Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Ruddi Fall, had given up waiting. He now knew, with the search team reporting back to him;  the aftermath of the carnage. ahuza350

Just a pile of clean bones.. Human(a) bones. Lymph? One of his longest known friends?

No way to tell, if any of the bones were his, in fact; there was no way to tell who was WHO.

Some of the bones had been smashed open, to get at the marrow? That, had been sucked out of them.

In truth, he did NOT know, what had attacked them and done this. Some animal? We have to remember he had not met her pets.

NOW he waited, with the others keeping an eye out for any craft. Cannons primed and fully ready for deployment.

A screen lit up in front of him. It was the bitch!
“I see you, continue to ignore my demands. Do I need to show you, what happened, to those you, sent, to take more of the locals? “

He could now see, the events unfold and, to his horror, those things tearing them to pieces. Ripping flesh and bones apart.  “You have 1 hour. Then I will show you the full punishment for not doing as you have been ordered. I look forward to hearing your bones  torn apart, our pets tearing you limb from limb.”

“Come on bitch.. these cannons will take care of them AND you.”  “You have less than an hour!  You will have every one from the dissection and experimental buildings you have, scieste and others form up in the main area you know as the ‘parade’ area. EVERY single one of them,. ALL from the so called ‘family’ buildings / domiciles will join them. NOT one is to be excused.”

“Secure everyone, in the emergency deep ground bunkers. Nothing will get to them. There are, enough supplies to keep us all alive fo longer than they will be prepared to hang around..”

“So, that is what he plans. Xixi tell me more.” “Depth scans, show us, a number of levels below, the main building. Cat 7 and would be difficult, for our weapons, to pierce enough to do damage.”

“We can, wipe out, the entire surface facilities. They won’t be able to use them.” “What will happen if the debris from that blocks all hatch ways, escape routes?”

“Slow suffocation; death.” “Lets do that.” She was interrupted by Ahuza. “Let me take my pets for a walk, the surface buildings.  I am sure, when those, still on the surface see them, they will run for the safety of those bunkers?”

“OK Ahuza, when you land, use the craft, to launch the anti matter weapons. Wipe out the cannon arrays. We need them removed to allow us, to destroy the facility.

First of course, you can safely, take the B’stard spawn of the BEAST, for a walk, I would suggest, as there is likely, to be lean pickings; you take just two?”

Ruddi Fall, had left, the cannon arrays, on automatic, TO get to the bunkers, would mean a short walk, through the vestibule. Into an open area, that would see him, end up close to the bunker hatches.

Stood in front of him, to his horror? A female, another one, of exceptional beauty, with two of the beasts, he had witnessed, tearing the limbs apart on his best friend Lymph?

Fear? He felt, the trickle of water, running down both his legs. His stomach churning over. The beasts it seemed were impatient to get at him?

“You can save yourself, IF. you tell those in the bunkers to come out and line up. We will take them and leave you? I nor my pets, will kill you. How does that sound?”

A little while later, they were out of the bunkers, lined up behind him. They had had no choice. He had threatened to flood the levels with water drowning them if they refused.

“You ALL, will line up and, head over, to the craft, now landing behind you. . Keep in line and MY pets, will NOT harm you. They started to move off. Two of the males looked at Ruddi Fall. “Why are you not coming with us?”

She told them, he, had given to save his own life. “I have given him my word that I nor my pets will kill him.” The rage on their faces as they stepped towards him.

One of themn picked up a rod of iron, (yes, IRON as we know it  exists, in quantity, re the Qiverse.) One, of the B’stard spawn of the BEAST, moved towards them, to be told to hold still.

She pointed at him. “I have told him that I, I, will not kill him or harm him. My pets likewise will NOT kill him.”
She paused, as one of the men stopped for a moment, to turn and look at her.

“Does that, mean we can kill him?” She repeated her words. The male smiled, as he looked at his companion. “Time to say goodbye you treacherous Human(a) b’stard. “

It, now dawned, on Ruddi Fall, what ruddy fool he was.. She had played him! They mercillesly, beat him to death. At the end of it, blood soaked and sweat pouring off them they went to join the queue.

Ahuza stopped them. “What do you do here?” “We keep the facility clean, cleaners nothing else.” “Have you somewhere to go to? “We have friends among the locals.”

“Then go. I nor my pets will stop you. Slip away QUIETLY! DO NOT interfere with OR cause trouble re that queue!  They were gone as the two of her pets shifted uneasily?

Pointing, to the body on the ground. “Feed! I said, I would not nor you, would kill him. I did NOT say, we would let good food go to waste! “  Plenty to go around, Ruddi Fall had never skimped on his food even if others had to go without.

Xixi, had, been watching everything, from nearby. The last of the queue, loaded into the food lockers, ready for the trip to meet up with the main fleet.

Food stocks replenished for the b’stard spawn of the BEAST.
As for Ahuza. “Once again, you show the ability, to adapt when you need to AND are as clever as ever.”

Qjiani, moved into view. ”You, let two of them go?” Ahuza smiled. Producing two small scans? They looked at them and smiled. “NOT Human(a), Kronoks, no Human(a) in them.”

“They, did NOT know, we were hunting, only Human(a). My senses were not alerted, when they stepped close to me. The pets were agitated, NOT because they were their favourite food, but because of the possible threat to me.”

He nodded his head. “We have to remember UNLESS they are Human(a) OR they attack us, we do NOT kill those from other races! That is written in the sacred book of Gianne. Well done Ahuza ! You others remember this day! 

Would you, like to finish what you started? We still have to completely destroy that facility! After it is flattened leave the Human(a) plague for any who attempt to resurrect that place?”

It would not be long, before the entire place was obliterated. The cannon arrays, had been set on overload and the dust to dust, nothing remaining. was mission achieved. The spraying of the entire area now saw them moving off into deep space.


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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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