Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Briy had not seen, the alien craft, enter the skies above. Where it had landed, was the far side of a mountain range. Nips had called Desti and together they were now preparing to move in its direction. Jess Corbin The Cflen

A female, had caught Briy’s attention. She was asking a lot of questions?
Ones that for some, might have made them nervous? Not Briy. He instantly recognised a Gildateer. A treasure seeker.

One of the most striking of females. Her beauty, posture and glowing aura made her stand out. Many of the  local Xetnets had stopped whatever they were doing to literally stare at her! Some of the males were getting slapped by the females they were with.

Plain and simple, they certainly could not compare. Outer beauty om such a scale can truly be cruel.  Someone to act as a guide? The caves?

There was definitely, a distinct sigh, as she discovered, that NO one, had bothered to map the caves? She would not, be put off. It was NOT the first time she had ventured into unknowns without mapping.

Just make sure, you have the right, sonic deep probe gear, which, at various stages, was a stake, driven into the rock and, formed a signal pathway. Properly applied, they were fool proof, even in the unfortunate event of a rock fall.

Of course, you could have, someone follow you and, remove the stakes. BUT she had learned long ago, that you did NOT make them too obvious. Hiding them, would not eliminate your signal tracker from picking them out. Without the signal tracker you could NOT find them.

So long as you, were in close proximity! A true professional Gildateer had, the knowledge, to stay alive. They were accepted, as the best of the best. Sometimes employed by greedy entrepreneurs.

All expenses paid, food, drink, equipment and so much more from a paid sponsor. Plus a percentage of whatever treasure or treasures were found.

Janeira saw Briy approach her. “I can probably help you BUT, as to whether they will welcome your presence is another thing all together.

I will, drop you off, on my way out. I will NOT, be waiting so if they reject you, you are on your own.“
The short hop to where Steel and Aliha, were sat talking, allowed him, to discover why she was there.

Ah yes, competitors of sorts. They too were ‘treasure seekers’. Currently resting. well they had been.
She, was quick to point out, that they, were currently working, with the Xetnets, on a possible alien threat.

He would not accept, any fee, for her trip. True, he had saved her some time AND, she did not have to look far, to spy Aliha. Looking up to see Janiera?? A shaking of her head? A smile.

“Why you fi (fox). we meet again.” They sat down as Steel brought them drinks.
“We’re not actually ‘treasure seeking’. “ “Briy, told me. Can I have a look at those images you have?”

Aliha was quick and, made it clear to Steel, that Janiera was well versed in other races. VERY knowledgeable. Looking at the picture of the ‘female’. scout whatever? She let out a gasp.

“Whoa, I will need to check, BUT ! You better pray it’s not them. NO, NO, NO! “ Aliha stared at her.
The look on her face was one of horror?  “NO NO NO! “Jess Corbin The Cflen

“HOW long ago? Was the craft here? “ Janiera would not be moved to give up her suspicions. NOT until she had had her answers. “Call all of those relevant to this, together NOW !”

Leah had heard the ‘commotion’ to now show herself. “Call the guys. The other females. Tell them. “ She paused to look at Janiera who was busy on a comcast / globecast transmission.

For some strange reason, their communication systems, were being blocked.
Well OFF the planet ones? “You say your coms were fine, until the 2nd craft arrived? “ Leah showed her the imaging. “Phew! That’s a relief.”

“Uhh? “ “This lot are a parasitic lifeform, they are NOT hostile nor will do anything unless attacked. Remove everyone from the CAVES ! They will send us an ‘emissary’, it is NOT HOSTILE!”

“So what is it.” “A ‘progestor’ probably. Their race was almost to the point of extinction. They came up with what the Human(a) called an ‘Immaculate conception’. No one knows what goes into the entire process BUT the results are astonishing.

Some, might look at me and say, OH you’re one of them! “ She grinned. “NO, that lot are nothing to worry about. That ‘scout however, if I am right and, I hope I am WRONG, is your real nightmare.”

Jaden and a few of the others, now arrived. “Osmi and Kelthek, are with the cannons.” They, were briefly introduced, to Janiera, vouched for by both Xib and Aliha.

“What weapons do you have? Particle disruptors?” NO! “IF they arrive, DO NOT take me lightly on this. They are your worst nightmares, wrapped up in one zio (Hell is close). I have sent for help, but particle disruptors, would have been a major asset for us.”

NOT good news. Suddenly Leah let out a howl. “The mines! I saw some of them had those at the MINES! “
Of course they would! “Get them moved close to the Vae and when I say NOW  I mean NOW! “

Desti and Nips, took off in the zimp, to head for the mines.
We’ve lost contact with the midship in space. We might be able to hack the satellite we put into orbit. That has a more simple binary encoded system without fancy encryption. “

“It is vital, we have some means, to see, if any other craft, come through and, what they are. IF, it is who I think they will send, they are known as ‘Zelots’ to us; their military.

You kill them on sight and, without any attempts, to approach them, or reason with them. They DO NOT, understand anything other than YOU, making the ultimate sacrifice. Believe me, millions have, at their ‘hands’.Jess Corbin The Cflen

A figure, moved towards them? Some tension, as Jaden had his hand on his weapon to be joined by Xib.

Janiera, moved in front of them. “Stand down. This being is NOT hostile! “

As it, now moved in closer, to them, some of them let out a gasp. Janeira had been right. ‘It’s beauty’ was certainly comparable to hers.

Perfect ‘skin’; everything about it was perfection. “Everyone stay back. I will try, to get it, ro turn off the blocking device, used to protect its ‘POGS’.

Janiera was watched by the ‘female; who smiled? Of course unknown to the others BUT not by her was knowing the ‘female had scanned her bio lifeform. J is a Zeixate and hence her beauty.

“I am Prie. My Gestator, has entered one of the caverns to Gestate at least a dozen. NO harm, will come to anyone provided, they do NOT, attempt to attack, or disrupt the Genesis. BUT, I sense YOU already know this.”

“NO one will interfere, BUT, I need you to turn off the blocking device. We have and I have to tell you, YOU may have, an alien incoming threat, to your ‘POGS’.”

They, moved closer to each other and, neither of them made a sound. “The blocking device is turned off. You do understand that unless we are attacked we do NOT attack other races.”

“That I do know, from Centu 5e23. Your ‘POGS’ there, did not take long, from Gestation, so I am hoping, the alien threat, will NOT, manifest itself, before they all reach their final ‘Genesis’.

The image, she now created, within her mind, ‘Prie’ was scanning? “A scout, you are right BUT be warned. It is an ancient one and, the people here are primitives. IT, will have no mercy, in sending in their Zealots to terrorise and force submission by sacrificing a large number of them to their ‘Gods’. 

She leaned in and, touched Janiera’s arm. A slight tingle and her cognitive senses, awakened, flushed with new synaptic data ? That, is what we know about them. THAT one is an ‘Aztecuan’.
An ancient one and we have had encounters with IT before.

I will delay, our leaving this planet, to give you time, to gather some more help. IF the Zealots arrive and, KNOW we are here they will do NOTHING. They fear us and our power, is beyond them.

She moved, turned and vanished. Janiera moved over to one of the comcast, globecast devices and activated it. She breathed a sigh of relief. “The blocker is disabled.” She moved away from them and appeared to be making some ‘calls’?

“I need you Dolly! “

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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