Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










I do appreciate, the hard work graphic artistes put into their work.
All ‘creativity’ starts with an ‘idea’ followed by a ‘concept’ followed by the finished work.

For me to look at a picture often does just that.

Why work from such as this artiste inspires me.. as you will  see some of her work featured on my webs. I do NOT own copyright re HER work. but I will certainly give ‘’SPACE’ to it.

Let us remember I am a WRITER. The final decision re graphics, YOUTUBE content and more will be the decision, of those, taking on the tasks involved re the oncoming ..

LITERARY agents work, the AUDIO and VISUAL aspects

So, character imaging, images re the written work re how they envisage them may vary. NOT to the extent it lacks my say re how I agree, disagree etc
AND NO I am no ‘mouse’ or WOKE idiot.

BUT ‘Emerald’ owns the COPYRIGHT - I have made that clear, from the off, which means, IF, they continue to use them. re the finished, for sale et work; 
‘Emerald’  WILL get an agreed, contracted remuneration etc, from them.

I have also made it clear, IF she desires to use the images she produces in posters etc for sale, she can only quote as seen et in my work, books etc IF she makes it clear, it includes reference to me, as an author. I am not asking for payments of any kind, NOR expecting her, to pay me anything for doing so. THUS any profits she makes goes to her.

That also means IF she is COMMISIONED to produce posters et artwork for my books, YouTube et she gets paid appropriately for it.

One, of the biggest headaches for me, is the inclusion of imaging, that I  nor my ‘Associates’ / Executive Copyright controller own the rights to. A LITERARY agents nightmare, a publishing and promotion ?
SO please DO not think that IF some of her work I decide NOT to use occurs it is NO reflection on her abilities. Especially re her current YouTube work. Liking it but leave the story telling to a WRITER Ems!

NOT that I,  don’t contribute ideas to graphic artistes etc..

Remember the ‘apple a day keeps the ‘doctor’ away?

A brilliant play on words, an advertisers dream  BUT without an image?



These Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)


SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin.

Sci Fi - Drama- Romance


Where will HIS story take YOU today ?

ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. NO use of the work published is permitted in any way, shape or form without the consent of Jess Corbin or associates.
ALL Jess Corbin works unless stated otherwise are fiction. Products, links to other organisations, other websites are provided for information purposes only and do not infer, intimate any association with the manufacturers, the agents, the providers of those products and or services. if visitors to any of  Jess Corbin’s websites, pages, works click on links, product placements and or similar they  do so at their own risk, we do NOT accept responsibility for using the links and or buying products et.
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