



High noon:

For YEAs (YEARS) A b’stard Zealot commander had been visitng ZONE 3, the ‘protected zone’. Taking, at least, one female to EAT, usually from our Kevletlings; the screams, still haunt us.

We could do nothiing. The threat, was all too clear, IF, we challenged him OR, dared to refuse he, would bring in, his Zealots horde and, ‘trash the place’?
A huge beast of a THING, strong, powerful and he never carried any weapon.
To IT that would be a sign of weakness.

Sometimes IT, would seize, several of our remaining, VERY few, MALES; to smash their bones, rip their hearts out and throw them to the Pui (pigs). 
IT, would shove ITs jaws, into their throats and tear at them, in front of a crowd forced to watch. Chucking entrails, blood and faecal matter at them.

Many of the Keveletlings, were taken into the mountains. There, they would for now,  be safe. Often IT, would pick on females, who, IT suspected had hidden Kevletlings from IT to beat them down.

The only good thing was ITs absence often for ‘weeks’ at a time.
Apparently the primitives were putting together resistance fighters who kept attacking their installations.

Interfering, with communications, between the ‘legions’ of Zealots and, generally pissing off their Accolyte GOD, who was not known, for ‘small mercies’ when it came, to taking ITs anger out, on whoever graced her presence.

Three of her so called ‘Apposso’ had been ripped apart AND IT had made them all watch. The threat was all too clear AND, not one living thing, dared upset IT.
The appointment, of new Aposso, was proving difficult.

Some, were deciding to go into hiding? Crazy as it seemed the penalty for being caught by their own was instant execution. Gut wrenching, no gut ripping and dragged in front of a pack of wild animals.

The natives were always willing to help, they would hide them and, after beating them half to death, throw them to their Poi pigs, who. would eat them alive. with some relish, well no sauce was actually added but !

They were lucky in Zone 3 NOT to have to contend with the Accolyte GOD.
The Matsupa had an agreement they would NOT invade that Zone providing tribute was paid in the form of mined Draxetnium (Gold)

Zone 3. was rich. in many of the rare metals. the Matsupa always sought out, Usually. they would take natives, The task of rounding them up, forcing them to work? 

Using would be slave owners, traffickers and, ready made abusers, as good in some instances as the Zealots themselves? Rapists, murderers, convicts were released to work the mines as supervisors, controllers.

NOW IT. had declared. ALL her Zealot commanders. were to prove their loyalty by bringing IT, a virginal sacrifice OR ELSE. “I, am, taking the only, VIRGIN amongst your whores.” IT shifted to make a move outside? “YOUR own Ketlet (sister) will grace the sacrifical altar.”

The street, was wet, with the shimmering shadow, of my best friend, stood in front of IT.  Lightly holstered, was a weapon of immense power? A gift to her from the resistance?

The fury, on ITs face, was all too clear, as IT, bared its rows of razor sharp teeth..
“You primitive; would dare to challenge me? I, will have, that virgin, Ketlevling watch as I rip you apart, eat you alive.

“NO one knows YOU are here. Take OUR Ketlet? You foul stinking  scum, it is time, someone, curbed your eating habits; for once and for all. ”
Before it shifted from off its feet, she fired. ONE shot to kill it, through ITs head.

Centre,  DEAD centre.

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)
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