Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Another day, of peaceful bliss. Kelthek with Osmi, had taken, two hundred of their future militia,into the mountains; to get some much needed training AND fitness. Beyond what they would have called acceptable ‘ averages’.

Briy, had sent two battle veterans, Jaden and Steel, a Cojoined couple,  retired but on reserve, with
Galacia Federa forces to be in charge of their training. Extremely knowledgeable and, no questioning their skills.

They were impressed, with those, they had to work with and, train up to ‘command level’.
To, be able to lead, their own teams.
Getting them ‘down and dirty’, was now at the epicentre of their training routines.

Steel had made it clear. “Don’t ask those in your team to do  what you would not do! You will find them challenging you with the usual retorts ‘Why should I do this, have you done this?’

To which, you can, of course reply, YES, so get on with it. Teamwork, team WORKING TOGETHER as ONE but most of all, being able, to TRUST each other, is paramount!
NO trust, NO TEAM.”

The females, she had made clear, were NOT to try and compete with the males.
They had other skills that could be used that were invaluable to the TEAM. NOT to be dismissed lightly.Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

They knew HERBS, HERBAL remedies, What foods could be eaten, which ones to avoid and more. She recalled a story where she had been in the field with a particularly nasty enemy.

Impenetrable? The males, military force yes. BUT! Take certain herbs to disguise the rotten guts of certain raits? Add to their water supplies and watch what happens. Gut rot, body weakness, collapsing, VULNERABLE.

300 in one hit. Supplies, weapons. Their DEFEAT. The females had left the enemy paralysed and yet, NOT one of them, needed to carry a weapon were exposed to being killed? Their males were there to protect them and to them ? That was always a priority.

Pathfinders. Spying, scoping out the enemy positions, defences, weaknesses, VULNERABILITIES. Females. Their cartography was astonishing. Reporting back to the males, they could draw an accurate map of all of that.

Males, were often, not the best, re this. Females, even if they were found, could soon, find ways, to convince the enemy, that they were too weak, too FEMALE to be a threat.

Thus the females, were under her charge, for advanced training whereas the males, were doing a lot more physical work. Defenses. walls, setting up perimeter warning devices, protection devices, triggers and traps.

The females, were learning the art of warfare, re camouflage, deception techniques, signalling and reconnaissance. Using mental stimulation and tricks, to create within the mind. a storage and retrieval system for facts, figures, places, faces and more.

Steel was, finding their abilities, improving at an astonishing rate. When the Human(a) had been there, they had learned, to mentally remember, where food was hidden, where weapons and other essentials were to be found. For the resistance of course.

Behaving like some dumb ! around them. Too stupid to know anything. Steel had been right. Often the females could get away with what the males could not. They were seldom challenged

The first evening, had seen them on a part of the mountain, where they had a cave for shelter. A good, solid, well defined interior. Perfect for the night ahead. Finishing their meal and now sipping on ale they chilled.

On the third night, above them, it was a clear night. Across the night sky they suddenly noticed a streak appearing to drop to the planet below where they were? It looked like an asteroid but this? Made little noise and was a controlled entry !

Whatever it was, it made no impact noises. The size, of the object was small, but it looked bigger than a ‘zimp’? Steel, decided to send, two of the females, to practice what she had taught.  Go back down and report back what they found.

They would fail, IF anyone in the Vei, spotted them! A small, coms device, attached to each of them. Osmi and Flub, headed off, appearing to be quite excited. Following a path descending, to a point, to the left of, where Steel, had estimated, the whatever it was, would be found? Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

It would, take them a little while but, they, would be there, before daylight. Steel and the other females left the males as they picked up kit and headed down following them BUT they would be stopping about half way?

Just in case, what they reported back, needed the others ?  
Steel had her senses hyped and that, she knew, usually meant trouble. Something, was wrong. Alien in origin and ?

Jaden continued, with the males, to finish setting up camp, as they cleaned weapons and sipped some ale.
“If Steel is hyped, then it usually means trouble. She always says ‘big surprises, nasty big ones, can come from little packages’.

Letbi, was aboard the midship (about the 1/5th of an M class warship)  in space, owned by Jaden and Steel. He was now receiving a call from Jaden. He went quiet for a while then came back to tell Jaden?

It’s alien and, was travelling, at quite a speed. I think you, will find, it was a typical scout craft. Where it came from ? Can’t answer that. There was, however, a noticeable residual, worm hole, dust cloud.

I might contact Duu, at Galacia Federa. Maybe get them to send over a Class M carrier. If, it came, from one of the Human(a) outer colonies? They sometimes, send in those things, to see what happened to the previous Human(a).

No, contact with the colony, can trigger that, followed by another invasion force, re some retaliation.
As we know, all too well, its an Human(a) spiteful trait; we can’t have it, you can’t have it.

Of course, some, might not know, that this colony, is now registered and protected, within Galacia Federa laws. Why having an M class adjudicator standing by would be a good idea, just in case.”

Almost day break,  Osmi and Flub stopped, to attend to their toilet needs, followed by refreshments . A short message, sent to Steel, to let her know, they had arrived.

A slight mist, obscured, some of the area, they were in. Strands of cob webs from a harmless Nidd (spider) or spiders! Nothing of any significance, bar the visibility itself, being poor.

Visibiilty, was a nuisance, but knowing where they were AND, knowing it VERY well ? They carefull edged towards the so called ‘hotspot’. It was then they froze. Something large moved in front of them to peer over and down into; the valley below.

The one ,where their Vae lay? It was muttering something and then moved back to the craft where it took off to vanish into the skies.  Letbi saw it exit the planet, a wormhole form and it vanished into it.

Strange Glyps on it, as it passed by. NOT aware of him being there. The transparency, capabilities, proving useful again.  He started to run the images of the ‘Glyphs’ through the Galacia Federa archives.

The information, being received by Steel, with the other females listening and watching? The imaging of the being, whatever it was? Was amazingly clear.

What, it was saying however, was not known to them. Some strange language, with a distinct guttural dialect. The craft? They now had much better imaging.AND the Glyphs. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

She passed that, onto Jaden, who now informed her, of the craft leaving the planet and, into the worm hole? Advanced VERY advanced technology.

A craft that small, having such ? Usually, only larger more substantial ones, were capable, of generating instant worm holes. Plus, there was always, an inherrent risk of one collapsing?

In the end, there could only be, one conclusion, that satisfied them. It was, whatever it was and, wherever it came from? A scout craft.

With that, level of technology, it had to be an immensely powerful race. Trouble, big trouble and, an urgency for that Galacia Federa M class, was now a priority.

“OK. some of the translation of those Glyphs? According to the Galacia Federa archives?
veni, vidi, vici?

‘I came, I saw, I conquered.’

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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