Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The Jogarth, had collected the females AND the prisoners. Two of the females were young, crying and Nym had slave bands put on them. “Send them to Empress Isabellani with my compliments. I will leave her to decide their fate. The males? PUT them in the Wjsho.” Me2 and the other male? She slowly skinned them alive. Castrated them and had them, thrown out into space; headless of course.

The Jogarth female, who had been ripped apart was now recovering from a complete replacement of certain parts of her body. They had used a form of ‘progenisis’ on creating identical parts. Fresh, new and as though she had never been violated.

“NOW the Human(a) are declared enemies, of the Jogarth Empire. We will, help the Cflen, eradicate their pestilence from the Qiverse. NO Human(a) are to be taken as slaves, all will be eradicated.
Pass all the information over to the Cflen re the knowledge, we have, of all Human(a) worlds, colonies. “

Se Gi, had received a special coded transcom, from Se Phri? Approved and authorised by their ‘mother’ the Holy one Gianne. She was to recall Kisha and B’stard spawn of the BEAST. It was concluded that the eradication of that pestilence had been successful?Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

Thus Kisha, was now, headed to the main fleet. Jebu, had welcomed her back and, now told her they had new orders to attack another colony within this part of the Qiverse.

A massive installation and, known as the main suppliers, for a lot of Human(a) colonies, with processed foods, liquids. They were to take the colony but keep it functioning.

Se Phri, was sending over, a battalion of his pure bloods AND, several sciestes, to ensure, the installation, could be fully operational ASAP.

Venus and Liaji would assist them by taking out their defences. Se Ji would go into to negotiate a surrender of the entire production plant.

The B’stard spawn of the BEAST, the terrifying Fodawke, would not be used, unless it was deemed necessary.

Se Ji, woud see the surrender AND, those there, would be kept at work, until the battalion of Se Phri’s ‘pure bloods’ arrived.

More than prepared, as now, Venus an Liaji landed. Two locations and, all defenses now rendered useless.

The command, had realised too late, that they were now, at the mercy, of whoever, this new enemy was?

The arrival, of Se Ji, now stepping out of her craft, to move towards the main building, as had been carefuly  identified as that.

Watched carefully, by Kisha with, 4 B’stard, spawn of the BEAST, behind her, ready to be set free, IF anyone attempted to interfere with or attack her.

BUT, nothing happened and, a successful entry into the building was achieved.
Their eyes now on her not believing what they were seeing? Perfection, total perfection. She was stunning. Her firm taut breasts, her beautifully formed body, with the curves in all the right places and, definitely Human(a)?

Challenged, she chose to ignore them, bar demanding, to see whoever was in charge?
She was not armed and security were quick to pick up on that.

One of them tried to grab her? Stupid, really stupid. The shock wave, rippling across his body, had his teeth jarred and rattling. He quickly let go.

Bling Bing, the owner and the captalist dictator, dictator he certainly was, a most unpleasant being. One. of the local race. known as the ‘Aslehan’;  had been sent to see him. Her purpose, was to tell him, he and his race, were to stop trespassing, on their lands.

Recently two raids, had seen, some of her people injured AND, violence seemed second nature, to those carrying out the raids. Rape and beatings, as well as the looting and pillaging, not forgetting,  the smashing down, of buildings with one of their cannons?

THAT as far as they were concerned, was an act of war. Forbidden by the Galacia Federa. IF they continued, they would have no choice, but to report them and, let the Galacia Federa deal with them.

He grabbed her, slapped her hard and then, slammed her down bending her over the ‘desk’ in front of him, as he tore at her clothing, smashing her in the face, as she tried desperately  to drag herself away from him.

She fell forward, as he now, tore at her clothing, again and again, until she was almost naked.
The sight of her firm taut breasts and inviting thighs, were making him rigid in anticipation of taking her.

His fingers exploring her, confirming she was an untouched. Now the centre of his attention; as he tore at his clothing to strip naked.

Se Ji, had acute hearing. Far beyond most, re sensitivity. She could hear the screams and, now moved past the guards who, backed away from her. Fear? The other guard, was still shaking from his experience.

Now naked, he shoved, the female down, on her ‘knees’ pulling her head and those delicious lips closer .
.”You like to talk a lot don’t  you, well lets shut you up shall we. Fill your mouth with this, until I see you gagging on it.”  She spat at him, her snake like tongue hissing at him.

A movement out of the corner of his eye? Suddenly, Bling Bing, saw her. NOT for long as she forced him to step back, smashing into his groin, with her raised knee, His testicles feeling the full on impact of her ‘armour’ as he screamed in agony. Cut and bleeding, she threw him back against the wall,

The brute force, as his naked body, hit the wall, his hands still holding on to his testicles or what remained of them. The sound of his arm breaking?  She stepped over to him and, grabbed hold of his hair.

Jerking his head up, and slamming it violently, against the wall, before dragging him out, with one of his arms flaying against him. At least, he could still walk, well stumble. To be dragged? Where?.

Now the guards watched, as his naked, bruised and battered body, got the attention of her knife; castrating him.
He was  kicked by her out into the yard area. In front of Kisha, who was watching, surprised to see what was unfolding but she knew what Se Ji wanted. .

Bling Bing, could, just focus, as the craft in front of him, opened its hatch. From within, one of the B’stard spawn of the BEAST and, the terror in his eyes. She hissed at it, “Here get your mouth around this.”

