Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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Shi, was somewhat bemused, by the sudden absence, of the locals? A festival of sorts and held at some sacred place of theirs ? Apparently it took place every 5 yea?  He had to admit, it was sounding somewhat suspect.

The first time in 5 ‘yea’, he had even heard of it? BUT ! He was too comfortable in his hot sauna to give it any more thought. If his local female had gone missing. well not turned in for work ?

Not he had to admit, the first time. Just recently, she had not turned up, on at least, four occasions.
He had been good to her. Spoiling her and her Parentia.

The next time, she made an appearance, he would  take her, if she resisted, he would hand her over afterwards, to the illegals and blame them when it came to her Parentia with her being dead. SeZii300

Ojiani had delayed everyone? They were eager to get on as had been carefully planned with no foreseen problems? 
Not that they questioned him further.
He, was their supreme commander.

The Cflen Gladiator obey! BUT! What was causing the delay?
They looked at the main screen. Fast approaching was an 
‘Apostlete’ craft.

Flying the sacred flag of Gianne! With two medium size Vix warships as escorts! .

Se Phri?? No wonder, Ojiani had been pacing the floor. Even Xixi had not seen him like this before. Is it Se Phri?? They waited as the holy vessel docked.

He knew, Se Phri, was NOT an apostle. Not, a direct descendent of Gianne! So who could it be? Questions questions and no answers 

Now stood in the 2nd chamber from the docking area, that, having been sealed and, pressurized.

Footsteps, heavy booted ones, often worn by? As the hatch slid open three ‘Pure bloods’ came into view. Behind them? Ojiani gasped.

Se Ziee is a decorated  with battle honours, ‘Pure blood GLADIATOR’. VERY rare. Revered by them for her being a direct descendent of Gianne.  She was at the defeat of the B’stard spawn of the BEAST.
She cut off the heads of three of the leaders.

The ‘pure blood’ troopers moved to one side to form up lining her route. Two behind her AND two, female Gladiators.

One of them, stepped forward to hand Xixi a shelde which now lit up the screen, to display a message, from Se Phri. Se Ziee, was remaining with them AND would have full control of everything. 

He bowed, as she moved close to him. “Commander I apologise for the delay, you have an extermination of the BEAST, to carry out. Please do not, on my part, delay that.

I need to refresh. My escorts will see me to my quarters.” There was, a special part, large domicile, on their vessel, that had to Xixi’s memory, never been used. Serviced regularly by those permitted to enter BUT!

She was now, asked to take them there. Ojiani bowed and they watched, heads lowered, as Xixi led them away.
Now, the extermination of the BEAST, could continue as planned.

Below, a transporter, carrying over 100 Gladiator landed. Landing near the caves, to unload them, as they now took control of the perimeter.  

They, had been told, to ensure the safety of the locals. Now learning, of the arrival of Se Ziee, there was an added zeal, to see this extermination of the BEAST,  in her honour; a memorable one.

Roused, by the arrival of one of the Illegal gang, Shi had not been the least bit amused.
So, the Xetnets, had found Drax gold, in those caves and, the rebels, had dragged everyone there to dig as much as they could?

On the pretext, it was their sacred celebration. IF the rebels got their hands on Drax in a decent amount they could enlist the help of off world mercenaries to oust the Human(a)?

Nobra. one of the illegals, had planted that notion in his head. He was not giving much thought to its validity BUT the scans of recent events had shown there alien craft landing ?

He ordered, him and his gang, to round up the rest of the Human(a) and take them with their somewhat limited militia, their plasma cannons; to the area just before the caves. Where the alien craft were reported as having landed.

Cursing at the stupidity, of those who had supposed to be monitoring air space AND security not having detected the three alien craft?

Tits, the militia leader was a fat, ugly and lazy Human(a). She had had no reason over the last 5 yea to do anything but laze around, a little extortion, pillaging to keep her militia happy?

Waddling, like some stuffed duck, (not go give ducks a bad name) she finally, made it to the transport. A, smaller than a ‘zimp’ craft, that could, carry up to 10 at a time, though with her on board; 7.

Ahead, of the rest, of the so called ‘militia’ AND a number of other Human(a) they made their way, towards the clearing ahead of the caves.

As they did so, the Craft Eioni had been in charge of now unloaded the B’stard spawn of the BEAST with over 200 Gladiators.

They went, from building to building, forcing the Human(a) out, to be torn apart and eaten with relish, (well no sauce, but !) delicious all the same. The illegals, did nothing, to come to their aid, they turned and ran.Jess Corbin The Cflen

Where Tits was and, the rest of them, the cannons were being set up amid the shock horror, of seeing those alien craft? The size of them ? BUT as the B’stard spawn of the BEAST, came into view? With over 100 of Gladiators?

Tits felt her bowels become uncontrollable, with the urge to now, increase the size, of her lower garments, the overpowering stench, having those around her, move rapidly; away from her.

Shi was, a little more courageous, but, he too realized, the futility of it all. The illegals around him? They ran! The B’stard spawn of the BEAST feasted. NOTHING was left well bar one. Shi, challenged the leader of the Gladiators, Txiian,

Stopping the B’stard spawn of the BEAST, she approached him. Her tricon flashed and, in seconds, she was raising his head high, to throw it to the nearest,  B’stard spawn of the BEAST;  telling it off,  for not chewing its food, as it gulped it back.

Ojiani, was now receiving, the latest updates, as Se Ziee now entered the control deck. “The pestilence has been eradicated.” She smiled. I will record your due dilligence to this Commander. She emphasized, the word ‘Commander’.

“Now, if you will escort me ‘Commandeer’; let me ascend and see for myself, the liberation of those below. “

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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