Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The Human(a) colony of Sepris 3, had been busy, establishing itself, with structures and other projects, including. horticulture as we would know it. A mountain range nearby, was yielding a profitable amount of Drax with Perillium7 a radioactive compound, which required some care, in its  processing.

A cavern, that had been shown, to contain Trexl was posing another problem. In short, the dammed stuff, is highly flammable. One careless moment and the ‘flash back’ could be terrifying. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

Scorched earth policy works well in a hostile situation where you could use it BUT for those seeking to use it for energy where it worked well in controlled situations? IT was hazadous and worse still, could be volatile to the point of unpredictable.

Dollar boy or ‘Spunkless’ as he was known to his closest friends, was a coarse, arrogant smeg. He had no time for following rules.He, was lazy. self centred and in short made excuses time after time to NOT work. Whatever payments he received went on gambling or whoring.

Whore houses, or Comfits as they were known could be found across the Qiverse. From basic to the more refined Bynard series 7 companions who were the ultimate Bynards.

You could buy them as well built and designed to meet your wildest fantasies, your domesticated bliss OR !  Full on domination to subjugation to so many perverse variations it would take too long to list them!  Commercial applications could also include Casino’s.,entertainment and a lot more

Spunkless could not afford, even the basic whorehouse Bynards his best friend, had left to go elsewhere, leaving him his pleasure doll. IT was literally a blow up doll, though a more solid version. with holes in all the places you would expect them to be. Well for Human(a). It had certainly been well used, that, did not bother Spunkless in the least. Most of the time, he was inebriated or high on Nz a powder made from some plant extract.

Common amongst the miners, who had established a settlement, near one of he mountains. It meant, they could work longer and though half awake, half somewhere else, most of the time; they could still focus as their eyes were seldom affected.

Females were few. The dome area was sealed off from them. There could be found a settlement of families, education and training for the more elite amongst them.

The ‘riff raff’, were kept outside of the dome. The air, was a close match to Earth’s original mix. Minor, variations at times, but otherwise not much difference.

Some of the more ‘palacial of the whore houses; could be found, outside of the dome and for good reason. Whoring and the use of whores was simply NOT acceptable, re the residents of the dome.

Thus a decent selection, of prized whores, were available, mostly Bynard, though some of the elites, who lived in the domes had daughters, who whored themselves. They liked the pleasures, the freedoms whoring gave them, whilst making plenty of drax and having expensive presents bought for them. Wpoo

The dirty stench, of a miner whoring them, slapping them,, from single to group sessions. For some, it was the ultimate in all of their fantasies, their pleasures.

Work sodden, sweaty miners, loved the taking of these rich, educated whores. An endless queue, where up to thirty of them, could have one of them in one night.

Some of them, were ‘filmed and their activities, plastered over the Globe Cast ‘ silent night’ as it was known, networks’. Illegal but, highly lucrative income, for some. Some of the elite daughters would turn up for an illicit one on one session with one of their own, sneaking out, to meet up, knowing their parentia OR their Cojoined, would NOT know about such.

They too, would be filmed and blackmailed, whilst their activities were available across the ‘silent night’ networks. Some were forced to take a number of the dirty sweaty miners who could pay huge sums to have them, often taking them, in front of their Elite partners. Debauchery at its finest.

Disease was rampant. The Elite could have what was called a ‘Flush’ where their bodies were literally purged of all disease re bacterial, viral and similar.

VERY expensive and, that often resulted n blackmail, where they forced to pay the ‘ service providers’ to keep their dirty secrets secret. Sometimes the ugliest of the service ‘techs’ could force the females or even the males to pleasure them.

All in all, the entire colony, was a cesspit of iniquity. An innocence, often besmirched, by the filth, that those, who sought to pleasure themselves, at the expense of others, with no convictions on their part, indulged in on a regular basis.  

Slavery, traficking, it became a hub, for those perverted traders, who sold flesh, like selling any other meat. NOT just Human(a), Some other races such as the Vendaren, or the Jogarth females OR males, could fetch, astonishing prices.

Spunkless, with a gambling debt, hanging over his head and, a threat to remove his organs decided, on some trafficking of his own.

A raid on a Jogarth outpost and, the seizure of 12  females by them, was a celebration in itself. Two of his companion raiders had been captured.

His debt, would be instantly wiped, simply for showing up, with just one of them in chains. Plus a sizeable bonus, when the others were sold? Truly one of the best days of his life. He had wanted to pleasure himself with one of them BUT was warned NOT to as that would affect the sellng price dramatically.

