Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Desti and Nips, had a good idea, of the place, the alien craft had landed. Prie, had warned them, NOT to venture into a certain cave area.

HER ‘pogs’ were on the final stage of Genesis. IF, they were attacked, those responsible would face their wrath. Damaged, would see her destroy the ‘Pog’. That never sat well with the ‘Progestor. DEATH would also follow for the aggressors.

A meeting, to decide, what to do next, had decided to appoint  a leader. Janeira at first, had not liked, being chosen for such a role, but relented after Dolly persuaded Jess Corbin The Cflen 2to take it on.

They, needed someone, who knew, what they were facing AND, she certainly did. In her past.

They, had come across, some really, wet your panties, if not poo them situations. The ‘why the hell was I so dumb to ignore the truth?’

In the caves of Avanzi et Sol, land of the sun, the ‘sum of all your parts’ in being consumed by THEM, was bloody terrifying.

The ‘Minotaur’ was one of them. IT had crash landed on a planet. Managed to sustain itself quite well with the numbers of rich souls available.

The ones, of the ‘dearly departed’ would not be missed. The sudden realisation, by IT that that, could be a long wait and NOT one, it was prepared to do?

The ‘companion’ had been injured and was recovering ? When it finally became a threat, they carried out a raid on a ‘hamlet’ seizing the souls of 10 each. From the small light to a much bigger one to  VERY noticeable size.

SOUL swallowers and they, could invade whole worlds, Consume the ‘souls’ of their victims and add it to their personal collection.UNTIL they had consumed the last ones whereupon, they would leave that world and, go find another.

Each collection, added the sum of all their good, bad or indifference to each ‘Wiezen’ re their abilities.
A colour yellow or bright yellow told you HOW many they had collected.

In this scenario, we have just the ‘Minotaur and her cohort. In reality? They could number thousands.
Wrong time and place? Janiera and Dolly, had survived by hiding, in such a place that stank and, no we are not going there, they certainly wished they had not!

Did those ‘things’, have sensitive noses? Well they, were NOT sticking around to find out! They did notice however, the arrival of other beings and,  the Minotaur hoard rapidly leaving.

Meeting and, taking the soul, of their next victim, gave a whole new meaning, to the term ‘step into the light’.

“Damm if that one, is totally delicious. Cordon Bleu, Michelin stars all round. Want to disagree with me on that? Go check for yourself, to see if YOU, measure up to even 1 Michelin star. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

THEY, were always stunning. Male and female you would want to share their panties with them BUT ?? “Why hello gorgeous to her.’ HER? “I am going to make light work of what you have on offer.’!

NO lights? They would slowly die. Only a third of that world desecrated. A miracle. Some time in the future, it was rumoured the ‘Minotaur’ had been slaughtered. In a cave that was rushed into,

A trap sprung by, a ‘soul less’ creature. Plenty of them around, those sentient lifeforms that were silica based creations. Paid to hunt them down by the Galacia Federa?!

Tolgani in ‘The book of legends’, refers to them as anything but ‘enlightening’. No conscience, nothing except the urge, the desire, the damnation of forever seeking souls. 

A male, who had no soul, it was finally discovered, created them, out of spite. As a means, to destroy those, with souls, for ever mocking him, with their incessant babble, that he, could never, be one of them, as he had no soul.

Well ‘uck you. They certainly did. Wiped that colony OUT.
The male scieste, was finally, brought to justice and executed. Someone, finally, put HIS light out.

Too late, to stop the hoardes of his damnation, from spreading across the Qiverse. The hunters made good grog from killing them often beheading them to claim the rewards.

Groups of hunters, eventually, succeeded, in decreasing the numbers and NO, if they died, the souls did NOT, get released, they died with them. A soul, could be fed on, ONLY, for a set amount of times.

NOT the only ones, they had encountered, that were best, avoided in the first place. Modified versions of those ‘things’, did crop up, from time to time.

NOT, that they, were after ‘souls’; but guzzling up, stealing; energy. Whole worlds could start to go dark, with them activated. Again out of spite, or competition, wanting you, to buy their energy?

You see, they looked so normal. Meet and greet, trip around the facility and lunch laid on.. Uhh well, a lunch alright, as they snack on the power units and eventually, cause the systems to fail.

OK, in some instances, that can be repaired, BUT it takes TIME and, costs a mega amount ! Hence they too, became outlawed, with a good bounty on them. They, were nicknamed, the S-quads, as they often worked, in packs of four.

BUT I digress. They knew, the craft, the one that appeared, identical to the original ‘scout’ craft HAD landed. WHERE? Sending up Dolly with Xib and Aliha they had been told to search the area from above.

NOT for the craft. That would be invisible. NO, looking for those on the ground, beings? Janeira and Dolly knew what they might look like.

The ones in the past, who, had been particularly unpleasant, threatening to rip their hearts out.. before they terminated their existence, oh and robbing them !

They did like them, for the fact they were always loaded. Drax, jewels, loot and that, could be anything, they had taken off their sacrifices. Babinsky? What the hell were Zealots into that as well?

Ulrik in  Zendu vai, had seen the strangers arrive? A female well it certainly looked like one with a strange being though he was NOT unaware of so called ‘drogs’ who could be protectors, Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

Females of this beauty, would not be venturing out without one? No surprises there. She was stunning. He did like his females to have a little more meat to bring to the table but! She had a very well defined body and her breasts?

