Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The ‘Femildo’ was a state of he art ‘Venture  A class warship. Equipped with some impressive plasma cannon arrays.. Already proven in battle, where it had lost its virgin status, to the destruction of two, Vendaran M class vessels.

A bit, of taking out. a pair of lame ducks in space, one might say. The Vendaren had been left stationery, after a battle had seen their enemy destroyed, but left them without power and of course; vulnerable.

Too good for Tams, wanting to show off her skills, well maybe, these were after all without weapons.. but enemy is enemy.. Nothing beats a good enema... oops ENEMY.

A few blasts, with the cannons and space debris. They had of course quickly moved off after realising there was another Vendaran A class fleet equivalent nearby and now headed towards them?

They did NOT, fancy ending up as those, they pumped and dumped, with their clossistrial fluids, to turn them, into numb and dumb; virtual zombies. THEY certainly, did NOT, need any of their help, re that.

Well on their way, and having dropped speed to use the Globe cast com systems for Tams to let her Karens know she would be back later for the celebrations.

“ Craig, has been asking after you, he left you that bag you have been after. “ “What after he pumped and dumped me? The b’stard can go to hell, well after I add that bag to my collection. A gift is a gift and he can’t take it back! “ Smiles all round.

“Right you lot, some of us have to work for a living! “ With that she closed the screen. Suddenly, the bulkhead warning systems were triggered. Sephri350

NOW what ! In front of the command screen appeared a
 massive A class, well similar; vessel. “Vendarens! What the!
Are you kidding me! “ The defence shields were responding BUT, the Vendarens did NOT fire on them.

SIlence? That was VERY unusual for them! Why would that be was a short lived moment of reflection. A second vessel now appeared, similar in size and oh yes, another A class. This one however was far more advanced.

Ah well, one consolation, she could leave them to fight amongst themselves! It was then the Femildo felt a huge strike of energy across its bulkhead. Ripping across it like nothing, she had ever seen or felt, before.

ALL of the energy systems, on the Femildo died to such a level, the life support systems, emergency back up, were kicking in. NO engines, NO weapons, NO defences. Life threatening, all most non existent, life support.

“Intruders, this vessel is OURS! We were here before you! “ 
Ah the Vendarens. NO, NOT Ven KARENS, Vendarens. The crew around Tams were furious.

“IF you, had not, had us stop, so you could talk to your Karens!
This would not have happened!  If the Vendarens take us that’s it!

Pump and dump us ... still eh Tams, you’ll feel no different, from normal eh? Pretty regular experience, for you eh?”

Juels was sarcastic, to a whole new level. “I knew, I should have listened, to my mother, telling me NOT, to go on a vessel, piloted by a Karen! “

The screen, ahead of them, illuminated. A strange figure ? Terrified? A ‘pure blood’ and the moment some of them saw it they fell to their knees. Pleading for mercy?

Deep penetrating red eyes, no emotion, no expression.
“Your fate is in our hands HOWEVER, other races, are laying claim to you. We have no quarrel with them, so we will listen, to what they have to say.” Jess Corbin The Cflen

With that the screen went blank.  “Who are they?” Some discussion followed. An unknown quantity. NEVER encountered them before.
The others? Ah yes.

The Vendaren with their pump and dump Closisstrial fluid.
 “Well I suppose, there are some benefits after all.”
The others glared at Juels.

“NO more Karens to have to contend with! Now that, has to be an absolute treat in itself. Seeing even one of you lot, shut up, is worth all the Clossistrial fluid I can drink.”

A male shifted past Juels. “They are arn’t they! Jogarth!” The hated despised Jogarth, slavers of the worst kind. Once they attached a slave band all independent thought, resistance was gone.

“Oh well, out of all of them, I’d pick a fate handed to me, by them.”
He turned to look at a female shaking with fear?

Moving over to her, he grabbed her arm. “Hi I am  Glea and you are?” Nibe.
“Well I like to think, I protect my woman, so Nibe, are you going to be my woman?”

She nodded. “Good we’re leaving this bunch of losers, we, will decide our own fate. He took hold of her hand.
Don’t be afraid, I will NOT leave you! “

A way from them, Glea looked at her. Still shaking with fear, as he held her, in his arms.
“My family, were always slaves, bonded one way or another, I was the one, they worked hard to set free. No restraints, go do your own thing; be free. Bloody ironic eh! “

She pulled in close to him. “Thank you Glea, for being here for me, in our, final hour..”
She pulled out a plasma blaster and held it twisting the rings on it.

“Do it! My woman, needs to set US free! “ With that, she set the blaster down, pulled in close to him.
A tear ran down her cheek as his too now fell. He whispered to her..
“ Sometimes,  love never dies,  just as my love for you, will never die. ”

The sound, of a high pitch squeal, from it winding up, the safety on it, over ridden. Reaching critical mass the extreme heat, as the streaming flare of energy wrapped around their bodies, vapourising them; instantly.

They had not been alone. It was like a mass suicide. The right to be FREE, to take away  from those who seek to take it away from you? Some were not convinced. They,  had not heard back,  from the race,  they did NOT know.
Until they did?

A gas, a thick swirling gas, filled the vent systems, of the craft. Making them yawn, tired, sleepy?
The Jogarth, had not been so pleased, to know that a percentage, of that craft were eliminating themselves?
A drok had been sent in to send back life signs data and the figures from the original ones were that over HALF yes HALF of those, who had been alive, were now DEAD!

Se Phri, had been in touch, with those she had sometimes, to consult. Rare, but on this occasion, she was given to, because those, who were NOT Human(a), they technically had no quarrel with. Jess Corbin The Cflen

Enslavement from the Jogarth, guaranteed. Pumped and dumped by the Vendarens, guaranteed. Elimination of the BEAST was going to take place.

They, could enter the craft and take, those still alive. BUT! The craft was theirs! Once they, had finished some of Se Phri’s pure bloods, would go in and, take over the command of the vessel.

Thus, a while later, the craft, was now powered up and under the control of the ‘pure bloods’. The databanks would add more information to the ones owned by the Cflen repository.

Tam had looked, to the Jogarth, willing to be enslaved by them, but she, was asleep when she was taken, to the processing plant. Her final realisation as they woke her up, whilst attaching the tubes. The true horror now dawning on her.

The Vendarens and their pump and dump; Closisstrial fluid, now pouring into her body.

Diversity, she had it, Equity, she had it. Inclusion? she had it;

she had it ALL.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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