Taken by the Vendarens. The Human(a) Karen was protesting. Loud, abnoxious rhetoric spewed in an almost constant gabble. If the Venderan desired to shut it up they seemed not the least interested. Probably heard it all before so this was NOT the first time for them.
“I demand, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, EQUITY.. well EQUALITY.” The babble stopped as the gas cloud now breathed in for her to be held, connected up to their systems? Clossistrial fluids pouring in, flooding her body, her senses, taking over, ruling, dominating all that had been washed away with the new Vendaren enslavement completed.
Waking to hear one of the Vendaren females laughing. Looking at their new Clonectic.. No one can accuse us of being uncompromising when it comes to you ‘Karens’ and your DEI.
With the Clonectic army, you are ONE with all of them; Many different races here, not just you Human(a) which of course means, we accept your demands, re DIVERSITY. As for INCLUSION. All together now... no difference between any of you as to how we use you’ EQUALITY? ALL of you are EQUAL. We don’t treat any of you any differently to another.
We do like you Karens, you’re obnoxious, opionated, bullying, intemperate and having all of the stupidity coupled with a lack of reasoning, sensibilities; common sense? Well combined, modified to give us the perfect formidable fighter. Hand you the weapon the Calibista and you are almost invulnerable.
To TERMINATE a CLONECTIC you had to ‘blow’ the VALVE.on its forehead.