Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










Oriji 4 The Orion system.
Planet with four orbiting satellite planets or moons, Numerian3300

Population 40,000 new colonists. Original race Numarian.
Similarity to Solus 3 (Earth) ? Very close, Atmosphere, gravity almost equal. Has ‘oceans and 4 land masses.

Ige4 is one land mass with some mountains but mostly fertile forest / agrica (agricultural - farming - crops.) The ‘Northern end, has a deep drive Ion hydrogen energy production facility power source that maintains power to the entire colony, shields etc.

inerium is a crystalline silica based ‘substrate’ that is mined and sold via visiting traders. to other nearby planets. The price for good pure substrate materials is at a very profitable level.

Thus the colonists, are not short of profits but also imports that give them extra comforts not forgetting agricultural rare fruits and similar that are liked and accepted as payment by some traders.

The main ‘trading centre, is based on Ige3 an island, but big enough, to be about half the size of Ige4. It has underground power conduits that supply the ‘trading centre’ associated landing and ‘hangar’ buildings.

A number, of low rider transporters, One battle cruiser J size
(half the size of an M class) that provide some, ground to air defences.

Two ground to air cannons. Seldom ever, IF EVER, used cannonades capable of firing up to twelve rockets at one time. A stockpile of about two hundred rockets ?.

The colony appointed military commander / overseer; is Idai (I Dee)
A middle age (Numerians live, to over, 200 years Earth time) female she is a battle hardened veteran with knowledge that befits her rank.

She knows this colony, produces some of th best substrate materials going within that system. THAT makes it, an attractive target for some. seeking to attack, invade or simply blackmail. with the threat. of invasion IF the colony do not comply?

Oriji 4, has outlawed slavery, or the use of, slave labour. THAT, excludes ROBOTIC or similar CLONE entities, who can work long hours, endure extremes, re temperature, weather and similar.

The climate is generally good. TWO volcanic OLD and no longer active, thermally efficient areas, providing hot spring resorts as we would know them.

Sulphur and other health benefiting chemical, minerals are accepted as being of good value. Off world visitors can also use the facilities.

The careful monitoring, of visitors is essential. Spies, spying and that includes, industrial espionage, is not uncommon, Secret laboratories, installations are heavily guarded with armed security teams.

Full recognition systems, regularly scan, to ensure NO one, is within the restricted areas, that is not allowed to be there? Virtually fool proof BUT, there are still some races, capable of gaining access, due to their physiiological / ethereal , capabilities.  Some races will execute a ‘transparent’ if caught by them.

Let us explain further. A ‘transparent’ is a being capable of becoming invisible to the ‘naked eye’. THEY or IT can also move through walls, structures with a modicum of ease. NEW highly sophisticate detection systems can identify them BUT those systems are expensive VERY expensive.

Deep subterranean laboratories, are deemed good for better safety and security. Transparents, it would seem, for some reason, do NOT like, deep underground based places.

Communication systems are by Imerium subsrate
processors 1nm with over 1 million Tr9 substrate compoKalheironVarious2anents
embedded into the crystals. Satellite devices. Infinity based silicate power systems mean the satellites never experience power losses.

Fast, reliable and capable communications. On world AND, off world... The deep space probes or ‘MoSats capable as mobile inter sat networking are highly popular.

GlobeSat is one of its customers, who use MoSat modified satellite systems. You cannot, take a satellite apart, to think that you can examine, copy, clone it.

The moment, one area of it is breached, the device  will issue a warning and  go into self destruct mode. NOT a good idea to be nearby when that happens.

Jealousy, ah yes it is always present in the Qiverse. Wars and other acts of attrition? In some parts of the Qiverse some races are almost ALWAYS at war.

If a system, comprises of several worlds it may take them on one after the other until they start all over again OR find one that they can conquer, establish a base to attack the others all over again?

The Kalheiron are one of those warmongering races. Nni knew all too well that the seizure of an enslvement of those on Orju4 would earn her extra merits within her people.

Kalheiron High command would give her, all the necessary means, to effect an attack and, there were empty land masses, they could occupy to stage their war whilst secured ON the planet?

True, very true. At lest one large land mass with just a few settlers on it, NOT very well protected and open to attack?

The sudden invasion, the slaughter; no slaves, was savage.
Fast, well prepared and soon an established force of several hundred occupied the entire land mass.

About, the same size, as the main mass. Nni is knew they were being spied on by two satellites.
The enemies logistics were fluid, accurate and, there was, little to stop them, from knowing who, the Kalheiron were.
Numbers, movements and more. Weapons capabilities of course AND, Idai knew, they were in trouble.

However she also knew, the Kalheiron could be impetuous, foolishly thinking with such a small number of colonists that they were easy pickings? Others had tried before and knew the outcome all too well hence the reason they left them alone.

If Nni is had talked to some of them, she would NOT have done this. BUT they don’t talk to other races, they just invade and or attack mostly without thinking?

