Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Mimi arrived,  to be introducd to  her and Nabu. He took her outside as Si and her had a talk?
 “You will take good care of her. “When you get the opportunity, spray him?” Mimi nodded. 
Soon she was outside with Nabu and Inri. Si was waiting on the ‘pure bloods’. NOT long now.

The hatch to the craft in front of them, opened. Mimi took her, closer, with Kisha looking on, as the hatch opened and B’stard spawn of the BEAST moved out. Inmi was shaking with fear.  Mimi took her hand and placed it on the Fodawke. “You, have nothing to fear from our ‘pets’.”  She stroked it.

“It will NOT, attack your people. It , only likes, certain food, YOU, or your people; are NOT on its menu.”
 Inmi, was now far more relaxed. Kisha ordered, the Fodawke back and it, moved to shift behind her, disappearing inside, out of sight. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

The journey, would not take long. Inri was eager to show them the way. “We could use a transporter but that might panic your people. Fear that they are under attack?

Enroute, some figures, could be seen, ahead of them and, fast aproaching them? It would appear they had quickened their pace towards them? Hostile?

Four Human(a) raiders, were returning from their raping, pillaging, beating up some of the locals?

When they saw the torn tattered clothed body of Inri.
Thinking to themselves, how they wished, they were the ones, having had the pleasure of that one.

“Damm, that looks, as though its been well pleasured.” “Bling Bing?” They laughed. As for the strangers with her?

The female, was wearing some form of body armour?
What lay under that had one of them drooling.
Taking that, was going to be  too good to miss.

If they took out the male, that would leave the females to beat down and take at their leisure. . ALL four of them and, they were ALL large, well built. strong males?

They started, to rub their crotches, making obscene gestures.
“Perhaps, his lips are drooling, wants some of this?”
More laughter.

“They can’t resist it can they. VIolent, aggressive, primitives.” Nabu looked at Mimi, she nodded.
“All yours. Make sure, you take your time AND, that you kill them all, NO prisoners.”

He nodded, as the two females, stepped to one side. Mimi pulled Inmi in close to her, her eyes, against her chest. “I don’t want you, to see how, we rid ourselves, of this pestilence.

Do not, worry, about our male. My male, is a proven in battle Elite Gladiator and, he, will show them why we, show the  BEAST, no mercy..”

The males, were still  laughing, as one of the males moved forward to confront Nabu. Unzipping to remove his huge and HUGE it was, blood stained, no doubt, from his earlier rape. Tearing open, another, no doubt innocent, local female. Leaving her almost dead? They, liked taking turns with the same female, if she died? So what.

He was stroking it, it getting hard, whilst staring at Nabu. “You want some of this? 
On your knees, before your master, not that you, will be saying much with your mouth full of this.”

They had noted their ‘victim’ was slighly smaller than them, OK, he was muscular and, certainly fit, BUT, they,
were bigger, stronger and there were FOUR of them.  IF one of them had stepped past the tosser, to throw a punch at Nabu?

Dodged and to the fury of the BEAST, it, almost, had its punch, taking him, with the inertia, forward past his would be victim.  For him, to stumble, falling forwards, only at the last few seconds, being able to regain his balance.

Rage? Two of the others, now attempted the same, fists swinging wildly,  only to fall forwards, both of them, hitting the ground. Mimi shifted, taking hold of Inmi, gently whispering to her, consoling her, reassuring her,. as they started to move away from them,  towards her home.

The males, were too preoccupied, with the attack on this male.. Suddenly, one of them, felt his appendage grabbed. the experience of it being almost ripped off him?

HE, had not seen, the blade flash, as it sliced his most prized possession OFF. With him being kicked to the side and to the ground.  The blood like a fountain spraying out.

“You, want some of this?”  Nabu sneered at him. “ I would not like to disappoint you.” The others now. felt the blows to their chests. IT felt like a sledgehammer, pounding them. They fell, gasping for breath, the crippling pain, of their rib cages, being crushed.. The sternum, on one of them smashed. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

The last one, now screaming tore at Nabu as he felt his hand slam into his epiglottis. The small bones slapped into the trachea.

