Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










The Qiverse was in a continuous flux.POWERS2_05
Many races were more than aware of some who you did NOT wage war against.

Beings, who WERE the original creators, the ones who brought all life into being? The ones known as

THE Gods of all CREATION,

The ones who, in their creation, created but soon realized, that their omnipotence, was the beginning of their damnation.

They could SEE all, FEEL all, KNOW all and in their realization of the truth driving them slowly to the point of insanity ? They created

the OMINI Impericus.

Those, who had, almost the same powers over life and death.
Could deliver judgement; justice. Make rules and regulations, take action when needed and that included the eradication of any aggressors.

ONLY a GOD could erase a race from existence.

The Ancient ones, who were direct descendants, of the Omni Immortai

The ones who were the first of and descended, from, the first of the Omni Impericus
Known as the Haphketsut Immortai. Aligned with the Gods of Creation.
The most powerful of their own design.Powers_04

NO race within the Qiverse dare challenge the powers of the Haphketsut Immortai whose warriors are known as the Haphketsut Omini.

Thus there was

The GOD creators.

The Omini Immortai

The Omini imperitus


BUT! !

Then into the Qiverse came

A race who turned their religious insanity into  a nightmare for all races whoever they might be came into existencePOWERS2_07

The Matsupa.

YOU WILL BOW down before their Gods. Those who refuse or do NOT; have their bones crushed, their hearts ripped out, thrown to the wild beast and

Stealing the technology, the abilities to become a challenge to the Omini they sought to use their ZEALOTS - Followers of the Faith to invade whole worlds, enslave, sacrifice and when they become bored with the race being subjugated, those who do NOT become ZEALOTS, they kill the remaining all living things.. using chemical biological warfare.

Poisoning the land, the sea, the air until the cease to exist and the Matsupa move onto another world.

The Omini if they find one of the occupied worlds, they will go and destroy the Matsupa, free the populace and ensure no contamination is present. They will also raid any Holy site and give back to the populace any spoils they find.

The GOD creators.    The Omini Immortai   The Omini imperitus will destroy ANY Matsupa with NO mercy.

IT is an affront to the GOD Creators, that the Matsupa claim, THEY are the real GODS.RACES87_07

Aztecuam, Co Oii, Tolmec, DaMec and many others who had previously asserted control over Solus 3 (Earth) now joined the Matsupa.

They proclaimed THEY had the blessing of the Gods. The true and ONLY faith. In their self righteous narcissm, coupled with their mobs of Zealot psychopaths on the rampage, killing, maiming, enslaving pillaging and so much more encouraged by the Matsupa to do as they please.

The ‘Qiverse’ Federa Galacia, a ‘police force’ with races contributing, some of their toughest, roughest and hardiest, to help give those, within the Qiverse, some protection. They built several star bases, but the Qiverse is a vast never ending ‘space’.

The Matsupa carried out raids on them, sending in their Zealots with detonation devices strapped to them. Blowing themselves up and killing anyone close to them BUT also destroying Star base equipment rendering weapons arrays, communication and more, useless.

Pulse EMP devices that ‘silenced’ their Star base operatives tech gear before they attacked. Early days were the Matsupa seeming to be winning. More followers, more Zealots more attacks on planets, space stations, satellites and ! POWERS4_04

The Omini were more than aware, of what was happening. They stationed a Haphketsut Impericus to take command of the ‘Star bases’. With Omini select forces to accurately predict an attack, the Matsupa realized too late how powerfui they were.

In the end the Matsupa lost their supremacy. They fled the Qiverse into the darkest reaches of space, the places NO one, willingly goes.

NOT that that, stopped the Omini, chasing after them, or being afraid, to carry out raids, into the worlds beyond.

When the Matsupa fled they left behind ‘Holy sites’ that could have treasure in the form of Draxetnium GOLD, other precious metals and jewels.

Gildateers, were treasure hunters, who sought out the sites, carefully seeking them out, often purely by word of mouth. Finding nothing or getting rich.

The Matsupa would kill anyone who as in possession of any of those ‘treasures’, had raided or been near one of their ‘temples’ / ‘Holy’ sites.

They could also leave behind traps. If you did NOT know the correct way to the Sacrificial Altar ? Death could be waiting in the shadows War mongers, races with a strong military into slavery, trafficking and more piracy, would KILL the Matsupa ‘God’ and then, enslave their Zealot lunatics..

The Matsupa had their ‘Aposso’ (Apostles of the faith, true believers who, were gifted certain powers, such as leadership, control and limited powers to ensure obedience from the Zealots.)

They can punish any Zealot or Zealots and that can also include smashing the bones in public display of their power. ONLY a ‘Clerici’ can cut and rip the heart out. RACES87_05

All Matsupa Zealot forces have Clerici amongst their leaders. Some of them are like their leaders, born psychopaths. They enjoy the suffering, humiliation and subjugation of others.

Morals? They have none. Spies are used to locate Matsupa and or their Zealots. Spying can be beyond dangerous. IF caught, they will slowly, note SLOWLY skin you alive.

Another punishment is to bury their victim up to their neck in sand and then slowly SLOWLY, drip acid on to it. Eventually, that would seep through and the rest is history, well it will be for their victim.

Slaves, harems, concubines and more are the rewards from the Matsupa to their true ‘followers of the faith’. Whoring of their victims, public sacrificing where they force the local populace to watch or face the same?

Capture by an Omini. can see them castrated, before, they execute them. Ocassionally they will allow the punishment to be carried out by the inhabitants of the invaded planet.

Ράνια is one of the God creators. Can assume many forms. Thus it is NOT always what YOU might see that someone else will see.

Her simple forms, can fool, many of those, seeing ‘her’ for the first time. Powers_01
Her power is infinite. She, can destroy ANY living thing, bar one of her own kind.

You do not, displease ‘her’ or any of ‘her’ kind. To do so is a longing for total extinction. You WILL in a wave of ‘her hand’ cease to exist, NEVER; have existed.

THEY can alter time, create rifts in time AND, bend ANY living thing to their will. Turn ANY living being, into an Immortai.. with the curse, that they will, cannot DIE, unless THEY, decide to end them.

Shape shifting, invisbility, transparency AND the ability to turn ANY living being, into whatever, they find, amuses them

The ‘male’ of ‘her’ kind, are not so ‘frivolous’, you, have less chance, of being turned, into a toad, by them with the only release, being a kiss from a gorgeous female.. See where those stories come from based on a hidden truth?

Did you know the story of Rumplestiltskin was base upon the truth re the ancient JIN? Speak their NAME and, any evil, they have laid upon you, curses; are lifted and THEY, end up in ie the lamp OR !

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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