Ice cold in hell part 4
If the Zealots, aboard their short range tactical craft, were about to take off? A massive craft appeared in the heavens above them? Sade had been watching its approach womdering if it was Matsupa? It slowed, over an area she knew, the Zealot encampments were? 
From it, came a stream of short bursts, plasma flashes to pummel the ground one after another. The devastation was all too clear, as she could see, the raging fire below.
Explosions, debris thrown into the air illuninating the night sky.The Zealots on the ground stood no chance against these whoever they were though some suspected the Omini?
Sade, did NOT know who they were. Their craft was unlike anything, she had ever seen. Her coms unit had crackled into life.
“Ground forces are to be deployed. Tell Duiie she can unleash hers on them. NO mercy is to be shown!
Wipe them out of existence! Sade squealed with delight. She knew this was what Duiie had been waiting patiently to hear.
HER resistance forces, had been placed in strategic positions all around the main cities. Now she made contact with her, to tell her that vengeance is OURS!
Within minutes Duiie had activated all of the coms units in the possession of her forces. “Kill them all. Wipe them from existence! “ Nothing else needed, as her forces, now scrambled into the troop transports.
The full on fury of the Human(a), was unleashed on those Zealots, who were in the city zones, carrying out their GODs orders. The arrival of troop transporters, their own?
Stolen of course and modified by the resistance. The ancient weapons, with their distinct rat ta tat tat echoing in the cold night air. “Kill them all, wipe them from existence.”
Too late, the Zealots, realised they had been tricked. IF some of them, had weapons, that were in every sense superior? They of course had the MoBots. Armed and virtually indestructible certainly re these primitives and their weapons?
The MoBots fired. The same distinct rat ta tat tat.. as Zealots listened in horror, antique weapons, swatting THEM and NOT those primitives; like flies. Mowing them down row after row of them.
The rest of them slaughtered by the resistance BUT, also some of the locals, who had hidden weapons and, were now, using them. Sweet revenge. 
Slicing and dicing by some of their females, on the Zealots, who had abused them, tortured and mutilated them? They took care of the Zealots assets.
Esra had been stood near one of their captured Zealot transporters. In front of her the shadowy image of Aloi.
ALL troops, in the outlying strategic zones are to find shelter in the allotted caves.
Our hypersonic fighters, will take out, the remaining ground defences of the enemy. We, do NOT, want our own killed.
Those, engaging them in battle, will pull back, let the enemy think, they have beaten them back.
The coms devices, buzzed into life, as Duiie, received the updated instructions.
Those NOT, in the main city areas, attacking outlying fortifications; were ordered to stand down. Defend themselves if they had to but otherwise do NOTHING!
Neifjorden. The glacier, the mountains? Shisuni had along with the others wondered how their craft were going to leave the base? Sealed in and impenetrable but also impossible to leave?
Overhead a huge craft hovered. Alien in origin. It fired several devices that anchored themselves into the ground below. The entire length of the glacier and a small portion of the sides of the mountains sealing it in?
Then it happened. A funnel appearing AND within it that almost blinding pulse from? the space station above them.
The TriRaptor firing again, a short judder noted by those aboard it. A huge cloud of water thrown up to be dispersed across the tops of the mountains.
The glacier vanished. Wiped from that place, above the metal enclosed shields to the base now clear and ready for use. Miriam had been stood looking over the glacier.
The sight of that massive craft AND what followed left her speechless. IT, the glacier, just vanished! Now clear of the metal structures below it. The rest of what lay beyond, remained icy and bleak.
She used to go skating on that icy surface. A lot of fun back in the days, when fun was a thing, they could enjoy. Once the Matsupa arrived, hiding in these mountains, had taken priority.
The pilots, had been placed, into their hypersonic craft. All of them, staring up at the metal bulkheads. Then Wu and Wi appeared. They, had NEVER, seen these two before.
Cuom grinned muttering to himself. Damm they are hot! Emersu who liked Cuom growled. “OY! “ Shisuni laughed, though she too, was surprised by their appearance. 
