Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










Iska was surprised to be woken to now stand in front of?
“Hello Iska. I am Nadia, I gather you met with Njia,  earlier. the one who gave you the crystal? “Jess Corbin Cistera 2 Sci Fi

Ah the truth was out and she was now, definitely expecting to get scolded.

The others, were far more interested, in knowing, who this being was,  how much did this ‘Nardia’ know?

Apparently a lot more, than they, would have liked for her, to know, thanks to ‘blabber mouth’?

Much protesting but! Interrupted by Nardia, who was finding the dy air and, stuffiness, of her surroundings; leaving her desiring some water?

Iska, saw her opportunity to escape, well for the moment anyways and, ran to fetch her some.

You ALL, need to sit down and, LISTEN to me VERY carefully.
I, am a Haphketsut Omini Impericus.

A VERY VERY powerful being. NO, I am NOT A GOD,
I, have the blessings AND, the powers, gifted to me, of the TRUE Gods,


NOT the false ones, that evil race the Matsupa embrace.
Your enemy, is OUR enemy. We, WILL always,  HUNT and destroy the Matsupa, whenever we come across them.

We do NOT, show them mercy. EVER! They, offend our Gods, with their blasphemy.
To that end, I, am given enormous powers, against them.

NOW I know, or Njia has told me, there is NO, ‘Pure blood Matsupa’ present just a Matsupa Accolyte.

Neither are as powerful as I am. The Accolyte, even less.

I could confront it and it, would flee, BUT the Zealots, would slaughter millions.”
Iska handed her the water as IT, took a sip to hand the vessel back to her.

Iska has told Njia,  you have ‘supersonic craft’ that could be adapted, for aerial combat?” 
No one answered, they were glaring at blabber mouth, until, Shisuni, stepped forwards.

We know there are at least two hundred, locked away in a mountain strong hold, securely protected BUT, we, have no one, who can open the entrances.

WE KNOW how to fly them. Our training, is superfluous THOUGH not proven, as I have to admit, within actual physical use, we are still sure, NO we KNOW, we can fly them.

Emersu lifted a shelde and showed her the statistics, on their training. IT, was indeed impressed.
HOW many of there are you? You, need at least, a hundred to make this work.”

Over 100 mostly females. Their males, had been killed, fighting in the initial invasion.
“Alright, I need for you ALL, to rest. Tomorrow, I, am going to open a portal, to give us, a doorway into the mountain stronghold. “

Taking some more water, she sat down and went quiet.
No noise, no movement her eyes flickered and the eyelids shut; closed. NOT even a twitch from them.

Shisuni took charge, sending them to rest. She beckoned Emersu to moved closer to her.
“Fetch the other pilots, we, will ALL, rest together. I need, WE need, to make sure.
We have no one, who is ill, weak or ?!” She paused to grab Emersu’s arm.

“From now on, YOU, are my ‘second in command’, We, are taking charge AND, I need to make it clear.
We have known each other since birth. I, trust no one, more than I trust you.!  With my life, my love; always.”

Emersu, leaned in to kiss her on the lips. A long drawn out but tender kiss. Stepping back, to scrunch her lips, before telling her, confirmation after that kiss, was not needed.

“I AM, YOUR second in command. I WILL protect US, I, will bed you anytime I can bed you, I will take but,
 I WILL, give as much, as YOU give me, grant me, equal in all things, every breath I breathe, every step in life I take,
that much I promise, to my last breath. ” Shi grabbed her, held her, kissed her.

Letting her go was difficult, BUT she had a task that needed to be completed before she would drag her beneath the covers trying not to make too much noise, especially with all the others taking up space around them ?

All the others.. she rested her hand between her thighs.. damm that feels good.. She hissed at Erasu..

 “GO! Round them up, we have a long NIGHT, uhh DAY, ahead of us.”

In, the early light of morning, much to their horror, they realized that Nardia was gone?
The panic, was all too clear. What IF she was Matsupa? She would know everything!