His air way, now completely compromised, as he staggered back, gripping his throat, blood pouring from his mouth.

One by one, Nabu twisted their heads, snapped their necks.
ALL of them dead. It would not be long before he joined up with Mimi and Inmi.

“I told Kisha, where to find them. The pets need feeding.”
He flexed his arms. “Just what I needed. Now I feel rejuvenated.”

Inri was looking at him, hardly as one might say, a scratch on him? “Not far to go just over this ridge and we are there.”

Those muscles and, his body, were stunning. None of the Aslehan males were that tall or strong. She was finding it difficult NOT to stare.

Mimi grinned. “You’ll see him around Inmi, so feel free to talk to him. I can’t promise you anything else,

Talk to Dolce. We call her our ‘Gene Genie’. Specialises in fertility and progenesis. She will tell you more about Cflen males.

All Cflen males are genetically perfect. NOTHING re their health. Strong, virile and I think, judging by the way you keep licking your lips; you, are going to have him fulfill your fantasies.

I am told, that the answer to that would be, YOU will NOT be disappointed! Dolce made sure that ALL males are well endowed. The survival of our GLADIATOR Cflen depends on them being able to procreate.

She would not, deprive them, of the pleasure, from having the equipment to do that. She personally takes a random sample and, pleasures herself. She tests, for how much seed they produce, their ability, to pleasure and please, their partner. They release, a pheromone. “ She grinned. “I am TOLD, so I will warn you Inri, it is POTENT, VERY portent.

It will, drive you crazy with lust. He, does not, have to follow the same rules, that apply to us females. NOR is he like the ‘Pure bloods’. They have NO emotions, NO feelings. Though in the future, you will see them, they will NOT approach you and, YOU definitely, won’t be approaching them.” She laughed.

Nabu was also grinning. “They give me the eebie jeebies. Its their eyes! “  Mimu leamed in close to Inri to whisper to her. “If you want him, you have to tell him. He, will NOT, do anything, without you, asking him. I will let you into a secret, Once, YOU utter those words to him?

YOU, can ORDER him, to do ANYTHING you want to do with him, The words here are ‘I need to increase the Cflen race’.  Dolce tells me, those words will automatically trigger, an obedience mode; total compliance, with all of your demands. However remember that once inside, he will NOT leave, until. he has released his seed.

I am, a ‘Sacre, Gladiator Cflen. We, do not have, the same primitive urges, that our males have. NOR I suspect, the same as you, or your race probably have, when it comes to reproduction. Tthis, is going to be a Cflen outpost.
If you are worried, about him not being around? I doubt, we will leave this place, when it becomes an outpost.

If you, want to reproduce with him. I have to tell you, IF that happens, you and your Ketlevling ,*baby, will be well taken care of. Your body chemicals, DNA, will be carefully tuned to match.  The females are like us, always beautiful! The males can vary BUT they are always, healthy and strong.”

Mimi had seen, that beneah the torn clothing, Inri was also, quite beautiful. Her body shape and, contours, were also, very similar to theirs. She, had been, more than aware of Nabu and his liking Inri.

The, male Cflen, always had urges, NOT, as primitive as the Human(a) but  the undertones of desire and lust were still there, Dolce, had made sure of that.

Despite the attempted rape, by Bling Bing, Her torn tied clothing reasonably well secured, Inri was relaxed and, finding some comfort, in knowing that she was safe.

A sense of relief, from knowing that she had not been raped, abused, taken. Still untouched, intact, hot and  a flush across her body of being ready to be taken, was it because she  next to Nabu?

She was beginning, to feel, her nakedness, her hot skin, rubbing against the rags. The smell of his sweat, his pheromones that she had never experienced before, heightened by this ever growing; lust?

“I am having you.” She whispered under her breath. I am going to go crazy until we mate.” Unknown to Nabu and Mimi. Inri’s biology, when next to a suitable mate AND, triggered by certain mix of hormones, pheromones?

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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