Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The resources, were being pooled. Brought together just as they were, in one place. Those who had the knowledge AND, the experience to get the most from specific items, now being divvied up, were given first choice.

Leah, was delighted, that Aliha, was now part of her cave mapping squad. They, were proving to be of major importance, in how they had decided, to get the most out of that task, especially when it came to accuracy.Jess Corbin The Cflen

Jaden, Jiaa and Xib had to work with Steel, in the training of the new recruits, re weapons, defences AND most importantly, the thought processes, to work with, the mental ones in harmony.

Steel, had dispatched Osmi with Kelthek, to position themselves as close to the vae as was possible without giving themselves away. She liked them, for the fact, they had been the ones, who had attempted, to form the resistance group.

It was deemed by her, to be essential they were in position, IF any alien craft landed, OR alien unknowns arrived, they would know about such. They were NOT, and she made it clear; NOT, to engage with the alien/s.

The coms devices, were, on a whole new level, of sophisticated technology to them. Easy to use, BUT, far superior, to the ones they had been using.

Nips was working with Desti, on the various hand weapons, they had brought, to lay out before them. Cleaning, recharging and ensuring they all worked without any issues. Two were discarded re their age and also for minor but could be, death traps.

After, they had finished, their appointed tasks, both, were aware of the dust and dirt, from the cleaning. Nips suggested, they took a strip down wash, in the ‘pool’.

The caves, were full of them and some, were far easier to use, for keeping clean, than the hassle of conventional cleanser units. Nips let Desti strip her. The raw flush across her senses, of his hands, almost tearing off her ‘rubberised’ coated materials, was echoed in part by her sudden urges taking over.

Both naked? Desti had been, surprised by her intimations BUT, he felt relaxed with her. Although this was, the second time only, they had met up, they gelled perfectly. Nips was by nature as we might know it, a very hot and ‘horny’ individual.

What she wanted, in the right place and in the mood? She took! Did the guys complain or refuse? What do you think!  Desi was no exception, Her full on body now naked before him got his full on attention.

She was, some ‘Yea’ older than him, but her body, was everything, he had lusted after and taking greedy advantage of everything that was now on offer was not to be dismissed lightly. Jess Corbin The Cflen

Every, piece of her was ravished. If Nips, was loving his lust, she also made sure, he got everything and EVERYTHING was exactly that.
Literally both of them collapsing some time later from exhaustion!

Nips had finished, by almost eating him alive. Swallowing back the last splatter of cream, over her body, over her face, licking back the last drops with almost the same raw lust and relish.

Finally, for both of them to collapse into the pool. Cool, refreshing, invigorating. Ah well time for another round.. Some time later, back in the pool kind of said it all.

The cannon arrays, had been moved. Final stages on checking them,
to ensure, they could be activated almost instantly if required without any problems.

Sirden, had been given, overall charge, of the systems controllers. Some, newly integrated systems modules, improving the range and targeting for them.

If, they had been able to hear, the testing of them in the Vae below; Osmi with Kelthek had not, been aware of anything, that might warrant their attention, re the response from the Vae.

Those there, knew that the chances of them testing the cannons, was going to be a distinct possibility and, some were inclined to believe it might even become a regular occurence. Others, somewhat relieved, they had those weapons.

Elsewhere, Leah, and Aliha, had decided, to visit, one of the mining sites. Bodium, is used in the power units, for the plasma cannons and whereas many others would have to pay huge sums to have it, here it could be found in abundance.

The Cflen, had not been stupid. They, had given them, the cannon arrays, in exchange for a sizeable amount of Bodium. A SIZEABLE amount. Enough, to keep theirs across the fleet; active, for a LONG time.

The mines were surprisingly efficient. The equipment, was of good quality and well maintained. The rock in many of the caverns, well the known ones, was a mix of many common rock ores. Diorite, Grau (Granite) Hard rock with thorium and manganese. An abundance of Silica and associated organics.

Tfluo and Rhodium with Calcate 2 but nothing of any real value such as we would known them re diamonds, drexet or gold. Some silver, but very light. Rubies and other gemstones?

Trexl, was also to be found and, usually at the upper levels, moreso than lower ones. That was and, could be hightly combustive, if not dangerously explosive, made worse as it  created ‘flash back’ within the tunnels. Wide open caverns for some reason did NOT have Trexl in its layers.

Some areas they noted, were layered strat, indicative of volcanic lava, or similar activity with some seismic shifting, that had forced the mountains to be made. Heights could vary but 8,850 meters (29,035 feet) could be considered one of the highest BUT, not THE highest, at over 12,000 meters.

Core drilling, had revealed a hard, almost granite layer, with a soft underbelly of ash, screed and similar. Sometimes, the hard outer, would freeze, then be exposed, to rapid heating or the reverse of hot and rapidly cooled causing the outer to crack and fall away.

The worst, were what we would call, landslides or avalanches. Yes ‘ glaciers’ could be found. Some, that were, well beyond, the visible horizon.Temperatures could drop, to minus 60 degrees, as we would know it at night. Over the glaciers, in some places, even lower.

Active volcano? NONE. Semi active about four. Dormant as they were to discover; about 12. The climate overall, was surprisingly good. Daylight hours could range from 16 hours as we would know them to a low 12.

Magnetic storms, aurora borealis? Yes. Very visual over the western mountains, where glancing in their direction at night, gave rise, to an astonishing display, of a full on kaleidoscope of changing colours.

Daytime temperatures could be over ie the Vae about 15 to 35 degrees (Centigrade to us). 7 meridian cycles. Winter, spring, hivok (harvesting 1)summer, hivok 2 (harvesting 2) autumn. Planet rotation 440 *days,

Land mass, accounts for over 60%. Water above, about 40% BUT below; well above 60%.

Two moons. Lji and Niji - one sun within the system. Plus a distant dying dwarf star. Liji has a heavy atmosphere with a very high gravity and would crush anything entering its atmosphere. Jess Corbin The Cflen

Liji is a ‘tidal influence; whereas Nijii, is too far away, to be of any consequence. Both orbit the ‘Xetnets’ planet. Lijii also has a magnetic interjuxation, with the aurora borealis on their planet. 

Nijii contains Disulfuric acid. (alternative spelling disulphuric acid) or pyrosulfuric acid (alternative spelling pyrosulphuric acid), also named oleum, is a sulfur oxoacid. While pyrophosphoric acid is corrosive, it is not known to be otherwise toxic.

Where the tunnels, ran into the distant void, Leah had deployed a ‘zoid’ (drone) to track its course. Some surprises there. It entered a massive cavern area.

Letbi, had been watching his screen, come to life, as it showed a wormhole forming? Getting more and more pronounced, to suddely eject from its core? An alien craft, that he definitely, had never seen the likes of before. Even the other alien craft was nothing like this?

Nips, had received, an urgent comcast call, from Letbi. She moved out of the cave, into the open and, looked upwards, as now, that ‘alien’ craft, came into view, to drop so fast, it was liken to watching a flare of light die away to nothing.

The area, where the craft landed, was an isolated, open clearing. Visible from above, but otherwise; hidden. Behind it, a cave opening. From it stepped a figure, that moved towards the cave. 

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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