Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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“So who is Dolly? “ “Someone who knows a lot about these beings. The Aztecuan are not the only ‘Ancients’ who spread across the Qiverse. Some teaching other races, instructing them, helping them. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Others, malicious spiteful beings. The Aztecuan were one of the latter. They indulged those such as the Matsupa in their ritual of blood sacrifices to their ‘Gods’.

Zebedee was Dolly’s ‘Gildateer; treasure seeker. A reputation, for finding some astonishing treasures. She also had a unique talent.
The Zealots hated her and, for good reason.

She, uncovered, one of the richest ever found sites, a Zinlec cult site. with so much treasure, it took two transporters to take it all away.

In the end, she donated the main statue fo a museum as we would know it. Got a small commission fee but glad to get rid of it.

Probably a good idea? The museum was raided and, those there at the time, had their hearts ripped out, with blood all over the walls and internals strewn across the floor. Before, they removed everything.

Abandoned ancient ritual sites. Full of gold and drax, rubies, gems and so much more. NOT forgetting ore such as Verch and Illux some of the metals used in space warp, engines.

However. many. so called dealers in treasures. would NOT touch some of the so called ‘cult’ ones. They were too afraid of the curses that they said, went with them. A visit from one of the ‘Chosen’ would see you dead.

Zealots, could also, be a deadly encounter; one too many. IF they discovered, you had taken one of their protected, from a site ? They, would take you to it and, rip your heart out, in front of it. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

We, came across several, with dried blood and, little else; but clearly, where such sacrifices, had been carried out. Xib and Aliha, have seen that on their forays, into looking for, some of the abandoned sites. “

They nodded. “So what do we do if those what did you call them? Turn up here?”  Run for the hills.. oh wait a minute, we are in the hills.”  There was a hush. A somewhat sombre; HUSH.

We, have a craft, entering the planet.” They peered at the screen as now Janeira let out a howl. “Yes! I knew I would not be alone! “ The craft passed overhead before it disappeared on the horizon.

“Don’t worry, she will be, looking for somewhere to park her craft. When we have situations like this, you hide your craft, in case you need to make a quick getaway. The enemy don’t know where it is. Her’s has a transparency override.
So you can’t see it.”

A short while later as, they had some food and drinks? A hissing sound. A distinct, growing louder, hiss. Then it dropped out of the air above them, to land a short distance from them. One of the strangest craft ever ?

“It’s a xompi type 3000e “ Xib squealed moving towards it to take a closer look followed by the others. Now stepping out of it? Dolly. Xib and Aliha were used to seeing her from time to time.

A xcromic suit, resistant to almost everything from acids, to chemicals, to fire and flame, explosions, rock falls; well almost. Dolly was pleased to see them. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Some time later, she allowed Xib and Aliha, to take the ‘Xomp’ for a ‘drive’. She sat with Janiera and the others, as they went over recent events.

“We recently, stopped an invasion, from the ‘Olmec’.
Another cult race. They threatened us making it clear we were primitives and should fear them.

They were right re that. They can look at you and fry your brains from the inside out. Bubbling away as you slowly die in front of them. That look they give you as you finally cough your last breath? Thankfully hearsay, I’m not partial to finding out for myself, re that!

Until we produced an Omini. “ “Uhh? What’s an Omini?” “Its a celestial being. A Haphketsut, from the birth of all things they are above the most ancient of beings.

Omini’s are immortals, BUT they have Bibbets (young inexperienced Haphketsut.) Once we showed it on course to the planet, they fled.
They seldom come back. Some Omini will end an malicious ‘Aniqua’ as they call them.

Hence the reason they turned and ran. We did some research into them. Nasty is an understatement. Terrifyingly brilliant, knowledgeable, capable and loving to get to know you better, as they rip your heart out.

If they send in the Zealots, we are going to have trouble. serious trouble. “ “Can’t we find an Omini?” “You have to make a case for their help. That takes time and the Zealots will know this, including whoever is behind sending them

When. they land on a planet. they find out WHO. the elite are and round them up. They then wait. until their ritual slab is installed. usually in front of one of their statues. OR that can be a number of statues to their Gods. 

A sizeable number of the population are rounded up, put in front of their ‘Gods’ whilst the Elite are brought out and butchered in front of them. Whilst they are told that this is what happens to the unbelievers, the unfaithful.

Some of the population, are taken and IF they tell them they will become ‘aposolaters’ they are added to the Zealot army. .They will then sacrifice at least 20 of their own in front of their ‘God’.  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

You have a progestor, on the planet? In the caves?” “Yes, I met their ‘emissary’. She did make it clear they would NOT interfere in our problems with the Zealots or!

Unless of course, their ‘pogs’ were endangered. I witnessed what they do to those who do that, you don’t want to see what happens to those they call ‘Arresors’.

“Prie told me, she would delay their departure, to allow us, more time, to get help. The Zealots,hate them, but, as she said, they also fear them. As long as they are here, they will do nothing, until they leave.”

Xib and Aliha, had arrived back, as Dolly allowed Jiaa and Leah, to take her craft up and, check out, the area around them.

Two figures, in the distance, approaching the encampment?  A short time later they had entered to be greeted by Janiera.

“We are Veridu. We were sent, by our Prima Prie, to keep you company.”  A fortunate moment? Over head Jiaa and Leah watched as a craft the same as the original scout craft, now entered the planet, like a streak of light, towards the surface.

“Are the disuptors in place?” Nibs and Desti had made sure they were AND primed for action. “If the Zealots or whoever is in that craft come near them, use them! “ Janeira was making sure they understood. NO way were they to take them for granted. Evil is Evil.

Prie watched the craft enter. She knew exactly what it was AND also that if they came up to the encampment and saw the two Verdu they would do nothing. Fear is a wonderful weapon when used in the right hands. SHE could NOT interfere

but it they were stupid enough, to attack, or attempt to harm her ‘POGS’, they would NOT, live to regret it.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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