



2040 They. left us on the edge of extinction.
Over 70% of the planet subjected to their Zealot control,
Obey or die. You WILL bow down to their GODs.

All that was, is gone. ALL that you had, you owned is now theirs.

Our males subjugated, enslaved or killed, butchered. The females, sacrificed to their GODs.

Whored, beaten, chained and sold; bartered for like cattle. Tagged, having to wear collars to show WHO owned them.

The mines were worked by children, adults and were lucky to be given the worst of food. Half rotten, mouldy.

If prayers, were on the lips of some, they realized, their GODs, were not going to come to their rescue.

OUR GODs had forsaken us.

We banded together to form a rebel militia. From the caves in the hills, deep into the hills, we survived.

Gathered our strength, our numbers and waited.  Then our Iska met the Alien being , she gave her the ‘crystal’ .

In our darkness it brought the means of our salvation, the hell they had brought to us, we would send them, to its very core.

It is when you, choose to follow the true GODs that your faith is rewarded.

Death will bring judgement,

will give us back our lives





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