



It was the new space station in the Orion ‘quadrant’ where we escaped to.

Working for Qi  Star Industries. Xian 4 was a modular pre built assembly only, piece by piece new installation.

A totally female only, established base, due to the influence my Papa has, as the CEO of Star.
We, are all CLONES.

In the far reaches of the Qiverse we knew we could NOT survive as ‘original Human(a). Our conscious has been uploaded into our new bodies.

Loving them and yes we DO take care of them including ALL of the senses generated by touch, hot, cold and other sensations; enjoyed by us.

We share EVERYTHING! The hot humid climate is liken to being in a tropical rain forest. We have not gotten around to installing the air conditioning system as life support took presidence over that !

Hence we are for the most part, less of the parts, re clothing being skimpy, Light and easy to drop if we get too hot. Believe me it gets TOO HOT!

Almost naked with little support to our prized assets can be challenging when it comes and we try NOT to use that word; to doing the necessary work re the space station.

Hot sweaty, soaking wet, shiny, oily and sliding about all over the place including, across each other in confined spaces?

Oh yes, just a rub here, a brush here and our bodies are buzzing like crazy. The ‘sympathics, synaptics we decided we were NOT going to be anything other than total pleasure for us.

Nipples tingling begging to be uncoupled, released within the cleanser ‘shower’ units. We created a communal shower area for ALL of us to use TOGETHER.

It allows us, to scrub each other down, backs and butts, breasts and thighs. NO restrictions to the kissing, the stroking and the total submission of our bodies to each other.

NO inhibitions. Bonded as one ALL of us. US as ONE. Those of you thinking that work must be almost non existent? We are highly skilled in all aspects necessary to complete the space station.

Progress from day one, has been impressive and even my CEO Papa has complimented us ALL, on how astonishingly fast, the work is being completed.

You have to remember, that the MoBots and other construction equipment we use, have been assembled AND programmed by us giving US time to relax knowing there will be NO problems on completing the tasks we assign to them.

In the Orion system we have made friends with several races who drop by to check we are OK. A little surprised at how intimate we can be towards each other.

Most of them, came into existence, from what is known as ‘Progenesis’. Silica based lifeforms rather than our original carbon based bodies?
We, can use the advanced language converters, they gifted us with, to communicate with them.

BUT! and BUTTS spring to mind. we have some races who indulge in mating rituals similar to the ones we formerly had enjoyed. Ti72e I’ve named Tish, brought one of their males for me.

A slave, but what a slave! He could transform his form to suit my idea of the perfect male to perfection. She left him with me and I was NOT the only one taking advantage of what was on offer!

Tish was delighted and showered with me to show off her curves. Progenesis is amazing. ALL of her cells are perfection incarnate NO diseases, NO blemishes or other deformities.

I played with her breasts, slid my hands between her thighs to explore, find, tongue and lick whilst she went into orgasm after orgasm.

To repeat the same on me and that? I have NEVER experienced the fire she ignited in me. Rush upon rush upon my senses, raw, primitive lust and the fury of every thrust of my body against her fingers, her lips...

MY, beautiful blonde gorgeous feline, was ALL mine, to pleasure to be pleasured by. She remained on the station helping us to install new gifts of technologies from her people.

Her mimicking me, almost a twin, due to her powers enabling her to do that brought us closer and closer. To the point we were inseparable. Standing naked in front of me?

Being a Haphketsut Princess, an Omini ? I was more than willing to drop to my knees to pay homage to her..

I was taken down to her planet to be treated like Royalty. Her Parentia made it clear I was their Ketlets (daughter, female ) ‘Cousage’ The same as being CoJoined with theirs.

CoJoined? Yes they were right. We WERE CoJoined; in body, in mind and spirit. Death would be the only separation for us. My cloned consciousness was taken by her and a process I was put through?

Her priests,  granted me IMMORTAI - the gift of IMMORTALITY.


SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   https://www.patreon.com/c/AI_EmeraldApple





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NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin.

Sci Fi - Drama- Romance
