Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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He, Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt was not happy with Rocr and Ridr being delayed. NO doubt otherwise occupied ? He knew dammed well what that was. They, were NOT, answerable to him, NOR to the main transporter, undergoing routine maintenance in space, some short distance from them.Veronique Jess Corbin The Cflen

  Ere Ct USFU2 A frozen planet, with about 66% (2/3rds) of the planet solid ice. Ice core, deep drilling, had been fairly successful. HOWEVER some strange results were showing, that the planet population, had NOT died out, from a cataclysmic event, which would have been, an asteroid hitting the planet, some centuries earlier. 

It’s passengers, enjoying the respite, as they took in amenities, provided for them.Some good entertainment, cabaret, food and drink. Apart from, Casino style gambling and various card games, looming in the background were those like card ‘sharks’.

Of course, they exist, even in the future; re scammers, They, had to be careful, as the Captain on this vessel, was not known, for being tolerant of such behaviours. Locking some of them up?

 If pushed to do so AND refund the ones they had ‘skimmed’; he would. He also, could NOT be bribed. Veronique, was the only one who had control of the ‘tables’ and that included him, having her, across one of them on many an occasion.

It was her, who had given him, the warning about ‘Quasar’.
She disliked HER? More, she suspected XY then XX. Butch and too masculine for her liking. How right she would be ! Deltas was not going to ignore his favourite girl.

He knew, on doing some checking, that he had to carry out, some of his senses, were already making him nervous, exacerbated; when searches revealed that ‘Quasar’ ,  had, mysteriously VANISHED? Imaging showed her,  boarding the craft under the control of Rocr and Ridr?

A recovered, ‘work data shelde’, showed him where, she had last, been working? That instantly raised the hairs on the back of his neck. It made him, recall previous events, but one in particular. BUT, also WHY did ‘Quasar’ remind him, of someone, he had seen in his past?

Warning systems, could seem simple, BUT, he had experienced, how something, that appeared, like these, could turn into a nightmare.

A burn out, was repaired, BUT the core cause, of WHY, it had occurred in the first place, had been ignored. It would, not be long before, the core component (at fault that had been ignored) exploded; damaging, weapons, tech systems; BUT to make the situation even worse,

They were, without the primary power systems, that powered engines, navigation AND weapons arrays, for over 14 ‘hours’.

NOT far from them, was a Vendaren fleet, at war with the ‘Kalheiron’,, They, were not adverse, to attacking anyone and anything, good, bad or indifferent. War was war and, the spoils of that, could come from anywhere.

Worse, than the Vendaren. They created the ‘Kroonoks’;  zombie like beings, who were normal lifeforms, implanted with a synaptic ‘slip’ as it was called, which turned their obedience on and off. OR should we say their level of VIOLENCE / aggression. Jess Corbin The Cflen

That ‘slip’, could be used, on ANY being, beit Carbon OR a Silica based lifeforms. Much much cheaper, than the Vendaren ‘pump and dump’ processing. BUT it had one failing. It had a short life span and, LIFE being the operative word here.

IT could fail AND nothing like seeing a horde of those ‘Kroonoks’ suddenly drop one by one to NOT get up again..
You could liken it to them having a ‘brain aneurysm.

‘Blood’ vessels could become weakened, burst and often because the aneurysm expands and the wall becomes too thin.
It can rupture and bleed into the surrounding brain cavity / space.
A subarachnoid hemorrhage.

HOWEVER imagine you have just entered a world, with a battle taking place and you need to replenish your fighting force dammed quick?

Ah take a few hundred, gullible locals, give them the ‘slip; and there you are.. Especially if in the meantime you raid the resources, loot and pillage before you make a quick exit.
The Kroonoks; of course keeping others occupied.

The ‘AVERAGE’ height, of a Kalheiron FEMALE, was 6ft 5 / 182cms. The Kalheiron MALE, could be anything,  from 7ft 213cms.  ‘Weight’ Often quite muscular and bulky = FEMALE easily up to 16 ‘stones’  / 101Kgs
The MALE, could be anything from  20 ‘stone’ / 127Kgs. They did NOT procreate. They used an ‘Embrionne’’
The FEMALES were far more ‘masculine’ than any ‘Karen’.

Thus, finding himself and, the rest of the vessel’s crew liken to sitting ducks in a row, a rather apt description; he. had not, forgotten, the unyielding tension felt during those hours. Until full power was restored. The Vendaren with their ‘pump and dump’ or the ‘Kalheiron’..

Those, who had failed, to fix the original fault, were thrown off his vessel. He genuinely felt he could no longer have any trust in them. BUT FEAR is something you do not easily forget. The problem, with that scenario, as punishment, is that all too often,  you end up, with those who directly or indirectly, ‘sympathise’ with those getting ‘moved on’.

Ah yes, the ‘radical’ extremist elements. Equal to and in some cases, WORSE than the ‘Karens’ as they, could weasel their way into positions of power. THEN wreak havoc AND not always, having to be present, when all hell is unleashed, A kind of time delayed hell.

‘Queen-she’, known to them as ‘Quasar’, was one of them. Officer status, tech. Drugs and other surgery had made it impossible, without a DNA Codex test, to identify the truth, that was XY and not XX, a ‘HIM’ posing as a ‘HER’. 

It was her brother, who had been lazy and, missed the original fault, that had been slung off his vessel. ‘She’ knew he was known, across their family, as being a ‘sloth; lazy and, gave being such, a whole new meaning.
His qualifications were fake,

Sister Queen-she, had banged, one of his tutors, cross eyed. only needing to replace the power source once. on the strap on toys. Until she had that middle aged B,  finally too weak, to refuse her demands.

