Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The night has a thousand eyes..

A lot of new races, new to space travel could never imagine what it was like or could be like establishing off world colonies / space stations. MOBILE ones in particular

The hidden dangers, from the weird to the outright destructive elements, that make up the Qiverse? How about radioactive particles that can literally penetrate virtually all of the earlies of ‘space craft’.

Magnetic particles, streams, ripples and whips, that can smash across your vessel tearing it apart? Like it being bombarded with lightning. Plasma bolts, sun flares, Things that simply explode on such a scale anything in its path gets fried or dead.

Survival, is not just impossible for some, even when they do succeed in establishing an off world base? The isolation for some is just too much. Not just the journey to where they are headed BUT there, yes THERE.

A kind of madness, an insanity and loss of reasoning. Throw in what made ‘back home’ a nightmare and you truly are on a hiding to nothing. Thus it can be said that the Kalheiorn with their ‘slip tecnnology’?

Came from a desire to have some control over the synaptic pathways of the brain. They reasoned, if you can call it that; such control, could actually help, remove some of those threats. NO one wants some looney going berserk, especially when in all fairness it is NOT their fault?

Then of course, you have the extremists. Using a quick getaway to stop others from doing some of the experiments they had been found guilty of on others; on them?
Ah yes mad scientists. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

Psychotics, psychosis. manias, bullying, intimidating, threatening, dominating.
The ones, who make serial killers, look sane. Put high tech weapons in their hands and you might as well bend over and kiss your  !  goodbye.

So no, there is, no escape, from the Qiverse, being a game of roulette. Chance is chance and, any way you play the game; the odds, are NOT, stacked in your favour.
Anyone telling you different is a liar or a card shark! Though politicians are pretty dammed good at it.

A lot of the illnesses, diseases that were almost non existent on your former homeworld are now replaced by other diseases, pathogens, bacterial, viruses. Eat you from the inside out or from the outside in.

Spit, sweat, dust, mould and not forgeting those creatures such as the ‘Raits’ ah yes we know them as RATS. The Qiverse has them and just like a lot of our places, some are riddled with them.

Hitchhiking, their way, across the Qiverse, since we can imagine ‘time’ beginning. Though time is in in itself of little relevance. It was NOT, for some races, any consideration at all. Often had me wondering, if its concept was something we created?

True astronomy, the movement of stars and planets, asteroids and comets gave some a very noticeable means to use ‘time’ as a way to known when to plant crops, when to harvest them, when to !

Astrologists, Chronologists are well respected and for good reason. Maps, cartography; has existed for centuries. The Qiverse is no exception to that.

As races, became more advanced. taking the journey from one point to another as fast as they could, did in the end evolve and for some, at an astonishing rate.

Some mastered technology for control, slave bands, synaptic slips, lobotomy, collars and not forgetting the Vendaren with their ‘Clossistrial fluids’ to carry out every Karens favourite past time.

Ah yes, good ole pump and dump ! But enough, I digress. The so called extremists. who could get out into,  INTO space. would continue,. to attempt whenever, wherever they could, to take control.

Those, who were caught, deliberately vandalising, destroying equipment, control systems or modifiying to cause chaos. Gaining access to, unauthorised hacking, could also be another serious issue.

Punishment, was easily compromised. Those passing judgement or the ‘punishment’.. could be one of those, who had been found guilty. For the moment. Until suddenly, the evidence, the witnesses and similar vanish. Certain procedures, to be followed or !

Those, who could, bully and intimidate, would set up ‘mob’ ruled hierachy with no morality in the mix so long as they got their way and to hell with anyone else.

If, you were crazy enough, to join an already established mob ruled colony ? Either join pay your dues or f off.  Or they would find some way for you to owe them and then insist you paid back the debt.

Can’t pay? Hired help?? Uhh NO. Slave, to be bought and, sold. In some instances, worked (or is it WOKED) to death. The end result. was always the same; you had no rights.

Want to escape? HOW do you plan on doing that? when the ‘mob’ runs everything? You can’t fart without them knowing! Karens ? They were not the only crazed extremists,

You think. this lot are the worst? NO! BUT we have to look back, over the last few hours and it is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a pretty picture.  Well, unless you’re into that.

Cleaning up that s-hole? Leave it to the menials. The party organisers had to rest up Their females would be females and males would be males; prisoners.

Military? Barely able to walk, might be accurate. Fire a weapon or weapons? Well if you can keep them awake long enough.Though who the hell would attack them? In the middle of nowhere on an ICE planet?

Dollar, had been, one of those watching the filth and the depravity. He was an older guy and dismissed as crazy by the Karens.

Sweetie pie too hated him. He was never, short, on telling him, what he thought of him, and his ! Righteous b’stard. It had crossed his mind albeit small as it was, that he missed an opportunity re recent events, to bully and beat that old b’stard down.

Dollar was a pilot. An experienced class 6 A and M class to a helluva lot of other craft. He was respected by a lot of the pilots who were like him re their opinion on morality.

They took, one of the M class ships and, smuggled the Females would be Females, the Males who would be Males along with others, on board. Several of the guards or so called guards, were too inebriated, to do anything.

Barely able to stand. Once the cells and other areas were cleared they targeted several of the remaining vessels on the ground rendering them useless. The main weapon array was also made useless.

Some of the passengers needed extra medication and treatments for some of the injuries they had received from the beatings, the abuses. Young Kets, , some of them needed sedating still shaking with fear.

He knew, from years of abuse, what that felt like. Dollar was now entering the stratosphere. He had a good idea where they were going to. A colony, that had outlawed the Karens and, other undesirables.

Not religious fanatics, or cult like, but a decent place where traditional values ruled. Customs. traditions, filial respect. Tirkwan ? No. BUT yes, they shared some, of their values.

Meanwhile those, on Ere Ct USFU2 had woken or is it WOKE n  up to realise the unfolding truth. The amount of damage, normally would be terrifying. No communications, NO weapons for defence, NO transport ?

The cursing, would not stop, as they now discovered, their Males will be Males and Females will be Females ? GONE! That old b’stard Dollar and his cronies had talen their forbidden fruit from them.

Oh hell, Lets have another orgy. Might have crossed their minds but to their horror? Two of the escaping Males had taken some inhibitors and pumped it into the water supplies.

Like Bromide? Sweetie pie simply thought that his failure to ? was due to overwork the day before. The more, they drank, to ease the dryness from the drugs and the alcholic haze; the more inhibitor, was now flooding their bodies.

It could, be weeks, before that was discovered and, the high levels of those inhibitors, would for some, do irreparable damage.
No matter the attempts on their part or is it parts?

They might as well have been dead. Sensory nerves damaged, blood flow and circulation impaired. Some were more stupid, if that was at all possible for some;  than before; certain neural synapses shut down.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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