Ice cold in hell part 3
The signal, from the planet below, was what Isui, had been waiting for. Time to initialize the weapon, Scieste were wondering HOW she, was going to destroy the target, through the magnetic field, the atmospherics and? 
The noise was almost deafening, as the TriRaptor powered up and, moved into the triangulated positioning, for firing. Tig had been watching, from the control room.
The arms,were moving, to, take up, the ballast of the weapon. Aligning it, to the co ordinates, being programmed into the main controllers.
Below, she could see, a funnel forming! Like a wormhole? It extended downwards, Where the Chx device was to be found? Within, the 3 objects, the females had placed AROUND it?
Unknown, to the ones with it, who were, supposed to be alert and, receiving the call from the Accolyte! Their mumbling, incoherent babble sealing their fate. NOT, that their deaths, would be at the hands of the Accolyte.
NO mechanical operation, nothing known by them, as how to fire it? Well not true. Isui, was an Omini. Not needing to do anything, except think, on what she wanted and it was done.
Xii, had, installed some technology, it purpose or function totally unknown to her.The Installation was easy BUT, it had to be connected into the main power grid.
At a given point, on the assembly AND it, was next, to where, she had just finished, installing the final TriRaptor power links.A sealed box in the middle of the TriRaptors guns with a hole in it that housed a Trilithium crystal, barely visible beneath the surface. It caught the sunlight and sparkled.
Back to the here and now.
Watching from the control room, they saw a very focused beam of light shoot out from that box to stream across the magnetic flux of the Aurora Borealis (Nothern lights) producing a bright red flare across them.
On the planet below, above them, the skies were rumbling, flashes of lightning AND a funnel, opening from a small aperture to a larger and larger opening, as it spiraled downwards.
LIke some whirling dervish, it twisted, growled as its tail, moved towards, the three objects, on the ground? .
Isui stepped forward. Her gems glowed, flooding the chamber with intense light. A growing crescendo of noise coupled with a slight shudder, across the space station. The TriRaptor guns fired
The pulse from them used an ‘Ancients’ rift device. A Thoron collider. The beam, from the crystal, sat within the three guns, accelerating and exciting, the action, of the focused particles, now caught within the beam. Boosted, with the power from the TriRaptor, now lighting up the heavens.
Whoosh and it was now hitting home. The force, the shockwave, across the three devices on the ground. Wrapped within the funnel or tunnel; it stayed on course. Right to where th Chx device was. 
Rippling across the device its massive power source, bubbling under the intense heat, boiling until it exploded.
You could say that, was; liken to, a volcanic eruption, spewing into the air, a cloud of molten ? Fires everywhere around it.
NOTHING within those three devices; survived. Not a stick, stone. NOTHING!.
The Accolyte froze, rooted to the ground.
The Zealot encampment could see in the distance the sky lit up, the volcanic spew into the air AND the blast wave, making the ground, beneath them violently shake.
NO weapon, they had ever seen, like this. The red sky, the dancing streams, of crackling magnetic strands before that funnel hit the ground.
The pure, white pulse of energy, disappearing into it? Followed by the massive explosion they reckoned to be equal to three warheads?
Contained, precise and that to them, well for some of the more veterans among them, could only mean one thing! An Omini! Looking to the heavens. Space craft! From space? Invasion force? The funnel gone, the air cleared of any pulse, as the Aurora Borealis (Nothern lights) returned to their more normal colours NO red.
It, had come from space! Some muttered, the space station? Panic set in, as they now looked to the Accolyte for their orders.
IT, was thinking, on the reported devastation, of such a weapon? A powerful focused burst of energy, of this magnitude, could only have come from an Ancients weapon.
Knowledge of similar, known to IT from her masters. The Matsupa, had similar weapons, The possibility of another Matsupa, attempting to steal her crown? NOT unknown, not at all.
Jealousy, greed; the desire, the power, the means; to invade others territories and seize it, IT being also a prize worth killing. The pure blood masters liked them fighting amongst themselves. It weeded out the weak.
Of course there was another reason. Discovery by an Omini? They had a hatred, a raw uncompromising hatred. Without any mercy, if they, discovered the Matsupa, an Accolyte or even a Pure blood on a planet!
An extinction event, on a major scale, for any of their kind and, of course, the Zealots with them. They did not, differentiate between them. She had no choice.The fury, the rage coming to the fore.
The orders, given to the Zealots, was to slaughter, without mercy (well they did that anyway). Mass extinction, of this accursed race. Deploy their air born forces. Above cities, ove the main populated areas and to blast everything to nothing.
Anything that moved was to be wiped out.
They had ITs permission to do ANYTHING they desired. Torture, maim, murder and of course indulge in feasting! The total destruction! Annihilation of them! After that they could leave. NOT, before they spread the plague virus, one they knew the Human(a) had no resistance to.
Gathering up all of its riches, its spoils, the Accolyte?
opened the ‘Portei Semperu’ and, vanished into the ether.
The Zealot leaders knew nothing of this. They had been ORDERED by their GOD to slaughter these primitives.Something some had been waiting for. A chance, to murder anything that moved.
Loot, pillage, plunder. FEAST! They could also take slaves. BUT? To slaughter as they pleased before they could finally leave!. ‘Poison the well’..
Let the celebrations begin!