Even ‘blabber mouth’. was somewhat concerned. Heat rising again?
The crystal was glowing as the portal opened for her to appear in front of them.

YOU two come with me, follow me.”  They nevously, stepped into the portal with her.
NOW, they, were inside the mountain stronghold, the structure was enormous. Absolutely massive.
Below them row upon row of those  beautiful ? Supersonic jets.

Staring up at them, NOT surprised at all, to see them, given that Nadia had already spoken with them.
NOT one of them, were wary of her, or them, Waving to them to come on down.
They needed to show off the new ‘toys’ they had just inherited.

NOT just the air craft, but other droids, drones AND WEAPONS. Nardia had gifted them some CASES, taller than they were stacked in front of them. New more advanced weapons. Stood next to them, were two Mecha GOKs. They were there to give training in the use of the new weapons BUT.

The Mecha, a huge monstrous ‘thing’. TWO of them and they could be remotely controlled or  preprogrammed for some serious attack damage, potent defence systems. Those two huge cases stacked nearby?  The Mecha could lift them and place them anywhere with ease. Jess Corbin Sci FI

Those Supersonic NO, HYPERSONIC craft had also been updated with special adronomous control systems that became immersive with whoever was sat in the pilots seat.

All thought,  ‘neural pathways’ interfaced and, granted the ‘pilot’ sight, stategic information, advice, tactical, in short total SUPREMACY. Not forgetting, speed beyond their wildest imagination.

NO Human(a) brain could control, monitor, use those systems without, being wired in tune with them. 
It was like a pea in pod, against the might of the actual ‘brain’.

A silica based semi organic being, that was the main overseer, to everything including its host.

Once, the bonding process had completed, the ‘host’ would feel, would sense, the raw adrenalin flush, the realisaton of its beautiful raw power. TO Emersu, it was liken to the sensation, she had felt closest to Shi. Bedding her, taking her, lips on lips, locked, in moments of total ecstasy, away from all of the troubles, the cares, the fears.

The Matsupa, their  Zealots forces, had nothing like them. The best news, was not that.
Knowing, they, would NEVER believe, there were those on this planet, that had that technology?

Just the thoughts, on that alone, was giving them, the biggest and, most pleasing of sensations.
It had seemed a life time of feeling lost, tears wept, in what seemed a hell, a never ending darkness soaked with despair; FEAR.

Those, who initially, had been looking after the base, were ten in number. Technicians mostly with two sciestes.
ALL of them, determined NOT, to let the Matsupa, take the base. Thus, it had been necessary, to remove all high yield defensive devices, traps etc from service.

They, were NOT prepared, to allow the Matsupa access, though somewhat reassured, they were probably, unaware of them. Fear of them finding out, haunted them constantly. Truth was the threat was nominal because?

The Matsupa Accolyte and, her Aposso, were too busy. Keeping themselves entertained, at the expense, of those dying, in their THOUSANDS, around them, to share any concerns re that.
Solus 3 (Earth) had been divided into three main sections. ONE of them was left untouched by the Matsupa.

Too many, too much of an irritation to them re taking their Zealot armies in and liquidating their newly acquired assets. NOT that the Matsupa did NOT trade with them, Politicians and get rich quick Human(a) who took pleasure in killing their  own, selling and trading them sometimes to end up being eaten OR

Worse still, whored, by some alien being, who took pleasure in splitting his victim, their prize in half sometimes with a laser cutter as they shouted, ho ho ho..OR those b’stard politicians who had sold their out OR promised they would see their own people protected, cutting back the defence monies to leave Solus 3 (Earth) almost defenseless.

BUT ! For them? Shi, Erasu plus two others, Amber and Lianne? Amber looked so much like Erasu that it was confusing at first to tell who was who? “Whoa.” Screams Erasu.. “Twins? NO she had simply taken the same form as Erasu when she had transformed.

Which I should explain. Their bodies were too vulnerable, short lives, not really protected enough against being or ending up damaged, worse still; dead. “I will give you choices, well actually one if you are to become an opponent the Matrupa will fear AND stronger than any of their Aposso or Clerics.

