Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Commander Vras was ordered to sector 3 with a contingent of troopers to meet the arrival of ‘support troops’ from Cflenia? Landing parsecs away, from where the enemy marauders, were loading up loot and slaves. His own people?

ANY help that could offer some assistance in their attempts to stop their enemies? YET he wondered what the Cflen had to offer? He was pleased to have the treaty. Food was a major problem.

IF they managed, to hide it and KEEP, what they could, from the Urowq, it was never enough, to stop some of his people from starvation.

Thus, the appearance in the skies above him, of two HUGE tranport carriers, now slowly descending downwards to towards them? An unknown to him, but they appeared heavily armed AND now landing, with the hatches open; as out of them?

Gladiator Cflen, are indeed impressive to the eyes. He had NEVER seen such as these. Strange weapons they carried that were nothing like the ones they had. SImple lighweight and ? Over 500 of them, now in front of them, with their respective commanders;  5 of them approaching him and his officers for a briefing.

There was a hiss, as hatches closed, on one of the support transporters and it rose into the air, to hover there for a few minutes, before moving off.. Not leaving them, but remaining in view and now headed towards the enemies known positions?

The marauders too, had seen the craft descending. They had NEVER, seen craft like these. Throwing all reason aside they had decided NOT to hang around. They, were now scrambling to get aboard their own craft and leave!  Sending message,s to the warships, above them?

Ah yes. The ones, who were now witnesses however short that might be, to a, slaughter on a scale, never before seen by them. From the ground the Marauders could see the heavens lit up with a fire work display, of epic proportions. Some of the Cflen commanders, were a little disappointed, that the swarry was over in such a short time. Three of their war ships had suffered some damage BUT minor and were sent back to Cflenia.

The orders from SE Phri, had been succinct and to the point. They were to be shown; NO MERCY. Slaughter was the only way to teach, this bullying thieving, enslaving race, a lesson.

She knew as well, that others in the system, re planets and people would also, be pleased to see, a much needed day of reckoning, taking place. IT had, on her orders, been video cast so that those others, would get to see, what had transpired.

The transporter, took out the drive systems, on the marauder craft. They were unable to power up their craft. Forced to surrender. Some decided to fight and that was where Commander Vras and his men were told to stand down.

The Gladiator Cflen, would take care of those, who wanted to challenge them. Nothing touched them, as they advanced with their weapons flashing in the light of day, to seal the fate of those who dared to attack them.

NOT one of them, was left standing.  Vros was not concerned to see them killed. Two of them he recognised as killers who had murdered over ten in one outpost. Two of them ‘kids’.

It would take, several hours, for the entire planet, to see the last of the enemy, taken care of. Local inhabitants, had found the ones taken as slaves, their posessions; returned to them.

Ariaki had given the return of them, to  Vros and his men to carry out. She did not want, the locals to be alarmed, at the sight of her Gladiator Elites, until they had come to accept them and feel at ease. Thus she had them, keep their distance.

The warning systems, on Septra 4 had been triggered, as the war ships appeared in the skies over the planet.
A fleet, of this size, other than their own, which paled in comparison to the numbers they were now seeing, had never been seen before. 

FEAR. For the first time in hundreds of years they had raided, bullied, robbed, enslaved other worlds in this system. NOW the people were here were realizing. They, were the ones, who would have to pay, for the sins of the fathers, who visited such upon them.

The two war ships, on the ground, were destroyed. Trashed beyond repair. Minor craft, were treated like the nonsensical nuisance, they were. A shooting gallery one might say, as the cannons on the Cflen ships took them out, until any remaining ones, took off at speed away from them.

NOW, we DO know, that the SE Phi ‘pure bloods; are highly intelligent beings. This planet, its people, were of no consequence to the Cflen IF it did NOT pose a threat to them ie to the Cflen AND Cflenia. It was the realization, that this race, would no longer, be able to wage war, in space again? That, was the most satisfying of all outcomes.

It had therefore, been suggested to Arvania, that putting a detachment of Cflen Gladiator, on the planet might be a good idea; BUT bringing in a number of envoys, from the other worlds, overseers of these people, could also prove beneficial.
They needed, to root out the ones, who had been living it up, thanks to the ‘marauders’, the paid for sponsored thieving, raiding and enslaving.

The bulk of the people wee surprisingly friendly. Pleased to see the so called ‘marauders’ subjugated. They were fed up, with those, who had not only bullied and profited handsomely, from their thievery, criminal activities on Septra4; they also controlled, took advantage of; the trading between other planets. 

Envoys from the other worlds, previously subjected to, the villainy of the ‘marauders’, now found any threats gone.
Trading, new colonisation and a growing friendship, developing;  much to the surprise of some, realizing that they shared, a lot of common interests.

Vras, with a detachment of his own, was made the supreme military commander for Agarth 2.
The Gladiator Cflen, were support troops and detachments, would be changed, at regular intervals from Cflenia. Vras did the same with his, sending them back home regularly, after replacements had been received.

This systems planets, but most of all, the inhabitabnts of those worlds;  became rich, from trade and resources, but also a bond between the different races. It would signal a time of peace and prosperity for hundreds of years to come.

For the Cflen ? When at last they wee ready? Leaving behind a semblance of those necessary to keep the homeworld safe; they were now heading out into space.

ONE of the planets they had now become allied with had passed on some information, some VERY valuable information. The establishement on the fringe of their galaxy; of an Human(a) colony. A sizable one AND, where they had carried out  just what the Urowq had done.  The knowledge that they could advance into their known space terrified them.

The Cflen reassured them; that that, would NEVER happen.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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