Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Stepping out of the craft, the female started to smile? Snowi,Queen and the ‘Witch’ had been instantly recognised. As for their loot? Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

That, was now being taken off them. Well, what was due to the SuRan Corporation, plus a hefty charge, for them having to deploy their enforcers. ALL 4 of them.

“But there is only YOU” . Queen was not going to be silenced by the others. “Do YOU, want, to delay my time here and, increase the costs?” Holli stared at her, as she scowled back at her.

Snowi knowing she had been beaten, apologised telling Queen to shut the ! up. As Holli now produced a receipt and shortly after their craft left.

“Now, see what we are left with!”
“We can, delay a little, whilst the miners, bring in the next consignment of Drax. That is due today?”
Thus, they returned to their encampment.

The four craft now back to base Holli was now aware of other vessels appearing next to them. NO markings to tell her where they were from OR what race they were?

Jebu, had arrived, with the small compact fleet of the Cflen. He was a ‘Pure blood’ commander and, though Kisha was in charge of the ‘invasion’ he, was in charge of the fleet.

Kisha respected Jebu. ‘Pure bloods’ did not intimidate her. They shared a mutual bond though she was a Gladiator Elite AND had earned herself the right to lead the invasion she still sought out his advice.

“Who are they?” The SuRan vessel had clear markings telling them BUT? Were they Human(a)? Escaping? Desler was a ‘Pure blood’ Scieste and knew a lot about the SuRan.

“Owned by Human(a) but those aboard the vessel? Haptics. Bynards and more Haptics.  Haptics were NOT Human(a) more liken to entities occupying a form, a body.

Holli, had been more than aware, of the strange fleet, powering up their weapons. “NOW you would be really stupid, to attack us.” Before she could issue a warning, the weapons were powered down.

They left. Opening a rift in space, to in the blink of an eye; vanish? Technology the Cflen did NOT possess. On reflection he was glad they had not attacked THEM.

Taking food and drink with Jebu Kisha went over the surveillance footage. They had sent a small ‘eye in the sky’ satellite to scan the whole installation.

They were also aware of the other compounds. The so called new colony to the miners encampments. There were also some sat outside the dome area. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

A lot of places to attack. She did NOT want to spread her forces thin on the ground. She only had 100 B’stard spawn of the BEAST which, may seem like a lot, but for the numbers they estimated below?

The two cannons had also been detected. Armed and, with a reasonable defensive shield, that would have to be broken first. Destroying them, once that was done, would be easy. BUT, the shield or shields type, composition, was an unknown quantity.

“If we send in a small raiding party, it will make them aware of an imminent attack. Whatever other weapons they may have ? We don’t know.

The Dome, appears to be defenseless, but, that could be a trick on their part. The moment, we start to invade, they could suddenly, produce more cannons, or other weapons.

Leoni of the Jogarth, did provide us, with some extra information. BUT, its old and the planet below, has a large amount of mountains, with CAVES. We can deploy a ‘sweeper’ that will discharge toxic nerve gas;  BUT only after we have eliminated weapons, such as those cannons.

Tinky winky poo, had leaned of Snowi ‘s plans, to escape. He hated her, for the way she always spat at him, for being almost incapable, re anything sexually. Wpoo

The way he walked, talked, like an old hag, She, had made him, wear female clothing and, paraded him with the miners taking turns to whip him.

Barely able to walk, he made it to the new colony and collapsed in his pink soft fluffy dress, his butt covered with lash marks, sticking out at the back. To land at the foot of one of the guards. They had laughed, spat at him and gone to give him a good beating, when they were interrupted by Sharming, no Prince Charming here..

Giving him, some water and bringing him round, to hear him tell of what Snowi was planning? He slumped back, as Sharming smiled. “Throw him out to the wovs (wolves) oh and, leave him with that nice dress.

Rounding up over 20 of his ‘militia’ They attacked the miners, carrying the Drex. They did NOT kill the miners. They sent them with a message for Snowi, the Queen and the Witch whores. They would be seeing them, real soon.

Me2 had had enough. With all that he had seen? Nah he was getting out of there. A few from the dome, had paid him a decent sum, to leave with him, after sneaking aboard his craft.
He also, had 12, of the Jogarth females, locked in his hold.

Ah you might ask, 12? Two of his passengers to pay their fares, had raided the owners places and stolen them. Used goods, but still capable of fetching good prices. He was NOT planning on going back to that hell hole.
The other 10 he had killed two, to take. All in all he was set up for life.

He had been watched leaving by Snowi, Queen and the Witch. “B’stard!  I knew, we should never have trusted that b’stard.”  If Me2 was now about to exit the planet into space?

Surrounded by this fleet? Brought to a halt as his engines were disabled and it was boarded? Kisha was almost retching at the smell, the stench, of the BEAST, the Human(a).

They seized them all. Well bar the Jogarth who were taken to be examined, treated and a message sent to Nym. Delighted to hear the news of them being safe. The two, who had been violated, were to be treated with a special chemical compound, she was now, sending to them.

THEY would perform ‘surgery’, to restore them back to perfection. As for the four as promised?
Two females and 2 males, were taken from the prisoners. Chained. Ready for collection, as now Nym, sent a Jogarth transporter to pick them up.

The Cflen, could now focus on their attacks. Se GI had arrived with two special sentinel craft.
The Qusoks as they were known would land and destroy any ‘force fields’.

They contained, what was known, as ‘Quantum converters’. Attracted by and greedy for; energy, they would suck up anything, the plasma Cannons fired at them.

Jebu was not in control of, nor could make any decisions, about their deployment. That lay with the commander, of the specialist QCs as they were known. Se Gi knew who that was and, she if she was the right term was always, making her, more than aware of ‘her’ presence on the battlefield. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

The last time, she had arrived on one of hers, Venus had indeed shown up. NOT however in full Vestage. Everything bar the lower half, complete.