The Zealots are too weak to be even considered re what YOUR new found bodies will give you, grant you.
See the Mecha lift that droid to put it in the ‘rafters’ to carry out repairs, maintenance? Heavy, solid lumps?
When you have transformed YOU will be able to throw them around like what is it you Human(a) say? Like rag dolls.
Hmm what IS a rag doll?”

All four of them, now together, were now tested AGAIN, on their previous training simulator? 
The results were superior, in every respect, dismissing the earlier ones as nonsense, Jess Corbin Sci FI
The various skill tests, they, were passing all of them with superb accuracy.

Amber and Lianne due mostly, to boredom, had used the training synthesizers to a most agreeable PROFESSIONAL.
level. Even they, were astonished, by the depth of the upgraded levels, re the testing and to see they failed NOTHING!

“NOW, I do not want for you to think after being transformed into your bio morphic forms that you have lost all of the emotions that made you as you were; Human(a).

Lose the bad ones OK, but the really good ones? NO YOU lot do NOT want that.

SO, I am pleased, so pleased with you all and the fact, you have worked so hard, to become my new commanders, that I will show you, WHY YOU ALL WILL be in LOVE with me ..

YOUR Hyperpersonic craft, are waiting for you. GO! “

Each of them were air lifted into the cockpits of the various craft. Sealed in and slumped back into the seats to look around at the various controls. “Hello (Shisuni - Erasu - Amber - Leanne) “

The voice/s were organic, but clearly defined nasal structures, breathing, pauses, tones all normal to them.

Then, they, were introduced, to their new sentient “I want you, to settle back, relax, close your eyes and, let us bond.

I, am, a silica based semi organic being, I am, the overseer, to everything, including all that you WERE, all that you ARE, ALL that you WILL BECOME. YOU have nothing to FEAR, the sensation, will be like being back in the womb.. Let us bond.”

All of their past memories, their experiences, love, hate, warmth, cold and the list seemed endless.
Breathing it, living it, good, bad or indifferent to the last.

Fingers searching it out, stroking it, massaging it.Jess Corbin Sci FI

Their eyes rolling, pupils slightly enlarged, their lips, tongue rolling across them, head rocking forward, body shifting, tense, the awareness of being naked, totally naked.

Nipples, huge stiff, rock hard as they shifted to pull on them, nails into them, pinching, squeezing, pulling, gasping for air, the pleasure after pleasure across all of their senses.

The urge, to spread their legs and rock backwards forwards, demanding they are taken by their lovers, male or females, screaming, until they finally collapsed slumped back in their seats.

The raw sensation, as they had climaxed, of everything they had ever known, from the warmth, the heat, the fury to the very last drops splashed across their greedy lips or those big beautiful breasts or emptied into them.

NOTHING was missing, except of course it was all controlled by the sentient life form. Taking some delight in these primitive lifeforms being so greedy, so demanding, so ALIVE.

NOW their neural, physical, psychological pathways were totally integrated. From now on, they would be bonded, automated to perfection, no FEAR, no REGRETS, as ONE.

ALL of the sentients, Nadia had noted, were energised beyond all previous expectations. More than she had ever seen re them, in other occasions when they had been used.

“Now you FOUR are the new COMMANDERS of your peoples resistance forces. It is up to YOU, to train the others to the same levels AND they too will have their own Sentients. ANY who fail the first tests YOU WILL REJECT them. If you ignore my warnings the Sentients will detect them to be ‘unworthy’ AND will terminate their lives. YOU have been warned.

DESPERATION breeds poor bedfellows, as I believe, some of your famous writers once stated..

Jess Corbin from Solus 3 21st century is one of mine. His POETRY still lingers in my thoughts, upon my lips to truly believe what he said. as ALL of your Sentients KNOW and embrace, the one true belief that ..

Sometimes... LOVE,  NEVER DIES...

That is why, they will protect you, care for you and, be as one with you.


SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin.

Sci Fi - Drama- Romance


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