Soiled goods were NOT acceptable. MOST Jogarth females, were Virgins, to the extreme. Some slight physical differences to the Human(a) but mostly acceptable or could be worked around. Some surgery could alter them to be almost identical to the Human(a) females OR even better a Bynard Companion Elite.

A slave collar fitted to them, meant compliance, with their new masters demands, or feel pain from mild to the sensation, of having their heads ripped off.

Once the collars were fitted they complied. SOME that were still resistant, could have neural surgery, which meant an operation on their ‘brain’ stem, to remove certain elements, that always made them, completely docile.

The Vendaren whores, were eaisly subjugated. The Kalheiron ones, were a true nightmare. They, had to have a neural implant, to ensure their obedience. If a switch was fitted, they could be turned from docile to a raging psychopath, that could be beaten down and pleasured, often, by those, twice their size. However,

It is said that a raid, where several Kalheiron, were captured and operated on, had been thwarted? The original captors,, before they could flee, were rounded up.

THEY were skinned alive and then, left to be slowly eaten alive, piece by piece, taking mo *months, for some to finally die.

Unnown to Spunkless? The two Human(a) who had been captured by the Jogarth?  The male commander who had been in charge KNEW, he would be held to account, probably executed for the raiders taking over 12 females. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

Nym, was one of the most feared of Jogarth ‘terminators’. She was ordered by Isabellani, to investigate and, do whatever she wanted re punishment.

Jeb knew, his time was up, when he heard, that she, had been assigned, to his punishment. She arrived a while later after he had been sweating mulling over his fate. Making final arrangements re his ‘famiy’.

The cub, was emptied, as he now faced her. “Fetch me food and drink, Aji2c wine a full bottle.” He hurriedly made sure her requests were complied with.

Once, she was served, the refreshments, she poured him some ‘wine’. “You will tell me, every last detail, of what transpired.”

NO chains. no fierce interrogation? She listened, as she went over the base plans. Saw where, the raiders had gained entry?

A most difficult and, even she could admit, unpredictable entry point, for such a raid.

A steep incline, that would, have taken some time, to traverse with the knowledge, the moment they were detected, they would be dead?
The females had been placed there, as it was deemed, the safest place for them to be.

“Bring me the raiders, the two you captured.” They were brought in. She noted that they had NOT placed slave bands on them? “I heard, that you do not like, slave bands on prisoners, before you interrogate them?” She smiled.

“You are right.” Bixi was one of the males. A real weasel, in every sense of the word. “I will tell you anything you want to know.” “Oh you will, both of you.”

“Strip, them both naked NOW!” Now naked before her she ordered a WhiSho (whipping stocks) to be brought in and they were placed into them. Their heads locked into the top their hands at a lower level now locked in.

IT was the first time, Jeb had ever seen them used. She had had, them taken off her vessel and, now stood in front of them with the two naked males, unable to move.

“What is it, you do to our females, when you capture them? Sell them, trade them, to some of the most vile beings ever. The Human(a) who are some of the most vicious, vile of them all. SO, this, is for each, of the twelve, that were taken from us. “

She took up a lazer whip. Over an hour as she savagely beat them with it. All over them NOT a part, of their bodies was missed, Castration, was the final savagery on her part. Their heads were next as she literally sliced into their necks to remove them. A final spit on them from her as she now sat poured some wine. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

“Package their heads and those ‘parts; send them, to the Colony, with our compliments, tell them. they will return, every one of our Jogarth females AND four prisoners, to compensate for the loss of two of our troopers. Or, face our wrath.

Clean up the WhiSho. We will need them again.” She turned to Jeb. I have to make some com calls. PRIVATE. You understand?” He nodded. “We don’t have the number of military here to attack a base that size.”

“Who said, we would be leading the main attack. The Human(a) have some spectacular enemies. I am about to make a deal with one of them tht will see our females returned AND FOUR prisoners.”

Xixi had finished talking to Nym. “Send us everything you have, we will do the rest. We agree to your terms. We will retrieve the females and send you FOUR of their finest, male AND females. 

The nearest Cflen fleet to that colony is Se Gi’s She is putting one of her Elite Gladiators,  in charge of the invasion. Kisha. One of our youngest Elites. She has already, proven herself, working with others, We are now giving her command of this invasion.

Your race, is not the only one, who has some of the finest warriors. Of course you don’t have the B’ard spawn of the BEAST. Not that YOU have any fear from them. They tend to be particular, as to what they eat. “ She laughed as they now discontinued their call.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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