Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Men?  who needed MEN!

Diversity, they had it, Equity, they had it, Inclusion, they had it..
Men would, no longer, be their
misogynist; MASTERS;  the females were free BY them.. to be thankful to be FREE and get use  to them taking them, tasting them, the forbidden fruits tasting so good.

Bullying them, intimidating them, forcing them to do things in violation of their rights.,
RIGHTS? What rights!   they,  were their, new masters.

The two obelisks had lit up. Light streaming between them now opening up a ‘portal’. A widening opening now letting through ? Over 200 figures.

Some of them armed, others carrying huge containers that floated as though on air? All lining up. They, were waiting for, the arrival, of three of their ‘commanders?’ Those in charge of them.

Checking them, keeping 20 of them to guard the ‘portal’ the others all 180 of them split into 3 groups of  60 to form up, behind each of their Elite.

NO one moved. ALL waited until the final figure stepped through and they bowed.  Main military, in front of those controlling the main containers. Orders given they moved towards the base. Would take a while. It would appear so and YET. It did not, take them, as long as, one might have thought.

The base, was not guarded. NO resistance to their now moving into the base and the inner areas.
The Karens had been taking notice of those who had ‘escaped’?

Cursing and furious, that they had lost the sweet taste of forbidden fruit. How good that had tasted. Rich sweet and full of flavour. Sweetie pie, in the main docking area, that had been the centre of the previous nights orgy; was laid back.

Exhausted! He tried to sit up, tried to focus. Shook his head twice, as some strange figures now approached him? When he finally could focus. The look of horror on his face?

He was lifted, as now he felt a blade slice into his arm, arms, legs, opening up his torso. All the time they had kept him alive? His brain was still alive, his eyes, his senses all of them now knowing he had NO arms, NO legs, NO Kidneys, no liver, no? Jess Corbin The Cflen

Whatever, they had done to him, was beyond all reason. How they had managed it and yet, he was still aware, awake to it all? We need the brain tissue. your hearts are a delicious delicacy for our ‘pups’.
Did he hear right? ‘PUPS?’ . “Don’t worry we won’t allow anything to go to waste.”

Scabee, the Karen, who had taken over from Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt, had been changing over the power pack on her toys, as the three other Karens, around her, changed theirs, for something with a bit more buzz.

They, were shouting, above the rumble, about their forbidden fruit, no longer available to them. Dobby had tried, tasted but what was now on offer, still did NOT taste the same. 

“Well at least, you are still a virgin. NO male has had you.” She looked towards Sege.
 “Nor you either. Wombs going to waste! “ She grinned. “Always good to tease the males with that. Drives them crazy.”

She. turned the buzz down. to hear the others. echoing her thoughts. ‘All virgins here’. Suddenly the hatchway opened. In stepped some of what to them, could only described as ugly grotesque beings from HELL?

“Well. that. makes 70 of you and. over 60 with untouched wombs. Sooo good for the breeding of our ‘pups’. She pointed to the things now removing their toys to lift them. “Say hello to your new breeding companions.

Every (30 days) you will pop one of these ‘pups’ out of your wombs. At least over a 1000, before we give you a much needed rest. Your body parts, will be harvested and sold, on the a Qiverse auction site to other Human(a) or, those, who can use your body parts to replace their own, even if they are NOT Human(a)

IT (she?) moved closer to Scabby. “You smell so good. SO fresh and ripe for breeding. I thnk we will get OVER a 1000. from you! I will assign one of our finest pups, for your breeding.

No matter how hard, Scabee and the others tried, they could not move. Soon they were being transported to a craft, that had now, landed from SPACE? Apparently, craft, cannot come through the Obelisk portal.

Over 100 of them, not including the males, the containers loaded up with the harvested body parts. “We need to thank you for letting us know you were available.” UHH?

“When someone, fired at the Obelisks, they sent a message to us. Do you not remember? Those feck n Scieste interpreters who had now left them, the ones who had been fooling around.

Out next to the Obelisks when they had tried to cut into the bases on them only to give up and in temper? Fire at the obelisks. NOW she became aware of them in racks. Low levels their legs strung up as figures filed in to stand in front of them. 

Scabee, was the last, to have her breeder in front of her, she screamed. Huge, ugly and if Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt, was the envy of so many? She felt the spray across her as now it tore into her.

At least, you all know, there is no, favoritism here. You are all the same. Equity, no matter WHO you are, Diversity, no matter WHO you are, Inclusion. ALL as one, in our magnificent breeding machine.

Fed the same. bred the same and you may even thank your pup breeders, by delivering at least a 1000 pups each. Don’t worry. we will have those breeders replaced every (3 months) by new ones.

NOW everyone, pay attention as our PUP leader and our glorious  ‘Litter Queen’ has something to say to you all.”
The figure moved into view.. Say hello to our ‘Litter Queen.’

Scabee screamed. “NO way.. YOU BITCH” she yelled.. “I will accept your compliment with thanks.
YES I am Human(a) in origin BUT we, have been in this, part of space, for centuries,

It is so good to see my fellow Human(a) knowing the story of my. OUR origins.
That massive bounty on our heads for taking what is it they called them, Prarie dogs? 

To experiment on them, inter breed them with Human(a) and just because things went wrong where my pups went on a killing spree? Over 4 million dead before it ended?

Come on. Not even a spit, in how you would say it, in the Ocean? IF there is of course such a thing NOW. Your breeding companions are far more superior in every way. You may call me Queen Devil.

Yes my family, were the original ones the Crew.

Jess Corbin The Cflen 2


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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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