With every step, she took they, were bobbing in their flimsy hangers emphasizing how they, desired, to be set free, anytime soon. He realized, he could not take his eyes off them, the thought of Sin Fre, suddenly, appearing from the river?

Muddy and as usual, grimy and smelly. Ah that would be these river folk for you. A basket filled with fish and clams.

She stared at the female. The being with her, was she swore, staring at her and, NOT in an ingratiating manner.

To coin the phrase, ‘bucket of bolts’, was probably accurate, re what she was desiring to do to ‘IT’  IF it continued, to upset, her delicate sensibilities.
As for, the scrawny excuse, for a female?

The phrase "a bucket of bolts" was an Human(a) slang term for an old, dilapidated automobile. A piece of machinery, that is not worth more than its scrap value, often an old car.

She was not, the least bit put off, by how Sin Fre, appeared to glare at her,
She was NOT, getting close to her. anytime soon. If she made a step towards her, she scrunched her nose and looked as though, she would move behind, whatever that thing was, with her?

Her hands, had the stench of fish guts on it. They STANK. Even Ulrik was letting his fingers move up to his nose, whilst looking at her, trying to get across to her, how bad she smelt?  NOT that it was anything unusual nor untoward.

She enjoyed, being hosed down by him, as she stripped and they often ended up butt naked and !
Today, it looked as though that kind of foreplay, or was it ‘horse play’ , well certainly thanks to this ‘mare’ not going to happen.

“Apologies, our craft, had to make s short stop over, for us, to do some repairs AND, hopefully, for us, to get some sustenance? “ IT spoke? “My lady ‘Isadra’ would also require some rest.”

Fre was surprised, at how eloquent ‘IT’ spoke. True she, had only ever seen, something similar and that, spoke, with a ‘ratchet’  monologue, through a questionable ‘language converter’.

Bellowing, at the top of her voice and, oh boy, was she ever LOUD! “Lys get out her now.”
Lys was their daughter. “Mama, do you always have to YELL, Papa can you tell her AGAIN, I am NOT deaf nor are those in the Vae!.” Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

Now stood, next to her Papa, she was a mini cut down version, still a big girl for her age, but much cleaner and, one could easily say, pleasing, not only to the eyes, but to the senses of ones olfactory.

“Mama ! You stink! Whoa.” She raised her hand to her nose, moving to beckon her Mama away, Ulrik was laughing.
“That Mama is the worst I have ...” Fre ignored her.

 “Take these folks in and, sort them out, with food and drink.
Your father and I.” Lys shook her head, “Yes, yes I know, you need to clean up. Don’t worry I will sort these fine folks out.”

“Isandra, this is my companion Z5.(ZEY 5)” Lys was it?”
“Yes, as the whole vae knows, once again, thanks to my Mama and YES she is always that loud! “ She started to grimace, the embarrassment ?

Taking them into the ‘Inn’, they ran as a family, she sat them in a corner area, away from, the main. so called.
‘ communal ’ ones. Luckily, it would be, a while yet, before others would be joining them, or NOT.

Moving them, into their private area, sealed them off from others prying eyes. A discussion over what foods and drinks they would like and she left them.

“The others?” Z5 lifted his hand and she could see within it a small screen. Imaging of 6 others in different places. “We have a problem. There is a Progestor present.” “Damm ‘POGS’.

We, can do little for now anyway, as we, need to acquire more information. Our use of Lys, will suffice for now. We need, to get as much, from her, as is possible, I did think about using the Mu (a worn or parasite that puts the victims, devoid of all free will and, totally under their control.

I will us,e Zgai and Zuke, to work on her. We need to be elsewhere, finding a place for the sacrificial altar.
The statue.” She paused as Lys approached with drinks.

“Sorry, did I hear you say, ‘statue’, we are in the middle of creating one, on a base, in the centre of our Vae.
It is, to honour our chosen ‘Priestess’.  but enough on that, I must fetch your food! “

“These bunch of disgusting primitives, could need some help with that? “ No words spoken. they did NOT want Lys to overhear them.  She nodded.

“We will play along with them, helping them AND then replace their statue with ours, the base will include a sacrifical altar. installed before we round up the sacrifices.

THAT stinking harlot. will be slaughtered, with her entire family, except for Lys, who will be a blood sacrifice to our Goddesses. .That fine male, is to be put in chains with the others we find.

We will pleasure ourselves with them and, have them beg, to be sacrificed to our Gods.
Our males will whore their women, whip and torture as they please, those NOT, in our harems. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

All others, will bow down to our Gods, beg for mercy or, be butchered until we have complete obedience.

Our Zealot commander, will arrive soon, with his legions. They, will not, do anything, nor must we, do anything, until that dammed Progestor and her b’stards are off the planet. It must appear to them that we have little power.

Knowledge, that can benefit them; yes. Do little things they will thank us for. Destroy those, who see us for what we are. Mob rule to take them and cast them out. We WILL round them up later.

They must he converted AND compliant, in refusing help, from the heretics who,  would lie to them, deceive them and, see our Gods destroyed.

‘Nothing to see here, move on.’

Once, that heretic, has left the planet, all communications, defence systems, outsiders, must be stopped from entering. Our Chx shield will  be made operational.

NOTHNG in, NOTHING out. Then let the blood rites begin. 
They, will all, pay with THEIR lives, for letting those other beings.

Remove the Human(a), the heretic descendants, from those on Solus 3, ‘Earth’.
How dare these primitives, think they, can take from our  Goddesses what they were after.

We, are the chosen ones, the servants of the most holy; the Matsupa.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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