Bethsabi. Pentyrch 2016 had seen her resurrected into an Omini Immortai. In 2030 she had been sent with others to the Asrion system. To oversee a new Human(a) settlement. 
Human(a) who vanished, abducted, never to be seen again? The ‘;Ancient ones’ sought to seed the Qiverse with different races and, the Human(a) did not need ‘Progenesis’ to reproduce.
Given the knowledge of the ‘Ancients’ they prospered. NOT without problems but still able to survive. Procreation was good. Disease resistance improved, viral infections less and less.
The recall to Solus 3 had been AFTER the Matsupa Accolyte had fled. Power wise, the presence of Beth, would have seen IT fleeing.
They feared the Omini, Equality, was not, something they entertained. Only, the Gods of creation, can kill an Immortai.
Killing the Accolyte, would be impossible. Only a Matsupa, pure blood OR, an Omini Imppericus could end them.
Of course that Accolyte did NOT know of Beth NOR if it had it stil would not have stayed to see how strong it was.
The return was to help restore the balance. Power to use those who had become part of the new Galacia Federa forces. Shisuni and Emersu were the first to meet. Beth. Nadia had no knowledge of who Beth was.
The whims of the Ancients, was not to be dismissed lightly. Most, aboard the space station, who were ‘Alien’ ? A lot, had to be decided. Updates, on the state of law and order from the planet, was not looking good.
Riots, insurrection and rebellion. Everything they had come to understand and KNEW, would take place, was now happening. The slavery, trafficking and whore houses, taken over, by those, who used force to terrorise, extort, murder,
Duiie with her forces, had found the situation overwhelming.. NOT that her forces were lawless BUT power breeds those, who will seek to seize the assets, the gold mines (gold reserves had been taken by the Accolyte who had fled with it.)
You have to admire, the planning on ITs part in having the gall to make sure the huge gold reserves were packed into a transporter that could transport it through the ‘Portei Semperu’,
If we thought, Fort Knox, then double that. Gold or Draxetnium, was a sought after resource AND, even a tiny scraping of it, fetched a huge amount and OR granted the bearer a lot of power.
Wherever IT had vanished to, IT would have a lot of power. Enough, to probably, overthrow another Accolyte. An assassin, to see its termination.
That also, raised the question. Where was the original Portai Semperu? The location of that, had been hidden from the Zealots. Think it would have needed some of them to move it, position it?
IT, would have killed them, to keep the knowledge, only known to IT.
“We, will have to remain vigilant. As long as it remains hidden; unknown to us! The risk of it being used by another or worse Zealots? They could send in the worst of the worst. The Zealot Veni. (Extremist killers, criminal elements.)
There is no known way, to detect one of their Portei Semperu unless you are one of their kind. A Matsupa can have limited gateway access to it use. An Accolyte or pure blood can have full use of everything it offers.
There is also, another not so good aspect, to all of this. IF, the Accolyte, left it transparent and NOT, visible to the eyes of others, NOT Matsupa ? We, will never find it. IF this Accolyte installed it OR was it already here?
This is NOT, the first time the Matsupa have invaded this world. Some believe there to be more than one of those Portai Semperu on this planet. Over 5,000 Zealots destroyed according to a rough estimate. 
Where did the others go? Escape through one of them? A craft, has been identified, as leaving the system.
About, the same time, the Hypersonic strike force, hit the enemies ground assault craft/ airborne destroyers.
It is believed that that, was a Arca 4 Inter stella troop transporter commonly used by the Zealots. The possibility, they escaped on that, considering it is capable of carrying over 50,000 of them? “ Beth glanced out of the window looking up into the night sky.
The Milky way. Missing her former home. Now this was to be hers. She needed help and, summoning some of her friends, from the Orion ‘home worlds’ might be a good idea.
The arrival of them? Met with some violent opposition, from those, who had sought to take over from the Zealots? Too greedy, self entitled to realize that others beyond their world lived in harmony,
A peaceful co existence, with each other, but only because, they had rid themselves, of those who, had certain genes, in their biological make up, their frontal lobes.
An overwhelming aggressive, malevolence, a festering sense of superiority, domineering, bullying.
“We will process them. Cleanse them with the ‘Pite’. A bio organism, that removes the area of the Human(a) brain making the former aggressives, mollified. The threat they posed; gone.
The Ultoran were bio geneticist enforcers, hired to rid races of ‘hostiles’. Thousands of them arrived, to roam through the planet. Resistance? It, ceased to be of any consequence. Male and female Human(a) were soon working together.
For the first time, in centuries; peaceful tranquility. All working together, enjoying their little pleasures. War and the meaning of it no longer ‘offensive’ but more on the defensive.
A lot to keep the inhabitants occupied. New races, new ‘Alien’ technologies. New friends. The Ultoran left. Their task completed. Before they left a visit to the base beneath the mountains.
All of the newly formed ‘Military, were checked, to ensure optimisation of all of their new cloned forms. Shisuni with Emersu and her closest had received new orders. A space station in the Orion system was being constructed.
IT would be built in sections. They would be needed to provide protection against any Aliens attacking it especially during its construction where the weapons were NOT initialised.
Their own space craft, a Mobellium series 2 armed and providing transport, resting places for the females working on its construct. Two of them on duty all the time, two resting.
They, could have used Orion security, it was felt, their own Human(a) would be far more acceptable. The females were in agreement. Away from Solus 3 (Earth) they were bewildered by all that had happened so fast.
Cloning to their new forms had also not been without its issues. Older to newer bodies, with larger more pert breasts, full firm bodies seeking attention , lusting, demands, had been modified by the Ultoran.
The lust, the perversions were still there but the controls were far more advanced. Symbiotics and synaptics now finely attuned to deliver the penultimate in CONTROLLED pleasures. They learned to let go of their inhibitions. Touch, feel, sense and take from each other with no reservations.
That produced a more balanced mindset. They could think clearer, more rational and the work was outstanding. Some of the finest ever.
Those ‘Aliens’ from the Orion system’ were impressed. Even moreso’ at forming new friendships, learning from each other and sharing?! Everything was perfect. Or was it TOO perfect??
Deep in the darkness of the Qiverse, some had a score to settle. On Solus 3’ (Earth) IT, had been taken to where the military base had been. Had been. Peace had seen it slowly dismantled.
The glacier and the mountains remained. IT sneered at its ‘Aposso’ “Bring them. That space station?
The one with the TriRaptor device?......
I am sending in Medua.”