the moment, BUT will be back shortly. No doubt, looking forward to buying his way into our family. That, would not be over MY dead body. “ She grinned. “I’d make damm sure it was his.

 After, ONE NIGHT, the shagging of her life. well if you are anything like Ulrik, MORE than once, though Sin may have a few surprises for us all.  She has been so unhappy. I know Raff she has been spoilt by us.
Why HE, gets away with the abuse, that he does.. I know, he loves us all, BUT ! I will  NOT, have her being deflowered by that b’stard.

I  know you’ve always liked, big beautiful Sin and, I know, she really likes you. So get over there, NOW get her shagged. Once you’ve taken her, that b’stard can do NOTHING.

Bring her back to me, after you’ve shagged her, I expect her to be barely able to walk!
Just how I felt, after Ulrik had shagged me, though that was a week for us!

ONE night she is yours. Then bring her back here. We will leave you alone in your new home.”
She looked out of the window. See that new building,  YOU have helped Uls with? IT, is OUR, including my sisters,  Cojoined present to you both.“

With that he was thrown out. “Don’t let me see you back here until Sin is with you.”
Ulrik walked him down to the river. The boat with some provisions ready for his use.
On foot would take days to get there but by river? A short time indeed.

“Hell, I am glad, you are doing this for us.” Raff leaned in. “For me, bro, for me and Sin, for OUR family.”
He smiled and left. Watched by Ulrik, until he and the boat disappeared around the corner in the distance.

Gibbon, was watching his daughter, after the deal, he had made, well almost. Just some land, being gifted to him; from Dowli to be agreed upon. . True, he did NOT, like the guy, BUT she was, getting older and Raffety might play around with her, but showed no real interest in being Cojoined?

The trend, had been, for most of the local guys, to go for thinner, slimmer females. NONE, of his, were anything but mini giants. NOT that they were fat. Large bones and immaculate body structure with really good health?

They, did NOT get sick. NEVER! He himself was the same. To his knowledge he had never had any reason NOT to be working. The river was a lifeline. It gave tjem a good living, fed them and hence none of hem had ever had reason to be hungry, Jess Corbin the Cflen

They were, demanding and hitting second base ?
If you were scrawny, or incapable, of keeping up the stamina?

Sin was precocious at the best of times and, even Sin Fer, his eldest, had openly admitted, she would not settle for just any male.

However, where her father was concerned, she doted on him.
What he said, was to her his right. Her sisters, did not always agree, that he was but, generally, there was good harmony.

OK, initially, the ruckus over his eldest marrying Uldrik had caused, a lot of friction, that beng the case to its conclusion.

A lot of friction and Uldrik, was the main reason for all of that, with her sister, finding it; hard to walk afterwards. She grinned, Dowli?

A nasty predator. Thought of women as items, to be purchased?
Well he had tried with a few in the past without success.

Her father, had told her, he would probably marry her off to him, as he was worried, about NO male having her. as their Cojoined. Where he was concerned,  she would want for nothing, well almost.
As he had tried to tell her. “Some times, you can’t have everything.

She had, tried talking to her sisters, but they, seemed to be too busy to talk to her.
Happily Cojoined and NOT, wanting her around them, as she was NOT?

She, had Funky the mutt, keeping her company so she was not,  entirely alone, but at this moment in time she felt, very alone. Some tears? . . Raff? Well, they had known each other, for, a long long time.

More, like family, than would be lovers? She really would, have liked him, as her Cojoined.

Sin, had locked herself away, refusing to cook his meals; do ANYTHING, for her father. She felt lost, abandoned.
She wanted to blame him, but knew, it was not really his fault. HIS word, was absolute, well until she became Cojoined.

Raffety, had never, shown any interest, even if on occasion, she had ‘tested the waters’, to see, if he might be interested? She wiped a tear. So many, happy memories here fooling around with her giant.
She laid back, wiping the tears, a soft sigh, as she finally fell asleep.

The racket, woke them up, maybe the whole ‘neighbourhood’. Someone hammering, to be let in?
She ended up in the main chamber, as her father,  answered the door. Raffety? He pushed past her, walked over to her father, now standing in front of him.

Taking his hand, he placed the pouch into it. Oh and the note? Stepping over to bring her in front of her father?
Looking at her, smiling. “Repeat after me, every word, word for word!  I,  take Sin Ner as my Cojoined...”
“I take Sin ..” “No you fool!  I, take Sin Er as my Cojoined..”

“I,  just said that.” “NO! You, are supposed to say, I take Raff, Raffety as my Cojoined! “ He shook his head.
“I take Raffety as my Cojoined.” “Good, now that is over.” He looked as her father.

“ See you in the morning father, IF I make it out alive.”

SHE pulled him towards her room. “Damm if it took you long enough.” He watched them as they tore off, away from him. A smile across his lips. “My baby’s  right as always, about bloody time. Well Funk lel’s leave em be, we need to be elsewhere, I’ve a female waiting for me.” He grinned. “About bloody time.”

“The note? It read, ‘If you are reading this, then you have succeeded. I know, you old B’stard, that you’ve been bedding widow Twank. Almost demanding Papa, that I get Raff, to Co join with her, MY SISTER, just in case your senility is kicking in .So you, can Co join with the widow. I  am more than happy as I think you might have met your match with her Papa. ‘

The widow? Hearing the news. “I am not staying there with those two at it.” She grinned.
“Not, when we. will be making our own, in celebration; here. I always knew, Sin Fer would come through in the end.”
She stepped over to open a hatch before taking out some drinks and a lump of meat which she threw to the mutt.

“I don’t want him, to be upset,  that I, will be only one, getting my mouth around some meat tonight, now a glass for my gnashers. .Usual one for yours?”

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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