NO one, can say, she did not have, a sense of ? Se Ji threw it, his precious body parts for it to gobble it back, relishing the albeit dramatically diminished size of its treat? Now it, was upon him, his head in its huge jaws; now being ripped, from his body.

Se Ji nodded to Kisha as she turned, to make her way, back into the building. The guards running ahead of her, the sheer terror on their faces, having seen their boss torn apart?

Returning to the  female, still shaking, trying to dress as she fumbled at some of the torn clothing.
The Aslehan was surprised to see Se Ji again but not alarmed.
“I have made sure, that the BEAST will NOT trouble you again.”

She stopped her and told her, to sit still , as she fetched her some liquid. “ Here, sip this.”
Carefully, she gathered up her clothing.  Inri naked in front of her. “I can see why, the BEAST wanted you.”

She ran her hands, across her breasts,. Inri felt the tingle. The weight, and warmth, from them, was echoing a good healthy vibe. She knelt, to look at, cup her soft mound, in her hand.

Fingers gently, easing her lips apart, with Inri gasping, at the sensation? Running her finger across the ridges, noting the colour, the slight inside blue, of her parted lips.

Two little nipples, no doubt pleasure nodes? She ran her tongue, across them, as now Inri, felt the the sensation, of them being tongued. Her hands tightly gripping Si  Ji’s head. A wimper, pleading,  as Inri shifted, to shove, her lips, tightly against the tongue lashing at them,

Se Ji continued, with her lips on her lips. Until, she felt Inri’s body, tense up , shaking with her screaming, orgasm after orgasm. like she had NEVER experienced before, flooding her senses.
She stopped, fell back, as Se Ji, now sucked drinking in her juices.

She was well juiced, soaking wet and that? Told her everything. Prime breeding stock. NOW, to find her a good, strong healthy male.  She would need, a rampant,  almost sex crazy male. She tasted good, really good,
That male, must also appreciate that, including where, those little nipples, were to be found.

She would talk to Dolce.

Inri was still recovering, from the exhaustion, of her enjoying, the pleasure, they had just shared, as Si went to talk to Dolce. “I have sent you her DNA codex and her hormone count re her reproductive juices.” Dolce was now looking at her shelde.

”She tastes that good! “ Dolce smiled. Perversion?  BUT she had more than just pleasuring themselves, as her tongue was analysing so much re Inri and her biologicals? “Whoa she is so juiced up.
The relief, from not having been raped, by the BEAST and, you going down on her.“

“She is ripe for taking, for breeding, our strong healthy Cflen. So, who do you think?” Dolce knew straight away WHO ! Stamina, everything that Inri would go crazy over, lust after?

Returning to Inri, she sat with her, sipping on some water. “NO male would not, want you so, we have to be careful, that you get the right one. I gather none of your males have you interested in them? “

“No, I believe the term is ‘herbivores’. NOT interested, lacking a decent sex drive and hence why we are having a lot of problems re keeping out birth rates higher. We, are slowly, so Mama tells me, dying out.“

YOUR biology and physiology are NOT, a problem Inri, re compatibility;  re our species. RE pleasure AND reproduction I promise you, YOU WILL NOT, be disappointed,.

BUT! first, we need to take you home. Your people, must be worried about you, being absent for so long.
Do not worry, about anything, from now on. The moment the ‘pure blood’ military, arrive?
Tthe BEAST will be taken care of. “

“ YOU are OK, not in any pain?” Her face was swelling? Se Ji took a small vial of liquid from her pouch,
She gently dabbed it across her face. ”This may sting a little but, it is really good, at regenerating, damaged skin.”

Inri instantly, felt some relief from it. Less pain and, it was cooling her skin, probably reducing her swelling?
She went, to put her fingers against it for Se Ji to stop her. Tying off some of the torn clothing, as she  spoke to her.

The tone was distinct, in the females language and clear, very clear. “ They, are a race, known as the Human(a). Evil, pure evil. We have felt, lived through the fear, the despair, the seeming never ending nightmare; terror that they love, to inflict on others. Force, violence and the virtual annihilation of my race ... 

as the sun rises, comes their gift, the gift of pain.

BUT..  tell me, about your people.” Inmi told her. all about the raids, the rapes, the looting and the destruction.
She had been stupidly brave and terrified in realizing HOW  naive; in trying to broker a peace with that ! “.

“We have a hatred of this race, the Human(a)
to us;  they are a  pestilence. An evil, that we, WILL; wipe from existence..

“I am sending Nabu and Mimi with you to escort you back to your people. Unlike me, they, are armed with powerful weapons.  You, will be safe with them. They will talk to your elders and, reassure them, that we, will NOT, attack your people, we are nothing like that disease. .

YOU AND your people, will have protection from us. A special military force is on its way. They took terrifying, but they are of NO threat to you or your people. We call them ‘pure bloods’. OVER 100 of them will be here soon, VERY soon.

This whole facility, NOT  YOUR LANDS; will be taken over by us. The threat from the BEAST, will cease to exist. Our forces will remain. Where your planet is located, is a good place to be, to give us access to,  other HUMAN(A) worlds. 

IF they know, that the Human(a) colony here, has been destroyed?  They WILL seek revenge!  Take it back
by force.
Raping, looting, pillaging;  killing your people will be like sport  to them. My people were once like yours, peaceful, happy until they brought their evil to our world.

You will, be able to talk to Mimi and Nabu will also be around with a small but effective, detachment of his militia. They will hunt down and eliminate,  ANY Human(a), still within your home world.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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