The Galacia Federa, the Qiverse, law enforcement, were NOT ultra tough, nor always able, to stop others, from what they desired, re domination, control, the enslavement, of other races between the warring races?

BUT they were NOT to be ignored. Sometimes the A class battle cruisers, were too powerful, to take on in an attack.
The Galacia Federa, would issue a warning and, if,  the invaders, did not leave? They, would destroy them, or see them mauled so badly, the invaders would run.. or surrender.

Surrender, meant their craft, was sold for scrap, the occupants released onto unknown worlds seldom back to their own people as there was no desire to reinstate them for them to attack again often knowing they had valuable inside information on logistics, geology and more?

Providing much sought after and prized refined, pure substrates, afforded them on Oriji 4 protections based upon the FACT that IF some other race took over, the outcomes would not be good. The Kalheiron were not sharers. Well there is one interesting aspect to that.

Slavers NO. Enslavement YES, but they traded or trafficked their slaves, NO slaves on their own or within their own worlds.
A slave rebellion had caused the death of thousands. A reminder to not dismiss their captives so easily as anything but stupid and incapable of an insurrection? Isayoni300a

Nni is had met up with Idai. They were both capable battle hardened veterans. Both knew the situation all too well.

Logistics, capabilities, NOT as strong as her forces and the threat of total all out war that they the Numerians would lose?

They would, allow freedoms on other land masses but this one that Isa occupied was theirs OR ?

She said nothing, as now she turned for them, to see a figure enter the chamber? “Who is this?” Might have been the retort from Nni is ?

But no, it was the stranger, who had just arrived in front of them. Nni is shifted to resume her former confrontational imposing stature.

“You will leave this planet. Take your forces with you and never return.” Nni is could not believe what she was hearing. This weak, almost defenceless race, dictating to the Kalheiron? “I am..” her voice tailed off, as she was interrupted?

“I know who you are. What race you are from and YOU, truly are one of their most stupid, that I have NOT thankfully, had the pleasure to meet before.

Look at you, your stance, your threatening, intimidating glare?
Stupid being, absolutely stupid, ingrate.

Kalheiron. Ah yes Commander Vzsu u?” Nni is froze, hearing that name, one of the most renown of the Kalheiron battle commanders.

A terrifying figure of a male, powerful physique, never bowed to any and, was ruthless in his subjugation of other races?

“Why don’t you, ask him, why he bowed before me? Would if he knew how disrespectful you are in front of me, have your head you kalheiron ingrate. Born from Progensis in a tube! Not even natural progenesis.

Yes I have met YOUR race before and they fled in fear. “

Nni is reached for her weapon. Raised astonishingly fast to point it at them both. “I will enjoy ending your existence, an example to the others here, to do as they are told.” The stranger turned to look at Idai,
“See what I mean? Stupid, absolutely stupid.”

She turned to stare at Nni is. “Fire the weapon you ingrate.” The fury in Nni is eyes as she fired. The shield forming around the stranger AND also protecting Idai? The stranger moved her hair for the gems to now become bright.

Ring after ring, engulfed Nni is. The pain was at a level no one should ever experience as she fell to her knees the weapon thrown away from her.

“You stupid ingrate. I, am a Haphketsut Princess. An Ominii. YOU, you primitive ingrate, cannot injure me let alone kill me. Isayonai a Fendiq republicas systems protectorate.” Adai shifted in front of Isayonai.
“Take your forces and leave that is my; OUR, final warning.”

As Nni is staggered to her feet, she went to leave, Leaving the weapon where it was for it to lift and thrown at her?
“We don’t need your rubbish. Oh and give my compliments, to Commander Vzsu u from me? ask him is he still cross at my Queen? ” She laughed, she LAUGHED.
Nni is fled.

The occupying forces left, leaving a lot of their previously unloaded items behind. Commander Vzu u was learning of her encounter? “YOU are lucky to be alive. You do NOT EVER, threaten a Hapyhketsut! The moment she appeared, you should have bowed and made a quick exit!

This, is the problem, with the ones command, promote too fast. They, don’t read the archives, do not know, the history of the Qiverse?!  Wait until they meet a Haphketsut Omini Impericus. Hell, just the mention of that one I had the misfortune to meet gives my digestive system the need to empty itself.”CIATERA19300

“Omini Impericus?” “The one she met was a Ketlevling in comparison. THEY can alter time, create a rift in time but want to give YOU a warning that YOU will never forget who they are?”

He leaned over pulled his cloak aside. Marks ran across his butt cheeks, a giant cross?! The male with him was grinning.

“Told me my butt, was the worst, she had ever seen and, did NOT have her seal of approval, for me to flash it around the Qiverse.
NOW every time I do they all mutter the same..

 “My that, must make you CROSS.”

The junior with him fell about laughing. “Get out before I put you in stocks and whip you boy! “ He fled.

Who he might have been wondering was the Haphketsut Impericus? The muttering from Commander Vzu? “
The bitch from Fendiq.

The one they call Cistera.”


SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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