Ice cold in hell part 1
Neifjorden is a Fjord, with a glacier. A mass of solid frozen ice embedded between three mountains. Temperatures can plummet overnight to less than 30 degrees. Millions of years old but over the centuries it has become smaller than its original size.
Climate change due to the sun flares during 2035 heating up the planet at the poles,  mostly the artic SOUTH.
I say SOUTH but, originally, this WAS the NORTH, before,
the magnetic poles SWAPPED over.
Local inhabitants, get little attention from the Zealots or the Accolyte Matsupa.
Not only, the Aurora Borealis (Nothern lights) but the plasma lighting storms that have become more frequent.
Violent storms in their wake. Massive long drawn out spiralling multi coloured lightning, streaking across the sky during the night AND sometimes the day; clearly visible.
Savage yet beautiful in all of its fury to watch. Anything metal is to be avoided!
Don’t be fooled though.. that does NOT, totally erase the risk of being struck by lightning! (*See below for what I mean re that.)
The daytime sunshine is limited. Days and daylight are short. For anything to traverse this icy wilderness?
There are, certain times of the year, that yield the longest hours of daylight. The rest of the year, the darkness prevails BUT with it, the Aurora Borealis in all its glory.
Greenland with is melt down. raised the water levels re Oceans. Land masses having to deploy what the Dutch had done for decades as a means to stop the inrush. Raided by the Matsupa Zealots, for all of its precious resources, the locals, were turned into slaves and, forced to work the mines
Land was also ripped up, processed sludge for other resources. Oil, was not, considered, a precious resource. The Zealots had other fuels,. far more advanced than Solus 3 (Earth) ever used.
Complex chemical formulations, applied, to a wide cross section, of all, that was, the Alien beings, re transport, defensive systems, weapons and more.
Toxic waste, produced from some of the mining, could also be highly radioactive. Glowing in the dark was an understatement. Effluent that the Aliens created, was dumped into rivers and oceans.
Some of that, produced bio spores. Killing off or mutating bio life forms that Human(a) had relied on for food stocks for centuries. We also have to remember the number of corpses. The Aliens employed carbon particle disintegrators that turned Human(a) bodies into dust; fertilizers
Land based crops; agriculture? was also not needed by the Aliens Their food supplies. were chemically produced OR bolstering their diet, Human(a) flesh. Vital organs a delicacy. All of them. Liver, kidneys, lungs, brains especially. Raw flesh, torn apart, whilst they were still alive?
Let us also remember that some Aliens did NOT have digestive organs, digestive system. They butchered Human(a) for the sheer pleasure of doing so. IT heightened their release of pleasure stimulating their ‘endocrine’ system- endorphins’ as we would know them?
In the end the Human(a) realizing, they had no choice but to accept their fate, had capsules, which they crunched on, swallowed; IF such an event took place.
It poisoned their flesh, soaked their organs, the toxins delivering a painful death sentence, to their predator. Convulsions, hallucinations, killing one another or killing others of their own kind.
It also stopped, the feasting on those around them, as no one knew, if the others, were also infected? Paranoia, FEAR NO. Just pure rage that these primitives could do this. Deprive them of their feasting? Slaughter, was not, just those present, they would butcher hundreds around them, indulging in a hunt.
Hunt for Cu, Cu, cute takeaways. Spit roasting, of some of their freshly caught, known; uncontaminated meat.
Forcing others around them, dragged to watch, as they sliced, diced and feasted. 
Zone 1 and 2 depending on their topography, remained subjective to the rule from the Zealots being limited.
Rebel forces, could strike at them, guerilla style, attack and disappear; above ground, below ground.
Duiie was the overall commander of the earliest resistance, against the invaders. HER military skills had been honed over decades.
The last 5 years, had forced her to rethink all and any, ethical morality. She killed, without thought as to why OR any compassion, mercy given IF it were a Zealot in any form. .
Tactical and strategically she was seeing the Zealots, facing an enemy, that was as cruel, as indifferent and brutal.
In seeing them butchered, cut into pieces and, the ‘parts’ sent back to them, with her trade mark; a black bow.
