Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The ‘Xetnets’ had their colony back!  If. there were some. who were. between the devil and the deep blue sea. re  wondering how, the Human(a) suddenly  had ‘vanishied’’ ?

Osmi had, been quick to tell them, that their rescuers, had relocated them, to another world. OK, there was, SOME damage, that was difficult to explain. BUT, again she told them, that had been the Human(a) smashing things up out of temper?

Ah a Human(a) trait they, understood all too well. Where were the Illegals? “Far side of the planet and, they will NOT be seen again unless some are stupid enough to go into their lands? Uhh NO! Jess Corbin the Cflen

The B’stard spawn of the BEAST, had been taken off the planet. The Xetnets, knew nothing of them. OK, they had seen and met some,

SOME, of the ‘Gladiators’ but that, was overshadowed by the sheer joy, at having their colony back, under their control again!

How good was it, to be able to walk around their homes in Zendu vai (village),. without the aggression and fear, FEAR ;  they had been forced to endure.

To breathe in, the cool night air and relax. Some of the Kevletlings, were out playing, with their pets whilst a meeting was held. Their noisy voices amused some of those present.

“Not heard them, like that, for a long time!! More nods and definitely no one, going to go and tell them off, for being so noisy!

All were listening, as Usulf, talked about, what they thought, should now happen.
As they, sipped on the wine, recovered, from the cellars, of the Human(a); many, were nodding their heads in agreement. True, there was work needed, to be done, to put things back, to the way it had been.

But, they were all unanimous, about it, being put back, to a more peaceful. tranquil; simple style of living.  What we would call ‘rustic’. Leaving everyone, to be responsible, for keeping it clean, renovated and, providing for all. Communal living across all of the vai (villages).

Kelthek with Osmi and, some, from their resistance group, were given control, of the new militia. They would receive, some training AND some NEW weapons by the Cflen. They were to put them in the caves.

Make some changes, to them, so the weapons, could be used, to defend those, taking refuge, should the need arise, in the caves. Certainly whilst help was summoned.

The arrival of Se Ziee, with an escort, led by Commander Ojiani, saw hundreds of Gladiator Cflen bow and pay homage to their ‘Apostlete’  before boarding to return to their craft in space.

Osmi and Kelthek, did not know who ‘SHE’ was but did note how she was treated like a ‘God’. Due reverence was almost to the extreme. They were blocked from going near her.. They could see an icy coldness and felt glad as they departed.

NO demands, no payment sought. They had come, saved them and now ? Gone. Life could finally get back to normal. Kelthek with Osmi and, some from their resistance group, were now studying the new weapons,

Sirden was, one of the brightest intellectuals, amongst them. He, soon had grasped, the basics, enough to give them all a  demonstration? The fire power was breath taking. IT destroyed a wall, like it was made of paper.

Briy had been given a transcom device, in case he needed, to contact them, SHOULD any more Human(a) turn up; a gift from  Txiian.

He, had installed, a new transmitter and receiver unit, for them to easily, stay in touch with him. ALL went really well. A celebration feast followed that ran for some time. He had also, contacted the Galacia Federa, to set up support from them AND, to register their right to the possession of their colony, as legit in th eyes of the Qiverse.

A statue, was to be erected in honour of those, who had saved them, from as they called them; the BEAST. It would be placed in the centre, of their vai,  next to a beautiful garden AND fountain. CflenGlad40

The Cflen, moved on. Not too far, because there was a meet up of certain ‘Elite’ factions and, the reason for their Apostlette presence was now fully understood.

“Galacia Federa, have issued a demand that we attend their court for judiicial review of us as a race.

IF they decide, to have us ‘outlawed’ that, will mean our homeworld AND, any other Cflen outposts, will be subject to NO laws by them re what other races can do without punishment..

Pillaging, plunder, murder, the list is endless and we, will NOT, be able, to refer the aggressors, back to them, for punishment.