A signed and totally valid, certification by her of her brothers, abilities as nothing less than excellent.  In her own twisted way he could do no wrong.

She had been, hanging out, with an extremist ‘Karen’ fraternity.They had given her the idea to impersonate a simp of theirs, stealing their identify and giving her funds plus help re surgery and more.  ‘Jess Corbin The Cflen

Revenge, she would have it as ‘HE’ completed what had to be done before  stowing aboard and hiding, to get a lift with Rocr and Ridr to that planet where other Karens, would protect her.

Leaving behind on Deltas vessel, the ‘Omina’? A signal, transmitter with a signal aimed at the  Kalheiron AND Vendaren, detailing the exact location of his vessel.

Despite ‘XY’ who thought differently;  it, had NOT gone unnoticed. Hence  Deltas, had ordered a complete check, to see if any systems had been meddled with.

Sleeze, had used a ‘snooper’ on the systems, to detect and reveal IF any changes had been made that were deemed by it to be suspicious?

Oh yes, a signal, boosted transmission, broadcasting their location?  A vibra attached to a systems stabiliser would see it wipe out systems data, that would, render the weapons systems incapable, of responding to commands; well until, the systems were restarted?

A restart in a vulnerable moment, could see them all doomed. So that b’stard Quasar had done this?
A screen lit up and showing on the screen in front of them.

A revelation of sorts, telling them, that he, Deltas had been responsible for what was about to happen. They would soon be at the mercy of the enemy fast approaching their location?

BUT! Sleeze, Veronique had talked to him about her concerns. He too,  even if the desire in his loins  said otherwise, felt a lot for her that was NOT sexually motivated. That included taking her concerns seriously.
She had, he knew, dammed good intuition. Two card sharks, thanks to that,  both criminals, caught and arrested, with a decent bounty, on the. He had shared with her.

Thus, when Deltas, got around to talking to Sleeze he was already well into uncovering  and overriding or taking out of play, the threats that b’stard ‘Quasar’ had left them with. He had disabled the signal AND the Vibra. “You know we have to MOVE !!!! “

Immediately Delltas had them move position and reestablish themselves, some distance far from, where they had been. Sleeze had taken a space probe, modified it with the location device and sent it off to head into the Vendaren / Kalheirong ‘warzone’. Jess Corbin The Cflen

Attempting to contact Rocr and Ridr had failed. BUT then, their coms units were suddenly ineffective? Whilst they were banging each others brains out.

Quasar, could use some of her toys to ease the boredom, but, the greatest pleasure she was reveling in was the thought, of the hell, that was about to descend upon Deltas?

The craft was on auto pilot. In orbit around, it would soon start its descent into the atmosphere, three layers before finally landing. MUCH to

Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt; delight.
A short, unloading and reloading, of some samples and other supplies, saw them take off. XY had sneaked out and into the main base area to now contact the Karens.

She had, brought a present, for them. It was a about 100 of the latest vibra toys.. Would definitely create a buzz with them. Expensive and very rare to acquire. Different sizes, shapes, adjustments to fulfill the Karens needs.

A lot of the Males as Males and Females as Females were suddenly realizing, that with Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt; gone, NO one in charge? One of the Karens had taken over. Brought in new regulations overiding, well riding being the key word here.

NO more exclusive rights to Males who would be Males, Females who would be Females. Equality, Diversity, Inclusion meant they would do as they were told and anyone could have them. Bullying them, intimidating them, forcing them to do things in violation of their rights, rights WHAT rights? They had none.

They were ordered, to attend the party, to celebrate their freedom from the illegal harassment and insidious behavior of MALE misogynists. Those who refused, were stripped naked and, paraded before the others to be spat at, humiliated and finally dragged off in chains.

Thus it would be, a while later, when the paarty, was in full ‘swing’. Even Sweetie Pie, was enjoying the buzz. Totally debauched and nothing was unacceptable. Jess Corbin The Cflen

Over 60 writhing, moaning, groaning bodies, from naked to those dressed in sado maoschist gear, with whips and chains. Strung up, tied down, prime real estate in all its glory or was it GORY detail.

“Males??? We don’t need MALES!” Sweetie Pie felt good to be amongst those, as depraved as he was. The whips across  his buttocks as he squealed with added delight. He was thinking back earlier to the puling,tugging, sweating. Ah yes, Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt.

B’stard, with all that and, he had not once, got to! He licked his lips, the thirst, was overpowering, the smell still on his flared nostrils.. At least he could, feel some respite, with another slap of the whips across him.

The ‘Karens’, who, had been wielding, the whips and chains, now topped up his drugs, then slid him over, to take turns riding him like a Bronco.  Well even a small portion, of something you can take by force. is better than nothing. Elsewhere, those who had refused, their woke, debased practices, were force fed drugs, to relieve them of their inhibitions.

Turning them into Nymphomaniacs / sexually depraved animals. Whilst they were repeatedly raped or abused by the Karens. Those like Sweetie Pie, thrashing them, beating them down to do depraved acts on them.
Whilst some wept, some cried out in pain and despair.

Men?  who needed MEN!

Diversity, they had it, Equality, they had it, Inclusion, they had it..
Men would, no longer, be their
misogynist; MASTERS;  the females were free BY them.. to be thankful to be FREE and get use  to them taking them, tasting them, the forbidden fruits tasting so good.

Bullying them, intimidating them, forcing them to do things in violation of their rights.,
RIGHTS? What rights!

 they,  were their, new masters.


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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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