Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The dome, had been rocked, almost literally, by the arrival of Snowwi. A precocious to the point, of being an opinionated obnoxious female. Left over female, LEFT? She was always demanding, RIGHT now, RIGHT this,
RIGHT; I am always RIGHT.Jess Corbin the Cflen 2

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Why was the dome, all about exclusivity. Isolation, misogyny? NOT that she, was IN the dome, or recongnised as being part of its inhabitants. A stranger, a complete stranger.

Forced out of one colony and sent here? Thown out as being contentious self righteous, Along with her extremist terrorist,  KARENS.

NOT the first time, she and her Karens had stirred up trouble, caused a Colony to end up in a state of civil war?

Making, taking and running off with the looted, pillaged and plundered spoils. Never having to account to anyone for their actions.

Snowi had the boss, of the mining teams, eating out of the palm of her hands and, a lot of other places, but we will not go there even if Grouchy one of her favourite seven AND the other six, often did.

Living amongst the miners, with her two friends, Queen and the Witch. Loving every moment, of that, Forcing them, to obey.To conform to their rules and regulations.

There was, come contempt, that had arisen, from them, having some whipped, for what they called, rampant mysogyny?  BUT no one challenged her, not choosing to be battered, by Grouchy and, the other 6 bosses.

Usually the miners, who would  not whore them, or had not been so gifted, re the size of, length, breadth, width, of what they possessed between their calves.

Misogyny? Most did not,have the grey cells, to know, what the hell, that was, but still.  If Snowi said that, was what was the problem and, they all got to have turns with them. Whoring whilst paying them their earnings.

That guy ‘Shar Ming, she openly declared where she was concerned he was her ‘stalker’. “Gross, how dare, he think he can stalk me. I can;t allow just anyone to stalk me. Lusting after me, taking himself in hand, thinking about me; GROSS. “

The dome of course and, all of its inhabitants, would be next to face her abuse. All of the reasons they were rich whilst the miners and other on the outside of it were poor? Who was making the money?

Who was going through the hell of the mines, to make them rich? The sweat of those whoring them 7 at a time.
She had Grouchy stir them up and also attack the bosses of the mining consortium.

The familiar sound of the miners, going off to work, Ho ho ho, its the working whores for me, rich or poor, the rich ones especially; ho, ho, ho. Snowi would shake her head. “That song is so old. We won’ t, be indulging their delusions, of having, some beautiful whore, become their ever after.

Finding out, about the ‘Silent night’ network, she finally managed, with Queen and the Witch plus several other females, daughters of those whoring themselves who banded with her, to gain entry to the dome security systems. They shut down the dome defence shields, the security, stopping the miners and others from getting into the dome.

They banged the guards; ragged. Until they could no longer stand. Knock kneed and cross eyed, is an understatement. As one climbed off the another climbed on. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

All the dome had to offer, now at the mercy, of the mob.
Karens to the fore and, every colonies nightmare.

Hell descending, on its inhabitants, as now the ‘policicians’ the stinking, she certainly knew the meaning of that word; mysogynist, capitalists, could be dragged out and whipped, literally.

Naked and, paraded in front of all, the virgins, the prim and proper females properly whored.  Those taking them, having to pay, almost all of, if not ALL; of their earned income,  to whore the ones they had seen as snobby, proud, uptight and; those taking them were sure ‘uptight’.

Never had the Karens and, their new followers had it so good.
Snowi declared herself, the governor of the colony.

All taxes, revenues, seizures of riches and more were to be split between her and her Karens.

Whoring and whorehouses, were to pay all of their earnings to them. Regular special events were to be held, where the miners could whore whoever they wanted to, 7 at a time.

Non Karens or those who would not give lip service to them OR have them pay lip service to them, were put into stockades for the special events or whorehouses.

The Bynards, were thrown out and, some attacked. Smashed down.
Those damaged or destroyed Bynards, had sent a signal, it, had been picked up, by the SuRan corporation.

