IT came out of nowhere. The space station, felt the blast, NOT from space, Those onboard felt a shockwave,, that ripped out, the core of the station, From the inside out.
Such energy, to do that, they had never ever known. Where the TriRaptor weapon was housed, those around it were fried alive. The weapon, twisted metal structures, buckled and, in some places, melted.
That, would NEVER, be used again and, the outer cross members beneath the station gone. Blown into space, as scrap metal. Pieces clearly visible, from the blown out sections now open to space.
Those who were clones, had their inner senses burned within them. Their ‘souls’ their ‘essence’ no longer, part of what, had been one with them. Destroyed molten carcases. The only ones alive, were protected by their shields.
Powerfully protected ones. Those known as the Immortai, NOT Omini, but granted the gift of Immortality. They could NOT die. Only an ancient God of creation, could kill them.
Surveying the carnage in disbelief, that this could have happened? HOW of course, kept echoing in their every thought, their every move. No answers. No, space craft outside the station, no attacks on them, no enemy that they could see and yet?
The bulk, of what had been a space station, no longer existed. Over 60% of it gone. The explosion, lighting up the heavens and, having those below, sending a rescue team to investigate.
Shand, was checking through the station, in the various sections, she could get to to look for any survivors. The black shadows, etched into the floor beneath her, she knew, once had been living sentient beings.
Over twenty of them in one spot. She could still sense the heat. The surrounding structures warped, twisted and glass fragments that had once been clear were now opague; frosted.
The next section was close to a control area. None of the modules could be used. Melted. She moved to step in the knowledge that there had been at least another 10 in there manning control systems?
Then she saw IT. Whatever the hell that was had her shields flaring across her. The form of this being was terrifying. Shand had no sense of FEAR, EMOTIONS. This however was making her feel tense.
“Ah I am in the presence of an Immortai. A protected oine. Why you survived. Good for you. It will make my task much easier when fhose on the approaching craft get here.
YOU, will pass om a message,.to those primitives. I have destroyed the TriRaptor weapon. Those, who used that weapon against my people, deserved to pay the price.
I could and I, need to emphasize this, I cannot kill you, BUT I can, give you great pain. Those shields, will not protect you, from my powers to inflict such upon you.
They, will pray to their true Gods, the Matsupa, for mercy. On their knees, before their Gods. How dare you primitives, think you, can disobey the will of the Gods.
Did you think, you, could use that weapon and, we would let you, commit heresy! Without being punished?”
Shand felt the pain, tearing across her body. She had no emotions, no sense of and yet? IT was there. She shook. her body trembling.. fear?
I will return and when I do, you primitives, will be on your knees before your GOD. I, am NOT your GOD. IT will be arriving with a new force to take over the planet below.
Your new GOD is a Jin. My master put me here on this station. IT, can bend time, can manipulate ALL things. YOU primitives, are NOTHING to it. Your world, will be sacrificial slaves to the mighty Jin.
A NEW Chx device is being installed. One that you cannot destroy. The satellties, will be in orbit. ANY attempt to destroy them OR the Chx device and we, WILL destroy your world.
Beyond all, above all, in all things I am Medua; an ancient being, beyond all, that you primitives know of. I go back to the time of the first Gods of creation.
Thrown out by them, for my desire to rule, to conquer, to destroy without mercy, without compassion all living things at my feet. At the behest of my GOD. My chosen GOD. The Jin, that freed me, from the chains, they bound me with.
Now YOU know primitive. Immortai, you may be gifted, by those whom I despise, but know this. YOU, will NOT, disobey me AND YOU primitive, the next time we meet; will bow before me.
ON your KNEES and, pay homage to me. “ Shand felt the pain, rippling across her. A weakness, she had never, felt before, as she dropped to her knees.
A force pressing her down, tentacles, dragging her body, throwing her against the bulkhead, as the being moved, rising from where it was.
Filling the empty void, a massive being, dark and foreboding evil. IT slowly dissolved into nothing. A stench, a disgusting smell, of rotten flesh?
Commander Thirk had found her. Still sat crouched in the darkness. Still shaking. uncontrollably. He tried to comfort her only to be met with her getting to her feet.
“They are coming. We will ALL, bow down, before our true GOD.