The Sacred council of ‘Elders’ has met. He turned to Se Zeei and bowed.

“We will not ,attack any other race. THAT is in the sacred book of Gianne. Thus we have a problem. BUT it also say’s clearly; UNLESS THEY ATTACK US.

We will, give them, ONE opportunity and, thereafter; we WILL, defend ourselves, against them.
For anyone, thinking, that rule, only applies, to that one incident ? Think again. From now on, IF a race attacks us, they WILL be deemed, as a hostile.

That means, if we meet them again, wherever, whenever, they will be subject to attack from us, at the discretion of the COMMANDER of any vessel.

IF a ‘Commander’, requests assistance ie for a GROUP attack, then that, WILL happen. ALL vessels, will respond as ONE force. Any commander, who does not have good reason, for complying with that request, will be removed from duty.

The only exception, is IF, a Commander, decides, to NOT engage, because, the other vessel, or vessels are NOT hostile towards us and, show no intention of doing so.

THAT, does NOT apply, for ANY hostiles within our home galaxy. The home fleets, have been reinforced, with new weapons technologies. We NOW and, ALL of our vessels, including this one, will shortly be fitted with, ‘Dark star’ weapons. “

She illuminated a screen. A battle going on with the Urowq fleet?
Now their ship, fired an orb, into the centre of their fleet. IT flared , enemy vessesl after enemy vessel disintegrated.

“Commanders and, their second in command, will be receiving training and more, from Se Phri’s ‘blue blood’ Sciestes.

Our blessed sister,Se Phri’s Axelon class warships will also be fitted with upgraded defence shields.

Able to resist a full on, plasma cannon array, with ease. EVERY fleet NOW, will have one of those in it.

ALL Commanders, of other vessels, caught in a battle situation, will follow the Axelon command; commands.

Even I, have NO rights to disobey them. They are there to PROTECT us ALL.

Remember Se Phri, was appointed. the ‘Protector of the ‘Cflen’. and blessed by, our sacred mother; Gianne.

Her ‘pure bloods’ will give their lives, to save, anyone of you, without question! Let us, pay due respect, to them, by following  instructions from them, as and when,  they deem it necessary.”

The ‘pure bloods’, stood to the side of them, moved forward and bowed. “This fleet, will be heading to the Galacia Federa. We, will park our fleet, OUT of their zone, whilst, we use a transporter to take me into their judiciary.

They will NOT, dare to attempt, an attack on that vessel. NOR an attack on me, whilst there. My escorts, will protect me, from those, who might be, paid ‘ assassins’.

Se Phri, will be, providing an escort of 5 ‘pure bloods’ AND I, will have 5 Gladiators with me. The Human(a), the main controllers of the Galacia Federa will of course, attempt to force, a hostile confrontation, between us and them. . They will make that appear, as though we started it.

We will NOT! I repeat NOT, engage, in giving substance, to that assumption on their part. WE will however, reveal each and every trick, they use, to attempt that. Using Globe cast, to broadcast it for the whole of the Qiverse to see.  Jess Corbin The Cflen

They will attempt to use jamming, of our signals BUT, Globecast have a more secure system, that cannot be controlled by the Human(a), it is used by their ‘secret field agents’ to deliver news back to them that others, might attempt to supress..

Our, attending, their Galacia Federa ‘Judiciary investigation’ is, a ruse on our part; to keep them occupied. Their eyes on US, as our main fleets, continue to Solus 3. (Earth).

Remember, we have, ONE mission, that over rules, everything else. The destruction, of the Human(a) Solus 3 home world.

Once, we have destroyed that, we will turn our fleets around and, take out every Human(a) infestation; colony by colony until their eradication is complete.

We will then, destroy, the Galacia Federa. Our sciestes, are working on, an advanced spacial disruptor weapon, that will fold space. fold every single part of their part of the Qiverse. As it folds in on them, I am told, they will cease to exist.  

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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