THEY, did NOT, like their property, being willfully damaged or destroyed.  They had also NOT received the overdue licencing fees.

It, landed, within hours of the Bynards being attacked, destroyed.
A Bynard ‘investigator’Amabassador class. NOT armed, there to find out what the situation was?

Snowi, had met with it. She made it clear, that it could leave and, take its trash, with it. NO, they were NOT, going to pay for the damaged Bynards, OR the overdue licencing fees. IT did just that. Left with the damaged or destroyed Bynards.

“Good riddance eh Snowi?! “ She nodded. In space above them the craft discharged FOUR craft. NOT too big but VERY powerful. Well armed AND its inhabitants? What the SuRan called their enforcers.

NO civilisation,using SuRan Bynards, were stupid enough, to upset the SuRan corporation. Those who had, had lived to regret it. HELL was about to descend on the colony?

Well certainly the next arrival of a known trader carrying a package?
Sat down in front of Snowi and her other Karens? As the package was opened, the stench, was making them, want to retch. In fact,  Queen did just that.

“Reminds me. of the time you bitch ,that you gave me, fruit, that turned out to be poisoned. “ “Come on, you took the fruit off me, after I, had been given it, as a present. I went back, gave that bastard a kiss, spitting the toxin into his mouth. Glad to see him choke up and die. “

Two heads and entrails, well sealed, entrails and through the clear covering, there was no mistaking what they were! The message? Jogarth. “WHO the hell are the Jogarth?”

“You will return, every one of our Jogarth females AND four prisoners, to compensate for the loss of two of our troopers. Or, face our wrath.” Bibs was an Elite’s daughter who had been recently whored and was now Snowi;s personal whore. She, was knowledgeable, about other races. She went onto explain who they were.

It was then, they realised, they had NO military. The guards, had been left almost crippled, by all of the abuse, the whipping, the beatings. NO defence shields and, NO weapons?? All, had been destroyed, by the mob rampage.
If the Jogarth invaded? They would all end up as their slaves.

They needed to know more. Spunkless was now stood in front of them giving up the details.
“YOU will find those Jogarth females and bring them to us! If you fail, I will personally castrate you.”
She knew, that he valued his prized possessions, enough  to feel nothing, but fear, at the thought of that.

Two of the Jogarth females had already been violently subjugated, whored and made to remember who their new masters were. A thick set, ugly mutt and the other Jogarth, a mutant with two arms who abused her, beat her, took her violently, tearing her open. Both were both lying shivering in fear as their owners left them.

The others, were in an auction compound and, that was where, Spunkless came across them. He had orders from Snowi to retrieve them. IF the owners or sellers refused they would be executed. Jess Corbin The Cflen 2

They beat him, smashed his arms and legs then executed him.
Sending his cock and balls, story, back to them. The whores, the Karens, had NO military, NO weapons; whilst they, had both, well of sorts.

100 males and all of them, establishing their own separate colony.
Shar ming had been quick to seize the weapons and more, when the mob had attacked the dome.

Weapons, power units and, two plasma cannons. He would bide his time, before attacking them all in the dome, to take full power and, see those Karens whored, whipped, forced to wear slave collars.

Snowi, now realized, THEIR time was.. time to run.
They, packed up their treasures, their ill gotten gains, and trump trump trump, headed off out of this madness. Towards the craft, stood waiting for them.

A bribed interstellar trader named Me2 was watching them, approach ready to opnen the hatch. .He was going to be rich, VERY rich.
A prize, had been offered for their capture.

Once aboard he would gas them and then bind them in chains before handing them over. That little female they were dragging behind them desperately trying to break free:? He would service her and then pimp her.

Her Elite little whore, dragged behind her, screaming and struggling. A slave collar now making her completely submissive. Her last one. Damm!  The others too had none.

It was then, they saw, four craft, descend. ONE of them, now on the space, in front of them and, as a hatch opened?
Her Elite whore let out a gasp.

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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