Jess Corbin The Cflen book 2 The Invasion

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The base on Ere Ct USFU2. Solid lump of, not so much appreciated, by those forced to be on it, ice planet.
Well 2/3rds of it; ICE. Drilling ice cores, to retrieve data, on what they believed was an ‘Ancients’ former planet.

The rumour, though of course NOT proven; was that this had originally, been a warmer, more fertile and, lush planet. An asteroid had slammed into it and destroyed some of the natural order of things.

Wiping out, it was believed, the entire civilisation; of the planet.
Some areas had been scanned and huge structures revealed.

The tell tale symbols of the ‘Ancients’ TWO inscribed OBELISKS, had been found. intact with their inscriptions, a little weathered, but still readable.

Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt..  because of his size; had sent for  ‘Linguists. Ones, who could, well for the most part, read the inscriptions. Sometimes offering up a wealth of technical knowledge OR warnings!

The number, of personnel, was in excess, of over four hundred. Mining crews, maintenance, construction of thermal units and, domiciles not forgetting the dome storage units.

Whilst those ‘Linguists’, were enroute to them. the base was gradually coming together. Quite well given how long since they had landed some while ago.

All of the females, were scanned before Lumpy Dumpy would even let them into his private command area. They could be found elsewhere in amongst the crews and administration in particular; ah yes, the Karens.

NOT, that here, they caused trouble. TOO dammed cold for that. They kept themselves isolated and, none of the males, would go near them. The abuse, female well female MASCULINITY was TOXIC.

HOWEVER. A peace of sorts, had been forged. No one overstepped their accepted boundaries. PEACE and QUIET. Flags, pronouns, masculinity ruled. They did NOT need MEN!

Well, unless, it was, the install, of new domicile. Cleansing, heating fusion units. OR plumbing, optics, communication, filters, processors... NO they did not need MALES.

The agreement, that a domicile, would NOT, be deemed complete, for habitation, until those requirements, had been met, did in fairness, apply to both MALE and FEMALE; well occupiers.

Baths, spas, laundry, WAS always, in segregated spaces. The bars as we would know them remained specific to them. The usual Rumpty Tumpty were Karens only and, the Flants Tones, were those of various persuasions. NOT always aligned with the Karens.

The reserved areas, where Lumpy Dumpy- Nellie the funt, had clearly marked and were sectioned off, AS RESERVED areas, gave access to, FEMININE ONLY FEMALES, MALES who were MALES, especially, TIRKWAN affiliated.

Bynards were, available. Areas, offering up similar, to what we might know as Love hotels, with short term, longer; OR pay a price and, you could take them, back to your own domicile; where they remained, for the period of, the agreed contract.

Despite his size, he was, big in ALL areas, he had a real problem. He was sexually insatiable. NOT that for many females was an issue. They used him, abused him, rode him, like a bucking bronco. Delicious1450

He was, barred, from using Bynards. He could use, some of the Lags, that accompanied the miners and, construction workers. BUT there was a high risk of diseases.

Still, as long as the safe ones, kept ‘coming’; it helped him, stay reasonably sated and, coherent. More than capable of carrying out his duties as Base controller.

The arrival finally, of the ‘Linguists’ was welcomed. They had also managed to carry out a substantial number of core extractions. To which some surprises had been acknowledged.

Maybe, it was NOT, the asteroid impact, that had killed them off? It would appear, the data, was telling them something else? BUT what? More looking at, the various cores and, still, they could not, fathom what had happened, to the inhabitants?

OOBY DOOBY, nicknamed ‘U BE’ due to those who had first met him saying ‘Ah YOU BE; OOBY..’  his team had finished connecting up all of the processed water, chemicals, mineral fluid supplies.

Bathing, drinking, all now freely available whoever, wherever you were.
YOU DID, have to be as OOBY would tell you, to be mindful of, careful, to report any health problems you were experiencing.

A slight temperature, difference in the supply line, OR in its use, could leave you VERY ill. They had experienced, what we, would have recognised, as Typhus, dysenteric fevers or cholera.

‘Legionnaires' disease’ is a serious and potentially fatal, type of pneumonia caused by inhaling bacteria, from contaminated water systems. The bacteria, Legionella, can be found, in droplets or air born spores from  air conditioning units, cooling towers, whirlpool spas, and shower units.

He remembered, an emergency deployment of his team, where, half of a colony, had been wiped out. The cause a contaminated water supply. Artificial chemical fertilisers had soaked into the soil ending up in an..

Aquifer. a subsurface layer of rock or other geological material that can store and provide water. Aquifers can be made up of layers of sand, gravel, or permeable or fractured rock that can absorb water and allow groundwater to flow through them.

Water, can end up, in UNDERGROUND LAKES. HERE he had encountered, beneath the ice layers, several of these. Tests showed nothing, that would be of any consequence.

The hot springs water, or thermally natually created, sometimes smelly, suphur based water, had also been found. Pumped into certain areas to allow bathing in them. The temperature at all of the sies,  was evened out, to a maximum of . 41°C (105.8°F.

That could, vary slightly, due to the numbers, of those, using any of them, at any given time. Most were specific to Male / Female segregated NOT mixed bathing.

Delicious, was an old world, colony girl. She had worked her way through life literally from her looks, her talents and therein lies, uhh TRUTH. She accumulated quite a fortune and her favourite quote was ‘I am definitely, NOT, working my BUTT of, for nothing.’

She could READ CARDS! You know or maybe you don’t. Fortune telling, what lies ahead, plenty of lying in more ways than one where she was concerned but I digress.

After landing, whilst the craft, she had hitched a ride on and not forgetting the pilot.. she had visited Lumpy Dumpy, also known as Nellie the funt. She had heard rumours and she, was never one to be skimping on her portions as she paid him a visit.

The moment of course, he saw her and she saw what was on offer, well that was it. The rest of the day, with them both, making pigs of themselves whilst she took his, sausage and two veg to her table..

Before she left him, he tucked some slips of Drax into her hands.. “Shame you can’t tell me what is on those dammed Obelisks. I’d have paid you double. He told her about them whilst they sipped some wine.

She left him, to return a little while later, whilst some other female was saddling up the ‘Bronco.’ Spreading her cards out in front of her.. She closed her eyes and then, placed her finger, on one of them.

“Tell me, what is with those two Obelisks?” He was glancing at her as her head went back and her eyes went white. Just the white, nothing else, well for moment or two, when she suddenly, her body jerked forward.

“They carry a warning. A warning from an ancient race. More ancient than even my ancestors. Tell me Lumpy, is the water good here?” He paused the bucking Bronco to stare at her.

“It is full of rich nutrients. Been putting on even more weight ?” That he had no idea about but others had been saying that the water tasted really good AND yes, come to think of it; they had been putting on weight.

“Think carefully Lumpy!! Why would that be? The first chance you get, if not SOONER, you get off this freezer..
DO IT!”  With that still ringing in his ears.. she left him. Glad, a little while later to leave the planet. Glad to see the back of it? What, she had seen, had rattled her and, that for Delicious; took some doing!

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Jess Corbin The Cflen The nature of the BEAST Vol 1

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