The Jogarth were aboard the Jogarth Imperium Ijilis battle cruiser .Loaded with slaves taken from another one of their raids on a Shui Dynasty world. An ancient race. Beings descended from the Human(a)? It was rumoured they were part of the original Jopen. Princess Consort Lia was at war with the Jogarth.
Normally the Jogarth would NOT dare to intrude upon their worlds. This outpost was a small newly formed colony with the main encampment and buildings still under construction. NO installed weapons though work was being in progress re the bases to house the main cannon arrays. 
Here on Mioxi a newly ‘terraformed’ planet the colonists were having to complete the processes needed re the rivers, lakes, mountains and the list went on... Lia had joined them, to give them, some much appreciated encouragement.
Mostly males with a few females but no Ketlevlings (children). Too much going on to be babysitting! The only time they stopped working was for refreshments, to use the cleanser units OR to give thanks to their Goddess Anu..
Ah yes. the Goddess of creation known as Anu.
The mother it is said of the ancient Annunaki. Truly a terrifying race of genetic sciestes who manipulated beings to produce a slave force though most of them were disposed to producing a happy contented progenesis produced life form.
Human(a) in form. Though sometimes but rare, other races such as the Ulruk, a winged beast with the beak of a bird?
The Ulruk could fly, were reasonably intelligent AND could lift let alone CARRY huge weights. Shifting massive blocks of stone, picking them up and placeing them wherever their masters wanted them placed.
The colony, had not brought any of the Ulruk, with them. Some were cursing that the work was far more intense without them! Nims was one of the males. He was an experienced mason, with stone skills, to have the base, quickly shaped, from liquid solid rock, mostly territe, a form of granite. Liquid form, was easier to manage, than the more solid cutting and shaping.
Soon the main base was completed. They could now install the cannons and finish off the other necessities to make them operational. With some protection they would at least be protected from attack. Attack from would be invaders was nothing new to them.
Mercenaries,,pirates, raiders; call them what you like, but they brought their own hell with them. Little or no morality, violent, greedy killers, slavers, thieves, looters. Vaik were one race and they were found throughout the Qiverse committed to anything they deemed necessary to achieve their evil intent. 
As for other races? The most feared amongst them were the Kalheiron. Savage indifferent even the raiders would run from them, well if they could, more often their craft was taken and sold for scrap whilst the occupants were executed OR enslaved though the Kalheiron did NOT keep slaves they always sold them on or traded them.
Lia knew, until the cannons were installed, even with the weapons, from her own battle cruiser, they would be open to attack from would be invaders; raiders. NOT so much other races as this planet reformed was new. NOT on the Qiverse maps so to speak. Isolated; unknown.
Unknown to Lia the Jogarth has been tracking her craft. Now the revelation of a new colony on a newly reformed planet? Rich pickings AND they too could take over the planet send in their forces aided by the Snoi. A race of robotic clones with the ‘Clrons’ the mobile battle units, supporting ground troops?
NOT that Lia was without her military forces. Over 300 resting inside her battle cruiser after they had taken out a Jogarth Snoi outpost. Destroying two ‘Clrons’ manufacturing sites.
The bombing had been effective. The damage report sent to the Jogarth Imperial battle cruiser not far from the sites, The other side of the planet and too occupied with unloading slaves to work in the Snoi factories?
Landing her troopers, she had made sure any remaining Snoi units were destroyed. The Snoi let alone the Jogarth, were enraged, that they had foolishly been taken by surprise?
Unloading slaves is a task, that involves the craft, being vulnerable, as weapons systems are almost non existent. Luckily Lia had not attacked the main slave ship. Mostly due to the fact that Lia did not want to kill innocents?
It had meant the Jogarth would not be long in following them. Their weapons arrays primed to destroy her craft. A large M class Mastrich 4 Mobellium powered cruiser; heavily shielded. That, they knew would pose problems for them. HOWEVER, arriving above? This planet and the new colonists? Were a target NOT to be missed.
Retribution,. was something they, were all in favour of. The Snoi released their ‘Clrons’ mobile battle units. Lia had not been slow to respond. The cannons were active and combined with her battle cruisers weapons? The Snoi were attempting to destroy the cannons with little success.
Too much power now focused on them. Moving targets, that stumbled into more and more cross fire. Blown apart, the lids on them, flying into the air above them.
The clone troopers, were focusing their attention on ground supplies. NOT good. Left unattended the pilfering was intense. Looting was profitable, with some key components re weapons and other colony essentials.
Air conditioning and filtration units. Structural beams and hoisting units, with the AI control modules, now seized and stolen. Taken aboard the main Jogarth vessel. 
The remaining ‘essentials’ trashed, as the Clone troopers left to board the Jogarth cruiser. The Snoi, had lost 3 of their Clrons’ mobile. battle units, apart from the installed clone robotic units, expensive technology; destroyed.
Which is a valid point. Supplies, technology and more costs a lot of Draxetnium. Lia was lucky, the investment in this planet was well worth it. The mining of Drax would refill the coffers with an abundance of that available.
Truth was, the Snoi and the Jogarth, had been taught a lesson from the off as to her power. The second attack, was a nightmare encounter for her BUT, the colony had survived; albeit annoyed, precious supplies had been lost, which, would take some time, to replace.
In the meantime, some modifications, could be made to compensate for some of the losses. Removing certain items from the main battle cruiser would help. Ones, that she would see replaced, whilst picking up new supplies, from the nearby trading planet Losui 5
The Snoi were compromised. The ‘factory’ sites would take time, to repair to get operational again. The arrival of the Jogarth Imperium Cassi was good news.
Crates of vital components, previously destroyed, plus over 2000 slaves? NOT given lightly without her taking over the entire facility. She would NOT, allow another incident like this, to happen again. Her imperial Empress Isabellani, had made one thing clear.
The destruction of that new colony, the seizure of all of its assets. BUT first, allow the colonists there, to start the mining processes. Then they, would launch their attack. Some new weapons AND, some captured equipment to be taken apart, copied and modified. Technology they did NOT have, now in their hands thanks to Lia?
Lia had realized, the value, of some of the stolen items. New weapons, using adapted ion technology. Cursing she knew, it would not be long, before they would adapt that to their weapons arrays.
She needed help. Someone or something to infiltrate the base, destroy those items? A much needed distraction and her saboteur could slip in to carry out the destruction, maybe put in some explosive devices? Detonation of certain ?
Time to make a call...