



Freedom. After over 5 years of terror. The alien nightmare, had reminded
 us all, that FREEDOM is something, we were never again, going to give up.

Those, who had profited, from the aliens invasion were soon, to feel
 the full on wrath, of all of us, who sought revenge.

Putting them in chains and, dragging them through the streets.
Burying them up to their necks in sand and letting the fire ants eat them alive.

The bulk of us, felt no pity, no mercy. Those freed from the mines on release;
many of them died on the spot. Bones and little else.

The ones, who wielded the whips, were taken, put into stocks and whipped to
death, by individuals,  one after the other, until their last breath.

Sometimes they were left to rest, before being revived and, the whipping, starting  all over again. Skinning a few of them alive, seemed to be another relished punishment, carried out, by those skilled in the use of such techniques. The bodies hung on display for all to see.

Looking back on those days, it seemed we, had all fallen into, truly
 being primitives. Overwhelmed with such a hatred, for those who, had worked
with the alien invaders; to have them, suffer the worst fates we could accord them.

I was a ho. Let’s not, ignore, a few truths here. A beautiful firm body with what  they once would have called an ‘hour glass’ figure? Luckily for me, the ones, I was a whore to, held positions of power, in the free zone; ZONE 3.

SO I Yvonne, knew my lot in life and, made sure, I would not go without, when it came to luxuries, living and LIFE. Yes I was not ignorant, of those, who had lost those luxuries  sometimes when sold to the Zealots or enslaved in the mines.

My body was at their beck and call. Taking me whenever they wanted to.
Leaving trinkets after they had whored me, beaten me, raped me. I had the bruises, the swollen lips and the sense that never left me, of constant despair, hidden only by my FEAR.

IF I had died?
Looking back, I can not say, if that, would have been a relief. 
The will to live, was strong; but is that, not the case re any living being?
Even if, ‘ LIVING’ was questionable.

The ones who had been my rapists, my abusers I butchered.
The savagery, the rage, the desire to have then feel my pain, my sadness, my hell; egged on by others in my situation or had been my situation.

Aiding me, as we took them apart, piece by piece. Torn limb from limb
especially their prized assets torn out and fed to the dogs.

No males, would ever dare come near me again.
Even those NOT guilty could look, fantasize but not touch. 

In the days following ‘freedom’ we rested, recovered, fed and built back
up our strengths. Gathered our numbers together to form an alliance within now
hidden mountain fortresses,. Paranoid? Maybe but something inside us told us to

never again, doubt our FEARS

Weapons training, defence training and? WHY? The fear inside us, ingrained deep within us; never left us. Of those  aliens returning, invading..
Well most of us, that had gone through the Zealot hell?

Of course some mocked us. Told us not to be so insecure, so wrapped up in spreading fear.. We made it clear, that IF they thought that way, then they, had never known the true meaning of FEAR.

Bringing in the Ultoran; bio geneticist enforcers, using the ‘Pite’.
A bio organism, that removes the area of the Human(a) brain making the former
aggressive, rebellious, amongst us now mollified.
Glorified spinelss SIMPs in any other form.

Not that there were too many males. The bulk of the population per sae was female AND when it came to BIRTHS? We have no choice but to accept the new form of population growth through Progenesis.

Once our Scieste, mastered that everything would proceed with resuming their lives albeit far more simplistic than before. Less conflict also meant more harmony which for some appeared to be the right direction for Human(a) to be taking.

In our mountain hideaways, our fortresses, not contaminated with that Pite infliction;  we became more and more aware of the global situation.

Of the weakness the, powerless and how reliant on those, who had demonstrated power, we had become.. We knew it, they denied it.
Those sweet, loving, caring, fools.

We had not voice. No rights to object, or influence, those making rules, regulations to control us.  Laws to enforce the Pite as compulsory on ALL, as for new births?

We secured a large number of those born from Progenisis, The cave area they used we had easy access to. Care had to be taken NOT to offend the Progestor.

Burning their weapons, destroying the bunkers, the defence structures.
No need for them, they had those Aliens with p
owers unque to them.
One morning we awoke and..

THEY, were GONE.





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NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin.

Sci Fi - Drama- Romance


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