Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










Ice cold in hell part 2

Aboard the space station the final phase of aligning the ‘TriRaptor’ 3 into one was completed.
Some were wondering how the weapon would break through the magnetic
Aurora Borealis (Nothern lights)?

A strong magnetic field and though they [(the Human(a)] had attempted, to test pulse weapons, from space to target places on Solus3 (Earth) they, had found, it failed, to penetrate the atmosphere, mostly due to magnetic deflection.

In space the ‘pulse weapons’ worked. They could destroy enemy satellites OR protect themselves against attacks from ? Well truth was, an  Alien incursion was not on their minds until of course the Matsupa arrived.
At least putting the pulse weapons to the test had not been necessary. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

The Aliens ignored them. though they had scanned them? Unpleasant for some especially the ‘clones’ whose systems were finding the sensations experienced because of that; unpleasant.

What they, did NOT know, is that their bio signs had been so radically altered as to leave the ‘Aliens’ believing they were robots and NOT Huma(a)?

Elsewhere ?

Sentu Tio aboard the Zeloi transporter, had established the whereabouts, of the Matsupa vessel! A massive warship, of
Qiverse M class origins.

Too big an adversary to take on! They needed for them, to chase them, to divert, from their current trajectory; to delay them?
Sending some remote fusion rockets towards them making sure they knew where they had come from?

They knew little, about the power, of that so called ‘cannon’, or was it ‘cannons’? NOT that Tio had any intention of finding out? Close enough for them to see her and her vessel firing at them, to know they were like a fly in the ointment waiting to be swatted?

The Matsupa are born killers. No morality, no sense of anything less, than a flush, of conceited power.
Even her vessel, was an irritation to them BUT, she knew, they would NOT resist the urge, to go after them, destroy them; smite them down?

They could have used ‘fockets’, a form of rockets to us. Her craft, was equipped with the means to stop them, doing any damage. The Matsupa she knew, would NOT use them.

Conceit. Their craft, would move close to them, cast their dark shadow across them, before destroying them
OR, sending their Zealots to board the vessel after crippling their shields?

Tio had a gift, from Cistera, aboard her vessel. The dreaded ‘Wild Child’. She had seen it demonstrated only once, against the Jogarth. It was terrifying.

Closer and closer the Matsupa Ni Boi, was gloating at the power they had against this insignificant nothing.
IT had only given attention, for amusement. To have the Zealots aboard her vessel in awe of the power she had.

Their God, would show them, the power of the Matsupa.
A celebration feast would follow after her Zealots took prisoners
from that insignificant piece of space trash. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Unsure of what race they were, so that assumption was a bit presumptuous. They did however, indulge in torture and other immoralities on their captives, so not entirely wasted.

Something, to keep them occupied, on the journey to Solus 3.
On the screens illuninated aboard Tio’s craft the face of the Matsupa.

Demanding their immediate surrender, or she would destroy them! THEY were to receive her Zealot forces and submit to them. They were now her slaves to do with as their GOD demanded.

Their leaders were, to prostrate themselves before their GOD, beg for mercy. Those of the crew, who accept the faith and pledge allegiance, to their GOD, would be allowed to join the Zealots.

The others would be cast out into space. OR left aboard the craft which would be destroyed. IT had no need for space trash.

They were to comply, OBEY THEIR GOD or else.

The flare of light, some systems doing strange things? Beeps, groans, growls and howls!
A peculiar ‘buzz’ mixed in with the communication signals?

Nothing, to what followed, as the image of this Human(a) Ketlevling (child) appeared in front of them.
ONE, TWO; multiplying exponentially to over 20 of them?

The harmonics were not good, Pitch, resonance;  NOT for the Matsupa Ni Boi, nor the rest of her
Zealot entourage. It was for us, like being  stood next to a 100 watt speaker, booming out a ‘squeal’ of intense frequencies, enough, to blow  eardrums, rattle one’s senses?

Ear piercingly, painful, for those who had HEARING and some did NOT though that was not necessary for it to exact extreme pain on their auditory senses.

The confusion, the ‘deafness’ and the ensuing madness, let alone of course; CHAOS?
The ‘systems’, were being trashed. One by one, power down, control and navigation, propulsion ? Gone.

All damaged and needing extensive repair, some beyond repair! The craft came to a halt. Secondary systems for life support as we would know it now taking over to be left alone..

It seemed, the amount of damage done, had served its purpose re those things, whatever the hell and
HELL, was all too evident, for the Matsupa Boi and her Apposo?

NEVER, had they EVER, seen these things. Not even the powerful Ni Boi was able to stop them.
The manic jeering, almost squeal, from them, was leaving IT.
Raging with anger, as she took the Apposo to tear, limb from limb.

Tio accepted that she had achieved what she had set out to do. The resulting delay, would ensure
the TriRaptor weapon, would be installed, without any interference, or threat, of destruction?

They left the enemy, powerless and  drifting in space. Tio however had the urge, to give away the
Matsupa, ‘sitting duck target’ to some mercenaries / pirates ?

Ones, who had weapons and, the means,
to seize the craft. Some, would not go near such a vessel. Jess Corbin Cistera 2 Sci Fi

They, feared the power of the Matsupa. Accolytes for some?
The risk of running into a ‘Pure blood’
OR a Jin! terrified them.

Still for some, the mere destruction, of that craft, would suffice. Why Ni Boi, now realized, the situation IT was in.

Weapons systems, had to be repaired, above anything else taking priority.

To do so, meant turning off, some of the life support power. Sections would lose power and, the occupants would die?

The order, was NOT to be challenged.

The power, to two of the sections, now saw over two hundred Zealots cast into space.
The rage of the Matsupa was seeing the pleasure return on its face, as IT saw the drifting corpses
easing some of ITs fury.

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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