Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










Part 2 ‘The Awakening’ is being drafted. That means pages will vary, be updated, removed, replaced as I decide HOW the final pages will come together.

Where possible I will try to keep the pages flowing in the right direction towards publication.
Cistera publication one was completed much to my satisfaction.

One of my favourite Sci Fi works. Onitia450

In the 2nd publication THE FIRST CHAPTERS : we are on Solus 3 (Earth) in 2040 so the storylines will be based around what transpires. Likewise the imaging thankyou in particular to my favourite gal, Emerald.

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0) Please DO join her Patreon!

The 2nd Chapter onwards sees us in space at a Satellite base that has our new Galacia Federa police force, investigating ?  The slaughter of hundreds of innocents is seeing them realizing the same old enemy is responsible?

Anger, rage, a desire for revenge? Strong, VERY strong. Aided by those who have lived through the hell those being bring with them. The hunt is on for the Matsupa ZEALOT armies; the Matsupa Accolyte ?

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin.

Sci Fi - Drama- Romance


Where will HIS story take YOU today ?

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