Into tunnels or, old abandoned structures. Zealots hated them, as the rubble, cellars, below or roof tops ABOVE them, often housed snipers or traps that killed them instantly.
Mobots, were used, to seek out the enemy BUT, they required regular maintenance ? The Zealots, as time progressed, too lazy, regularly failed, to maintain them. Drunk, drugged, out of it.
Most of the ones they did have working, had been compromised by the resistance.
Reprogrammed and left, to await the final instructions. Elimination of the Zealots. The Human(a)’s trojan horses, In plain site and waiting to deliver their final payload of death; to the Zealots. Weapons systems, had been replaced. Basic sub machine gun, multi turret, rapid fire cannons.
Gone were the laser style, powerful but limited weapons. Raw fire power, that had already been tried and tested against the Zealots. Proven to be deadly AND, ones, that generated fear, amongst them. Seeking to destroy them, wherever they could be found such as in the old gun stores now took priority.
YET by the time, they had gotten aorund to doing just that? Too late. A lot of the old weapons had been taken and hidden or were in use at the rebel camps. Training was intensive and ONLY the very best could carry some of the more advanced weapons OR become ‘sniffers’ or SNIPERS. 
Shisuni had sent Cola, to meet up with Duiie. Some animosity was present. Some praise from Cola on how the leader of the resistance and she emphasized.
The LEADER of the resistance who had brought together, trained ex military personnel but others she KNEW had skills that could benefit them?
Some rapport between them as Cola handed her a crate full of new weapons.
Old style but reliable, good stocks of ammunition AND essential food packs.
The food packs, were badly needed. Feeding, those who gave their time, in fighting the Zealots?
Weakness from hunger, health issues due to lack of nutrition and more had plagued them. Vaccines and so much more including two medisent bots to monitor their forces health and well being ? The vaccination program was immediate.
Zealots, had attempted, to spread one of their diseases, that they had immunity to BUT, knew, these primitives {Human(a)} ? It was fatal to them. Outreach areas, they had tried, using airborne spraying to deliver their plague but it had failed time after time due to wind turbulence.
A request, not an order or demand BUT, Sushini had been told, to ensure, Duiie, had to stand her forces down. Rest up, do nothing, UNTIL she received instructions to do otherwise?
The communitcation devices, were several hundred in number. Duiie, would receive the initialization codes to activate them, WHEN, they had rested and stood her forces down?
They must, ensure health and well being, was vital as what was coming would need them to be FIT and ready to take on the enemy. A defeated, beaten down and at their mercy; enemy? She would not, go into details despite Duiie’s attempts, to know more?
If Duiie, was debating the requests she was now aware of Cola placing a small crystal on against a wall? It illuminated, flared with intense light and a crack, in the wall opened up a doorway? Cola stepped into it and vanished.
She picked up the crystal, the light dying away as the voice of Cola in her ears? “Rest! “ It would not be long before the forces at her command obeyed her orders. Many of them did not have the will nor the strength to do anything but desire to; rest.
Health checks, food packs and, the training was not forgotten. Fitter, stronger, more capable than ever. A formidable fighting force. Armed, fed and ready for what Cola had told her was coming.
Her spies had brought her some news. The Accolyte bitch, was planning on activating the Chx , whatever the hell that was, device? IT would see the murder of thousands in one go?
IF panic was about to set in? Duiie was smiling? She recalled what Cola had said. “Do nothing. A defeated, beaten down and at their mercy; enemy? “ Given what she had just seen re that crystal and its power? Cola was delivering a message from a very powerful ? Enough to take on the Accolyte?
“NO one does anything. Until we hear from Cola, we train, we eat, we rest! “
*Did you know..
Direct strike: The person is part of the lightning's main discharge channel Contact injury: A person is struck while touching an electrified object Side splash: A person is struck by a branch of current "jumping" from the main discharge channel Ground current: A person's legs are struck by a current that travels through the ground
Burns: The heat from lightning can burn the skin Nervous system damage: Lightning can cause temporary paralysis, impaired reflexes, and chronic pain Brain damage: Lightning can cause changes in mood and memory Organ damage: Lightning can damage organs Blown eardrums: The intense sound of lightning can blow out eardrums Eye damage: Lightning can damage the eyes
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