Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The fall of Sei Gam6

The Raizi, were a race of beings from Sector 01z at the edge of the Cflenia space.

A hard working, indigenous race, who had been on the planet for over 300 ‘years’. They had earned a lot of respect, from their neighbours BUT; during the last decade they had had, a plague sweep through their colonies.

No one, could understand, where it, had come from NOR how to treat it. Soon they, were on the verge of extinction, sending out for help? Begging for some means, to end their suffering?

When the Human(a) arrived, for a price, they could supply a cure. Even if it bankrupted them they paid up following proof that what they had to offer; worked.

The last of them, were to receive help. The plague was beaten back and though some, suffered after effects, the bulk of the new born, at least survived. Many of the older ones had been lost.

Harvests, had been poor, due to the lack of labour to operate the means to secure and store it. Other crops, services too, had been compromised. They had to buy, or barter, for more food. The entire plane was quarantined, NO one went there, without accepting the risks AND, could NOT leave, the planet, once they had entered it.

Finally, the Raizi sold land, services, utilities, their livelihood; only to end up working almost as slaves for the Human(a). HOWEVER they were reminded that at least they had their lives. Those who survived could only feel thanks to the Human(a) for coming to their aid.SeiGam6450

They quickly moved in, on former Raizi territory like domineering vultures. Rich in pickings and cheap labour? Sucked them dry re their wealth. Took over the most profitable businesses such as the mines. Rich in Testrinium ores. Draxetnium and Gold; yes GOLD.

Irbat Sol was a nearby planet. One of the ones who had informed the Cflen of the presence of the Human(a)?
They had no love, for them and made it clear, they would NOT, do business with them. For good reason.

Several of the Human(a), had been on Irbat Soi to stock up supplies earlier and had gotten away with that, BEFORE the news became clear, to the Irbat spies, of what the Human(a) had done?

After they, had supposedly rescued the Raizi, had taken over their territories and now sought trading with
Irbat Soi? A decade of evil, from their visits to now; often in secret and up to no good?

The infections, the spread of the bio contamination? Slowly but terrifyingly effective. The hell it created, in its wake, that few other races had the key to neutralizing ? Not even some of their sophisticated AI systems, could uncover what that ‘key’ was.

Greed, ah yes the Human(a) passion fo feeding theirr GREED. You have it, I want it,YOU WILL give it to me OR ELSE? NOT that all Human(a) were like that, but this lot? Oh yes, the get rich quick at any cost to those they chose as their victims.

SE Phri, was more than aware, of the news her spies. were sending her. It would take time, to send in the ‘pure bloods’ commanded by Toi Zio. and Toi Bio. Two battalions landed in a predetermined location close to  what we could call a ‘lake’.

A place of real beauty,  with a peace and serenity, that had hitherto, been so enjoyed by the Raizi.
Now forbidden, from being within its zone? They beat down any, who dared to get caught.
A settlement of Human(a) that had a  small military detachment, of volunteers.
Their overseers, paid them little or nothing BUT they had the Riazi who they abused and sometimes bought and sold their new born.

Tori Dent was an Human(a) overseer. A savage , indifferent and often violent individual,  Most of the Human(a) had a hatred of him BUT he ruled because of the trugs (thugs) he kept close to him who would protect their own corrupt interests and HIM knowing as long as they did; they kept  most of their ill gotten gains.

The Human(a), had realized they needed more slaves for their mining operations. A large transporter had arrived, with over 500 new ones from a race unknown to them. They had been cheap and were guaranteed to be worth every draxet

Dent had sent a hundred, of his best military, to take the slaves and escort them to the mines. Some, would be executed, in front of them, to make it clear, that no mercy, would be given to any, who did not do as they were ordered.

No one, had seen, the two Cflen warships, descend at night, to unload the ‘pure bloods’. At the back, of Dent’s stockade. Some of the Riazi had been taken as sport and were being savagely attacked by some of his family , using them for sport? NO! To appease their sadistic pschotic pleasures.

Three, of their chosen victims, were waiting in a cell area, behind the main ring area. They had been lined up and were wearing the typical cloak and hood covering then BEFORE they entered the ‘ring; where they would have to remove their clothing and fight naked?

Distracted, by a noise? Going to find out what it was, one of the guards ? The ‘pure bloods’ executed him. Fear on the faces of the Raizi? When they saw the Cflen? Comforted and reassured, they left with some of their rescuers.

A guard, had been forced, to lead in the three ‘pure bloods’ cloaked.
If Dent and others had seen them enter the ‘arena’?  NO! They did not realize how much taller they actually were? NOR the build appeared different. Why?

The killing of the former victims, now being dispatched, it would seem, was a major distraction. The dead, now being dragged off and the new ones entered. The three new victims now disrobed.

Shock? Fear? They slaughtered the ones, who were looking forward, to playing with, torturing and slowly butchering the Raizi. Across the colonies, the Riazi, could now see, their oppressors, slaughtered. Riazi? SE Phri had made sure THEY were more than aware of WHO had infected them with the plague?

A visual record, had been made and was now, available on GlobeCast, giving a warning, to would be Human(a) to stay away or join ?!

At the back, of those sat looking on in shock; over two hundred, ‘pure bloods’. They filtered in and were now stood alongside the watchers? Stunned and completely taken off guard? Dent too had been surrounded. Whoever these beings were?

No mercy, no compassion or empathy. They butchered them. Throughout the territories in less than 3 days,
ALL of the Human(a) had been slaugthered every last one of them.

Dent was taken. SE Phri had had him, sent to her. “Who are you.” He had screamed. “We are the Cflen, we know all about your race and, the nature of the BEAST.

You will be kept alive, whilst you tell us, where to find more of you.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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