Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Human(a) Colony 53e Sestrom Dynastic worlds.

Over a third of the planet had been taken over by them AND was an experimental facility for biological weapons  Ishee or Ishee Knot was leading over 500 scientists. He or was it SHE, had agreed to share the work results with Mac Darthur  and Spunky.

Provided they made sure, the Galacia Federa, did NOT, find out about, their illegal experimentation on aliens.Thus by all accounts, visible to see, was an extensive defensive system in place,  to protect the facility.

NO one came in, no one left, without being permitted to do so. Mac Darthur and Spunky the donkey; as he was known, regularly making an ass of himself, were the official political representatives, for what we know today, as the USFU? ANALSA colony? Well that and a combined ‘Japa off world group of scieste. .

It would be funny, if it were anything but.  Mac Darthur kown as dippy to his friends, , with his closet, oops closest;  best friend Sweets,  had wanted to monitor the results of the tests carried out on ‘aiien species’. Spunky was his side kick. A little dense, but where the USFU was concerned,  nothing unusual there.

“Are you coming out of the closet .. “ Sweets would deny he had any reason to be in the closet. Never mind eh Sweetie.. We’ve got this” He paused to shift his glasses, a dark pair to reflect light? “Must be, that time of the year eh Sweets? My you have so many colours on. You going to those clubs again tonight? The Flants Tones Gole time vintage one?”

“Anyway, be careful.  You know, some, of the off world scieste, want to experiment on you. Cut off your non essentials. I told you before, NOT to call them Japa Gobblers. “Cobblers.” “Whatever. All I know is they are out to experiment on you. Even offered a reward, to anyone handing you over to them. 

Spunky, has collected, all the data, from the Japa archives. We, can load the data and take it to Colony 5B a more secure facility AND we would not nor must allow, transmisson of the data. That would expose it to being hacked. The Jnsha spies, are everywhere and two, of our top sciestes, have already, been taken prisoner by them.

Luckily, the ones they have, are low level! Knowing relatively little, of our main facilities. BUT we must be more careful! Off world trips, must for the time being, be suspended!

“Dick.” He turned to see ‘Djppy’ headed towards him. “The ‘shipment’  leaves tonight, I suggest, you go with it, just to make sure, it arrives safely.  He nodded,.

“Is that tonight? Not the brightest spark in the box, how the hell he. ever got to be the head of intelligence for the USFU / ANALSA? “Yes TONIGHT.” “Ah OK, tonight you say?”

Bob, a job, from the colony, Job done, was not happy, to leave the shipment, under the protection of Dick..
Mac Darthur had told him, it would be fine. “Dick, is OK, when he is not, smoking weed or off his head on Ant. Jess Corbin The Cflen Xanzi

Ah ‘ANT’ an insect of sorts, they had realised that if you crushed it, you could inhale the fine dust and it would stupify you. An overall feel good but dumbness that numbed the brain.

Disputable re Dick as some, might be inclined to believe that ANT actually made him smarter. His brain cavity was all too similar to a vacant parking lot.

Xanzi was a Jnsha spy. Somewhat suspicious by nature but clever enough to know on overhearing that Dick was going to be in charge of the consignment shipped to Colony 5B known as the COLON of the USFU because those working there were up to the necks in excrement.

A human(a) waste processing plant. Ideal cover for those storing, retrieving and looking to adapt and use some of the knowledge made known to them on the weaknesses of certain alien races? “That place had been known as full of ,, excrement.

A secretly encrypted, transmission to the Jnsha home world, revealing the location, of the USFU experimental base, layout, defensive capabilities and that she was now leaving!  Using the excuse of maintenance on the cruiser carrying Dick and his cargo was good enough.

NOT that Dick, would be going down to the planet. It stank! He had Sweets, who  for some reason, had no aversion to the stench, hand over the containers. Xinsa had slipped away to take another freighter, outbound from the planet, to a place nearer her ‘inter terminus’.

Scieste, Deep Intu Brown, was not amused, that the individual assigned to deliver, had not, complied with the orders given to him, to personally deliver the cargo.

WHO? Dick. “Ah that explains a lot!”  Brown shook his head.” Might have guessed that that USFU USELESS,‘Dick Head’. would not grace us, with his presence.”

The Jnsha, had sent a warship to destroy the facility? The temptation to also destroy the processing plant they now knew archived the data? The processing plant was closest. Thus as Dick was settling back to sniff a little more ‘ant dust# ?

The massive shadow of the  M class series war ship with they noticed NO markings had now appeared over the planet, HOVERING over the excrement processing plant below. NOW.

The problem, with that place, is not only the stench, but the gases it gives off. Ah yes METHANE and, so much of it,  they actually, siphon it off and store it in tanks.

Dick had already, loaded a number of those tanks, onto this vessel. He had been warned NOT to, as the vessel itself, was NOT, safety approved, for the carrying of, such a cargo! Greed ah yes greed. That illegal cargo would net him and the crew a huge amount of Drex. 

On the USFU excrement processing plant, It had been noted, that a large M class vessel, had appeared ominously now hovering over the base? Nervous? Some knew the dangers that working there posed.
 A small spark,  could set off a raging infrerno?

How about, a plasma burst, from a high intensity cannon array? Dick and the others, aboard his craft, watched in horror, as the stream of plasma, shot towards the installation, lighting up the darkness? Themionic vacuum of space, boosting the weapon, as now, the flare, across the entire installation of USFU excrement?

Uhh NO, the leaked gases, which now ignited, sparking, turning the yellow burn, to a high intense blue.
The heat rising rapidly to now engulf everything in its path. EVERYTHING. Like an incinerator now burning and consuming all. NOTHING and we mean NOTHING but scorched, whatever, was left; dust.. Jess Corbin The Cflen

Dick had screamed, for their vessel to activate its shield, to deploy weapons? Too late. The second plasma attack,  was aimed at them and,  just like, the scorched remains below, within parsecs, of the flare of light, blinding them; they were dust.

The pilot , Sizanne, of the Jnsha vessel smiled. Zizi had given her command and was delighted with her abilities.
He would, reward her later, as they enjoyed their private cabin with hot tub and a massive king size recline.

She, liked to indulge, in some Kama Sutrai with him. It kept her, free of unwanted sexual, let alone emotional tensions / frustrations. He liked a bit of domination. A good coarse whip across his butt cheeks.

A good session, could last for several ‘hours’. Pleasure was not to be skimped on. Damm was she hot and not after being in the hot tub.One, of the reasons, they had bonded, was the fact, that neither of them, were in any way ‘inexperienced.’!

Females were FEMALES. To be pleasured, mastered, respected, but knowing, who their MASTERS were. DID Siza ever complain? NEVER. None of the Qiverse ‘’Karens’, messed up, sick, ideologies here. A couple of lashes across his butt cheeks and he would do anything for her.

Colony 53e Sestrom Dynastic worlds. was their next target.
A strange message, from her headquarters. DO NOT, go there! AN enemy force is already attacking them!

WHO? they did not know. Their bosses were quite specific. Their order were to report back to their base at Aldrui3  As for ?

Colony 53e Sestrom Dynastic worlds? The locals had been furious to see such a place being built.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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