Shisuni, so YOU want to know my story?
I was, nothing special, back then, by then I mean 2035. AI was the ruler to all of us. It dominated our lives, took away much of our freedoms. Constantly being watched, some tagged with a chip inserted into your body that would kill you if it were removed.
Living from day to day, existing NOT living. I along with several of my friends were into VR in a big way. Learning to fly some of the Fleet hypersonic jets as we were all crazy about some of the guys, OK, I admit females.. Woa some of them looked so dammed hot.
Jealousy, YES. We did NOT look like them! NOT that we were ugly, just plain is all. There we were, in the deep woods of what was known as the Federa of the UDR, United Demokrat Republicas.
NO one came near us cos we were so isolated. Near mountains, near what had once been deep mining of precious metals and minerals. NOW obsolete.
The bulk of what those mines had to offer ran to nothing worth the big mining consortiums paying out to keep going.
The big ‘cities’ we did not go into. Many of them were ruins from rioting, insurrection and rebellion against those who took from us and gave nothing back.
All whilst preaching they were our saviors, our benefactors and how dare we even question them and how they lived it up on their islands, in their mansions with their private state of the art craft?
Cloning, ah yes. For those who could afford it, the opportunities to live forever? Shift your ‘soul’ into another physical form indefinitely NOT losing any of who you were, desired to be?
Old hags, who shifted into bodies we could only dream of? Let’s not go into the debauchery and a lot of giving and taking going on.. I mean GIVING and TAKING.
Some would sell themselves, prostitute themselves and it was not to add to their millions, no; BILLIONS! Total perversion to extremes of whips, chains and I will leave the rest up to your imagination.
You did not, want to own a hand basket.. cos Earth was a place that was headed for hell in one of them. Rotten, immoral, psychotic and in our part of it we were glad NOT to be part of it.
Then THEY came. An attack on Solus 2 (Earth) like we had never ever seen before. Brutal, savage and those who called themselves the Matsupa sent in wave after wave of their accursed ZEALOTS.
Some of them not appearing any different to us. BUT they, were evil beyond words. IF hell has a name, then it starts with ZEALOTS. Fanatical extremists, from various races, who worshiped the Matsupa as GODS.
“YOU will bow down, get on your knees before your GODS or? Or end up your bones and let me emphasize this, YOUR BONES smashed, your heart ripped out. Thou shalt have no other GODs other than us. Those who disagreed were branded and I mean BRANDED; HERETICS.
Most of Solus 3 (Earth) was lazy, too reliant on technology and lacking valuable skills let alone fit, healthy and able to defend themselves? Nah.. weak, vulnerable and about to get the shock of being dominated, enslaved, beaten down, bones broken, hearts ripped out; before theire GODS.
WE? Were too isolated, too few in number to even have them, give us, the merest thought. BUT we actually were quite fit, healthy and our intelligence, was way ahead of the bulk of OUR kind? #
For FIVE yes FIVE, whole Earth years, NOW 2040 fast approaching, the terror remained at the mercy of one who we came to know, luckily IN HIDING... by the name of Pu Appa.
The moment, those who came face to face with IT, they were doomed. The only consolation was that those lazy b’stards who had escaped into clones were destroyed by IT.
Those who did not bow down, sacrifice their families and worship their new GODS, were butchered mercilessly. Others were forced to join the legion of the dammed, the Zealots.
Us Primitives? Could do NOTHING. Our race was slowly becoming extinct. The true GOD to us? Seemed to have abandoned us. Pu Appa appeared to be of the same line of thinking. IT too took off somewhere else in the Qiverse leaving behind a Matsupa Accolyte.
As evil, as immoral and savage, as her boss.. Her chosen Aposso was also a cannibal loving to not only cut Human(a) flesh but to eat it; raw.
The sight of that THING, with its rows of sharp pointed teeth. It’s claws of sharp talons? Doomed was an understatement as it, brought in others of its kind.
Human(a) flesh was a delicacy they could now gorge on to their hearts ah well actually the Human(a) hearts ..
All our knowledge was growing, training keeping fit and ? In the background of OUR lives ‘IT’ was at work, secretly pushing its own agendas using us, training us ...
We had forgotten the age old truth
Where there is an enemy, they, will have those, who hate them, despise them AND, far more, than us though for now, that seemed almost impossible.
All two hundred of us, hiding out in the caves, the caverns when IT appeared.
A light in our darkness to light the way forward to some much needed revenge.
WE KNEW, there was an underground base, that had a number of Hypersonic craft, hidden away and, unknown to the Matsupa? IF we could only get to them and ?