Her sentient was quick to tell her. Wu and Wi are Numerians, from the Orias star systems. The Numerians, are here to help YOU Human(a).
The Haphketsut Omini Impericus Cistera, her CoJoined is Human(a) from those who left Solus 3 centuries ago.
Nathan, her CoJoined, had family, from amongst the first of your kind into the Qiverse CENTURIES ago. The same time, as the Hirati AND the Uratui.
The breeders, who created life modifying genetically or through Progenesis.
They, took some of their creations, their slaves, their workers and distributed them across the Qiverse. Over 40% of all living beings are Human(a) in origin.
The Numerians, get along. with their creators for centuries. Thus when the Hapketsut Cistera, asked them for help, they were more than happy to do so.
ALL, of your control systems, are now under their management. Even I, as your sentient must obey their commands.
I, would do so anyway. It is NOT in my genetics, to disobey orders from them. WE, were all created, by the Numerians. Progenesis, on their home worlds. Rich in all of the essential precious resources, we required.
Do I need to remind you again; I am a LIVING SENTIENT being!
Within you, part of all you are, have and will be! Now settle back as Wu and Wi open up this base to the heavens. This will be worth seeing. A screen in front of her illuminated showing the base ‘roof’.
A creaking, groaning sound, that screeched, howled and rumbled until the structure moved. Sliding back, into the inner structure, four massive openings. In front of them a runway?? Take off strip, lit up and she could hear her sentient.
“We are ready my Queens.” “Then GO! Our powers are with you. NOTHING can stop you! Your targets are pre programmed.” 
With that there was a shimmer of light across them and, they were airborne. Into the heavens and at such a speed, it was beyond any comprehension of Mach speeds.. ?
Whoooosh and those, in formation, streaking across the night skies to their targets. The Zealots, were busy, arming devices, to take into the air and drop.
Neutron based war heads, capable of making massive craters, cracking the ground open like cracking eggs.
All they needed to do now, was arm them. Take them and detonate them. Four main areas, four small troop carriers now loading them.
They did NOT, prime the detonators as doing so, put them at risk, of a failure with one of them killing them all. The detonator, would be primed in flight AND would only work when airborne outside of their craft at a given height. They had not originally decided on using the war heads until they left the planet BUT.
News of the uprising by these stinking primitives had enraged them enough to decide destruction on that scale would teach the primitives to remember who their masters were.
To get on their knees before their GOD. (They did believe IT was still with them, though of course IT had fled the planet.) About to take to the air, when above them ? Row upon row, of these primitive craft targeting them?
Shields on their craft activated but too late. The speed of those things, was beyond their comprehension. In out, shake it all about and that, would not be an exaggeration.
The sting was potent. Across them the flare of intense energy, that fluid sprayed across them, now eating them alive and ALIVE, meaning not just the craft but the Zealots.
NOTHING left of their craft, of the Zealots. Any of those on the ground having witnessed the events knew they had to try and make a run for it. ONE large Zealot inter stellar troop carrier.
The few remaining of them, now boarded that and, went to take off? Less than a hundred of them. At least, a number capable of flying the craft, though in comparison to their numbers, it was massive.
All of the weapons arrays, could NOT be manned. Even with, the automatic control systems, some operator interaction, was required. NOT possible.
It hovered, rose into the air, up into the atmosphere avoiding the flight path, that took it close to the space station. They, could not use the TriRaptor weapon, without resetting its co ordinates to target them?
No one, was taking any notice of them. Too busy, celebrating their victories. A massive cleaning up operation AND, at last some peace. NOT for those who had sold their own to the Zealots.
Betrayed their own. the whip and whore masters, slavers? Duiie was already taking her forces to hunt them down. Most of them however had not been stupid. they, had fled with the remaining Zealots aboard that craft?
The Zealots, were pleased to take them; fresh food supplies.
Those, onboard the space station, saw the blip of light, the recognition, of some craft passing them? A blink and you would have missed it.
THEY, vanished. into the darkness of the Qiverse.