The lower half, left certain parts of her lightly covered. NOT that the Cflen males felt anything sexually, BUT ?

Kasnic was NOT Cflen. He was allied to them as a member of the team who had developed the QC’s.

He was always with her to ensure they were fully functional, any modifications required; completed.

He got agitated, every time he saw her, in her semi dressed ?! Venus knew this and Se Gi suspected she did that deliberately? A magnificent specimen of a male. Pure and clean, healthy and strong; very strong.

Sometimes Gianne or the ‘Prophetess’, would deem it necessary, for Cflen to ‘mate’ ?
They would, allow the primitive mating ritual, that Kasnic enjoyed, to be him and Venus?

Venus had not known about this. On her return from a previous mission, she had been ordered into a confine and, Kasnic had been allowed to pleasure himself with her.

He was not rough with her. Strong, male and making it clear, that even if she was a GLADIATOR Cflen, HE would do as he pleased with her.  Which in due course, he did and, on more than one occasion.

Afterwards, she would report, to have her body fluids removed, scanned and he, had proved to be rich, in everything they sought for reproduction.

Over a 100 Cflen females, had been inseminated, with his fluids.  Producing strong, healthy, virile males.

20 females HAD ALSO  been handed over to the Gladiator Cflen, Of the same strength and beauty the Cflen possessed. Something they were proud of.

He, was allowed to take her anytime he pleased. They wanted it NOT to be always controlled but spontaneous to see if that made a difference?

Genetically it appeared to do so. Something extra appeared in his fluids that added to certain characteristics of protection against certain diseases, improved immunities.

Kesnic, would also, allow Venus, to have tests of their strength against each other. She felt nothing, well supposedly so, but something definitely did happen, when they fought.

Some flush of a chemical, across her senses. He too felt it. When tested, they both had the same levels, of whatever it was. IT, gave them a boost, to their muscular strength AND, improved their response times dramatically.

Their reaction times were faster, more accurate AND, actual strikes decreased because, they could avoid far more than before. The Cflen ‘pure bloods’, were astonished AND, delighted.
They added the genetic boost to theirs.

Venus had landed her two craft. Stepping out in front of Shar Ming’s guards and the encampment?
They were astonished, to see this female. A picture of perfection AND, her lower half open for them to seize her and, pleasure themselves.

NO weapons, cept those strange parts of a craft that had split into two sections behind her? Seize her and, take turns with her.  Venus, had seen their reactions. “Ah, as if your stench, is not bad enough, I know exactly, what you all, are thinking.

Primeval savages. All of the Human(a) traits, that never change. Greed, violence, rape. fornication.
Enslavement, torture, POWER. Talking of which; let me show you all REAL POWER.

As they went to grab her, she stepped back, between the two folds of the craft behind her, as now a bright almost purple light, streamed across them. Between her legs, the flare, of intense energy, that was projected forwards in a surge of energy. Rippling across her would be rapists.

Those stood watching, from a distance behind them, saw them hit by it and turn to ? dust? No, nothing. NO dust, NOTHING. They just ceased to exist.

Sharming had seen it all. He screamed at the female? To his militia to use the cannons. Destroy that whatever the hell it was. Her beauty bewitched his senses. He too had looked forward to a taste of that BUT!

She, IT, was just stood there, looking on doing nothing? They fired the cannons, giving a full on blast, from both, of high energy plasma. Something, appeared like forming glass, across her. The energy bouncing of it whatever it was.

BUT behind her? The craft lit up like a super nova was taking place. It guzzled up the energy, like it was having a snack. Another round, the same. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

NOTHING ! Sharming was going crazy. HOW was it not destroyed and why was that spectre from his worst nightmares still standing ?
Then it happened. There was a massive release of energy from the craft to stream across the cannons.

A white glow, an effervescent flicker and they vanished. GONE!
She stepped back as the craft sides now encompassed her and it took off? Rising into the air to now soar upwards joined by the other one.

There were NO other cannons. Their defenses, their cannons were gone. From above them, they saw several transporter craft, moving down towards them. NOT just their area but all over.

As one of them, landed in front of their encampment, the hatch opened and out stepped Kisha. Behind her ? The sheer terror on their faces said it all. NEVER had they ever seen such beasts as these.

“NOW my pets, go introduce yourselves, to those who made you, our pets. OUR slaves. Remember to digest your food, no fighting over food and NO belching. or farting “

It, would be a realisation, of the stench, that had Kisha removing the ‘pets’. Toxic? Perhaps they had used some chemicals to douse the area that would seriously affect the B’stard spawn of the BEAST?

Snowie, had seen the craft, land and, now leave? They were laughing. “I need a smoke after that.” Grouchy and the other seven, were rushing to oblige. They missed the strange cloud, now descending on them.

It penetrated under the hatches, in through cracks and the smell had them sniffing the air? Snowie muttered,”Whoa that smells worse than you Grouchy. Gross, weird, weird, weird.”  Snowie was impatient.

“LIGHT me up NOW! “ Grouchy moved forward and flipped the spark into flashing a flame.

Watching, as they exited into space, the flare of bright light was like witnessing an atomic explosion. The Trexl had been ignited and the air doused with more of it. NOTHING survived.

The volcano, with the careless drugged and drunk miners in a cavern full of volatile trexl AND the methane gases PLUS the volcano itself about to explode? Kisha had and was known for her intuition. Her ‘wisdom’ in making a quick exit was not to be dismissed lightly.

The whole planet ripppled with the shockwave. The outer layers collapsed venting atmosphere into space. It became a fire ball.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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