Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Ameryst, was gripping Kelowi’s hand. She could, feel the moisture on it but she didn’t seem to feel fear, the figure moved closer. Ameryst has a bio weapon implant BUT she was too young for it to be protecting her but it did momentarily flicker.

Aboard Raptor, Cistera stopped, as she stared at Nathan. “Our baby is in trouble! Ameryst is in trouble serious trouble!” Nathan moved his head to glance in her direction but she was gone.

Suddenly, Ameryst, was shoved back, along with Kelowi as in front of them stepped Lizet. She glanced at the bodies, laying behind the figure of the female who had stopped and was now staring at her! Annoyed at more interference?

 “Cu tra no ve Sotri ai !” The Assassin shook her head pointed at the bodies behind her. “This is NOT your fight! They WILL die. LEAVE before I am forced to kill YOU! “  Normally, they would NOT, leave any survivors BUT,  she realized, she was running out of time?

Lizet, ignored her, screeching at her again.  “Cu tra no ve Sotri ai !” She reached behind her back, pulled out a blade. NOT one that anyone there had seen before? Jess Corbin The Cflen

It, was a ‘Cabilista’, a weapon she had stolen from a ‘clonectic’ she had killed, one of those, they pumped and dumped with clossistrial fluid, to send them to fight for them.

Ah yes the Vendarans, it had been a toy to her as she had played with it got used to its balance and weight. To her, she had realised that it was an extremely effective weapon.

The good thing about it was also, she knew her attacker would not understand its full powers !

It was then, there was a blinding flash of light. Stood behind Lizet was Cistera ! She looked at the Kets then at the figure in front of Lizet. Her gemsn started to glow. An intense ring of energy now engulfed the Assassin; unable to move.

Lizet raised her hand “Stop ! “ She turned to Cistera. “Forgive me my Haphketsut but you deny me my honour. I have issued a challenge and if you kill her, you dishonour me! 

I want her to die slowly, to rip her apart limb from limb just as she would have done to ...” Her voice tailed off, Cistera knew full well what she meant.

“My Haphketsut! Take the Kets and LEAVE! “ The gems faded and Cistera stepped back to grab the Kets. “Are you sure ?” “Yes, now go ! “ Cistera took hold of the Kets hands, a flash of light and they were gone.

The Assassin was now free. She was picking up her blade, the fury clearly visible in her eyes.  “So be it. Just you, just me; to the death !  I will tear you limb from limb and spit on your corpse.”

She had been right, the female had not known, the power of the Cabalista. It matched, every attempted attack, blocking and defending against her blade. However determined, no matter how much power she brought to play;  she could not get past it !

it was, almost like, there was a wall, in front of Lizet. She taunted her teased her. then hacked away at her. Her shoulders, her arms, her legs finally bringing her to her knees.

She swung the Cabilista, slamming it forward into the chest of the female. the smell from inside her, of burnt seered flesh. slowly oh so slowly as Lizet now watched her gasping her final breath. Her eyes flickered and closed, as she slumped forward to the floor dead.

Cxao had been dispatched by Cistera. Now he was not far behind her stood feet from her with a dozen troopers. They had seen the female and smelt the stench of burnt flesh.

All the time, noting the look in Lizet’s eyes, her savouring the moment. He knew what that felt like BUT, he thought to himself;  ‘remind me never to upset you ! ‘ Some of the guard, were barely alive.

He had medisents, attend to them,  taken to get specialist treatment that would, see a lot of them survive. Besrek was dead, Ameryst and Kelowi had told the same story, of how he, had fought bravely, to the last; to save them.

“You wll make sure.“ Cistera had told Cxao.  “He is consumed, by the sacred flame and decorated with the honor of ‘Protector of the people. ! His family will receive a substantial tribute from us, by way of a thankyou. ”

“So who sent her?” Nathan was sat talking to Cistera who had hugged the Kets, then scolded them! She had, however conceded that on reflection, there was little most of the guards could have done, to defend themselves; against such an assassin !

 “That cabalista, seems to be more than a match, perhaps, we should take a closer look at it and, arm the guards. with something as effective.  I’m sure, Lizet would train them to use it “ It was then Lizet appeared, she had something in her hand.

“I bring you a token, from Gatian in the Chaquestra system. “ Trime stepped in behind her “Our tracer, says she came from near the Human(a) 3 worlds. A small moon. “ “They obviously want the Kets, whilst they’re vulnerable ! ““

“We “ murmured Cistera “Are now, going to have to be, far more aware, of what the Kets are up to ! “ Koemini interrupted them. “You could, fit them with the Moxai devices !” “They won’t like that “ Cistera looked at Nathan “they have no choice ! besides our baby Ameryst, has a problem, she is nowhere as developed as the others ! “

Ameryst came in, she ran over and jumped into his lap. Nathan hugged her. It was true. She was, slightly smaller, than the others and the gems, almost non existent?  They told her what they were going to do ! Surprisingly for a few moments, she said nothing !

“I think all, of us Kets, should have them fitted ! I don’t want, to be regarded as special, or singled out; the others won’t like it and its unfair “ Nathan smiled as the others came into the chambers.

He told them, then waited, as Liana appeared, with the devices, “They’re tiny implants that will meld into your shoulder, hardly noticeable. They will be monitored, all of them from now on so NO illicit activities !

We know some of you, have been “ He stopped as they giggled. Suddenly Becci grabbed Margise, pulling her close to her.  “Not going to if Margi isn’t protected aswell ! “ Nathan looked at Cistera and smiled “ We said ALL KETS! Now line up ! Liana when you’re ready ! “

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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