Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










The Zelowi were not usually found in this part of the Qiverse. For them to be here, was ?
A transcom communication from them? Nadia, recognised the tones of Sentu Tio.Jess Corbin Cistera 2 Sci Fi

“Tio!  Not seen you, since the  ‘Akademy’ “. {The Kets Akademy is a place where Kets gather to learn about other races, cultrues and includes training on furute tech, past renais and so much }

“Miss me much?” She giggled,
“I see you, have not lost that Human(a) ridiculous laugh! Nadia shook her head.

“SO, what are YOU, doing this side of the Qiverse?”

“Sent to you, by an Omini Impericus known as ‘ Aurai’ YOU have approaching Matsupa!” 

NOT more, Nadia hisses under her breath that whisper caught by Tio. “More?” “Yes the planet below has an Accolyte AND the Zealots of course.”

“Whoa, bad really bad. IF this new force arrives?” “Any, information about them, that you have, would be appreciated.” “Class M origins, mid class with Tetri 4 power systems. NOT traveling at speed which indicates on their part; no rush to get here.”

“Would a TriRaptor destroy them?” “Where would you deploy that?!” Nadia looked at the space station.
“No way are you planning on using that! Do you know the kickback from that weapon, when used at full power?
The sheer kick, could easily destroy the station.”

Nadia, was feeling the pressure and, the tattle tale Tio, had now put those on the space station on the defensive. Objection to its installation. “I am using Tig to install it. She is one of the best When it comes to making sure the recoil is minimal.”

“True. she does her stats, weight, propulsion, Gyros, stability and rotation; equilibrium, all to perfection.
BUT that TriRaptor Nad! Whoa that is a terrifying weapon. I almost wet my panties, NO! I DID wet my panties and they were Babinsky!! The, last time, I saw one of them used. IT, wiped out an entire fleet.

IF, the Matsupa, get here, BEFORE it is fully installed and realise, what is going on! They, will do everything, they can, to destroy the space station. You can’t not miss, its installation, re the size, the added structures required? Damm its like putting you and me together and asking those around us to guess whose colour is green! ” Jess Corbin Sci Fi

“Tio! Tell me something I do NOT know!
The ones below, know nothing of its presence.

IF the Matsupa get here and tell them?!!!
They, will energise the Chx device, giving them a protective impenetrable shield.”

“Allows other Matsupa through” “Tio!” “Look I, have been sent, by the Haphketsut Cistera for good reason.

I have onboard, a Scieste, who has some additional information and skills, that could be, of use to Tig. I will send ‘her’  over to you.

IN the meantime I, will go seek out that Matsupa vessel. IF, we can distract it, to give you, time to get the TriRaptor operational ! “

“Tio, you are still, one of my favoured friends. “ “OK here comes Lika.

‘She’ is a weirdo, I will warn you now, one of those ‘Ujikas’” (Steam punk enthusiasts? would be close) 
She giggles again much to Nadia’s amusement,

The arrival of ‘Lika’ was NOT by a Zimp. There was a high energy flash and before them? Lika.
The flare was bright, intense and caused some to rub their eyes. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

A transparent! Thankyou Tio for warning us... Able to use temporal shifting of her whole form. Rare, very very rare. Not many could do what IT had just done.

“I don’t have time to waste. Where is Tiger?” “Aboard the space station.” The bright intense light flared again and IT was gone.
A streak of, a flare towards the space station.

Tiger was being held prisoner, by some who had heard the news relayed to them about the use of the weapon AND the destruction of the space station?

The flare hitting its destination, next to them, had them ALL, somewhat shocked, nay  stunned;  by its intense almost blinding light. The guards were thrown aside by it. Now visible and grabbing hold of Tiger she hissed at her.

“We, have NO time to waste. The TriRaptor MUST be installed as soon as possible or you are ALL.” She looked at those around her. “DOOMED.

The Matsupa, are sending another ship. Armed with a cannon that can easily destroy this puny space station! “

The guards, shifted uneasily, not quite sure, what to do, about the current situation or was it; crisis?

Lika summoned the space station controllers.
“YOU will all, shut down the coms transmission systems.

Someone, aboard this space station, is, leaking information, to the Matsupa!! “  The security commader was taken to one side. A quiet whisper as she nodded. Taking two with her she left.

“THEY know, what you are planning. Luckily we managed to jam their communications between Solus 3 AND them, we made it seem their transmission was received.

Hence they, are in no rush, primarily, because they, will believe the Chx device, will be initialized. BUT, that, cannot stop, their craft from coming here. “

“Why do those on Solus 3 not know of the installation.? The space station has jammed all outgoing signals re Solus 3. Deep space ones were not considered a necessity to jam.”

Guage, was Galacia Federa trained officer. She knew, what to do, in this situation. Given the information, revealing who, the traitor was? She wasted no time, in going to seize them.

A low tech grunt, who, was always being treated, with some contempt by his seniors. A no good lazy bum? Actually that was indeed the truth.
Lazy, careless, always getting reprimanded for his errant ways?

When, he had accidentally, stumbled upon, the Matsupa frequencies? It was a gift from the heavens.
Whoever he was talking to, was gorgeous, stunningly well endowed with the occasional flash of their orbs to tease him?

All, whilst finding out, about that Space station? SO, it was Solus 3 AND they were planning a massive weapons upgrade? WHAT? WHEN? The shock revelation it would be a TriRaptor? Sent shockwaves acros the Matsupa. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

They had their own on Solus 3. The installation and use of that weapon would see death and destruction on a monumental scale. NOT enough to pass through the Chx field BUT?!

WHY had the satellite / space station, not been destroyed, by the invading forces? The shields, were too strong, requiring a special cannon to destroy it. Blow piece by piece of it, into scrap.

It might have been incidental, of little real relevance IF the Chx device was initialized. HOWEVER, they had NOT, received confirmation of that. Solus 3, was one of the Matsupa’s most hated planets; races.

IT, had taken them, some time, to establish the domination of the Human(a) race. heavily protected by the Omini. As for the Gods of creation?
The fall of that den of heretics was in itself a major triumph.

IF the Chx device was activated, there were none who could enter the
Chx shield array without being destroyed. Allow all Matsupa vessels yes, others destroyed blown to dust. The orbiting satellites were linked to the Chx device/

NO orbiting satellites, meant the device was NOT active. That worried the Matsupa Accolyte Ni Boi a TerraGoi. Her ancient family had been murdered in their thousands by invading mercenaries from Human(a) colony D7i33

They, had infected, their food sources, spraying the upper atmosphere with a toxin, that was heavier than the nanosphere. It would take a slow long drawn out, decades; before they were all dead.

Bar the rich and privileged few, who escaped, swearing vengeance, but did not have the numbers, nor the powers to do that, UNTIL. The Matsupa liked Ni Boi. The rage, the fury, the madness, was all there in the proportions the Matsupa liked.

NOW Ni Boi, was on her way to Solus 3 The hive of the Human(a) promised the opportunity to sacrifice, to smash the bones of and eat the hearts of the Human(a). She licked her lips, at the thought of the immense pleasure, that would give.

Her ‘Aposso’ tasted good. BUT nothing could match the blood, the tearing of flesh from an Human(a).
Limb by limb, piece by piece with its prey screaming, begging and DYING.

HER ‘Aposso’ had been the one to establish contact with the grunt aboard the space station? Rewarded for that with a promise from her Accolyte God she would never castrate her. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

NOW the grunt, was tossing off, to her stripping for him.
The beautiful full jutting shiny oiled orbs, thrust towards him, with him being promised she would.

If he disabled the defences and allowed them to board the space station, reward him with pleasures beyond his wildest dreams.

The stroking, the dragging, was getting intense, the need to empty, was fast approaching and that, was NOT the only thing ‘fast approaching’. The hatch slid open and as he screamed,

“I’m coming, I’m coming..” He felt the collar, forming around his neck, the leash pulled and, he was dragged from where he was sat, his hand still holding onto his ever diminishing assets.

“You got one thing right, one of the security detail hissed.
YOU are coming, coming with US you treacherous piece of garbage.”

The surge from a stun lance shoved against his prized assets had him screaming louder and louder.

The Aposso had seen it all. Guage moved close to the transmission viewing IT as it laughed.
“Don’t worry we are on our way. Our cannon will wipe you all from existence. It would have been nicer if, we had had, the opportunity, to board the station, meet you all in person BUT.

Oh and that weapon, you are installing? What is it you call it, the TriRaptor. Impressive but wait until you see our Cannon. We are going to shove it so far up your ... “

The transmission was terminated by the arrival of the Accolyte. “Weapon installation?” A TriRaptor was not something to be ignored. IF they succeeded they would be fried alive. Everything in its path; to dust.

The orders, were to speed up, to get their or face its wrath. NO ONE wanted to visit that scenario.
Accolytes, furious Gods? Tearing the flesh from you like stripping the clothes of the Aposso as the Accolyte felt the need to pleasure ITself. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

The mere thought, of the cannon, used before they, could complete the installation? The ripples of pleasure, were growing, groaning, moaning and IT was shoving the head of the Zealot Elite commander; down, down..

As the head of the Accolyte, was flung back, eyes flaring, lips her tongue across them. “Suck harder! Harder!”

Lika, was inspecting the work, what had been achieved so far?
She was not happy, not happy at all. “This section, has to be removed and this conduit, shifted outwards, to allow the new fluid, condenser systems.

They will add much needed, advanced dampening, to the TriRaptor array. Everything carefully monitored and controlled by the new integrated IA i898e series controllers.

Taking a piece of test equipment she lit the display. “See these three arrows. THEY must align before the TriRaptor can be used.

Fire it without them aligned will cause massive instability and the damage to the space station will be catastrophic.

The dampening condensers fitted correctly, will absorb over half of the former shockwave, recoil from the weapon.

The station, will feel, a slight shudder, nothing else,

the weapon? At its highest output..”

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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